Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1533: feast

The world tree clone is a bit troublesome.

It's not that he can't devour, can't devour, Fang Qingshan won't let him out.

The world tree is cultivating the world path, the world path, Paul Vientiane, time and space, the cause and effect of fate, the creation, and the force of destruction are all branches of the world path.

Therefore, there is no problem with the World Tree avatar devouring the power of destruction.

The problem is that the World Road does not say that all roads need to go hand in hand, but it cannot let one grow too fast, otherwise it will easily break the balance and turn a good world into one side to destroy the world.

But I can't take care of it now.

Such opportunities are even more rare than later issues.

Trouble can be remedied in the future. If you miss such an opportunity, you do n’t know it is the year of the monkey when you want to encounter it.

You should know that the last time that the beast mountain, the corpse mountain, and other dangerous places were destroyed did not have this opportunity.

While Fang Qingshan cultivates the power of reincarnation, the power of reincarnation includes life and death, time and space, and of course natural creation and destruction.

He doesn't have to worry about the world tree clone, so don't worry about losing balance.

After all, whether it's the five elements that were cultivated in the past, or the cycle of reincarnation now.

They can achieve each other and work together, and they can go hand in hand with other Taos at the same time. One is too prominent, and the other that is too prominent will be divided equally and the other will be balanced, so that the entire avenue is always in balance.

This is a great fortune.

Bathing in this river of destruction, I dare not say that there can be qualitative changes in Tianzhou and Lingbao, but at least it can enhance the background, make the mutation more prominent, and make it easier to break in the future.

If it continues to increase in this way, it is impossible to say that Tianzhou can break through the eternal level, truly cross the barriers of the heavens and the world, and march toward the place where the eternal green lotus is located.

Don't even say eternity, as long as Tianzhou breaks through the immortal level, you can defeat the **** emperor without the integration of man and boat, and it is not the first time to enter the **** emperor, but the strong one among the **** emperors, at least the late emperor started.

As for breaking through the ancient times, it is impossible to rebel against the emperor.

The trouble of the slow training of the world tree is also broken here. After devouring the energy, after digesting the power of this source, I dare not say that it is possible to catch up with the green hills, catch up with the mosquitoes, or even surpass him.

The only regrettable possibility is the mosquitoes.

This is also his absence. If he is, by virtue of his unscrupulous qualities like the Eternal Barracks and the Eternal Skyboat, this will be a feast for his cultivation. It is also very possible that the emperor can take a big step ahead.

However, there are good things in life.

With such a big harvest, he doesn't have to be greedy or want to be perfect.

"Swallow me!"

Fang Qingshan first swallowed a lot of holy medicine for healing and recovery, and then once again exhibited a gasification Sanqing, the four roared at the same time, while devouring themselves crazy, generally desperately infused their own mana.

Let those spiritual treasures, Tianzhou once again burst into a strong suction, for a time, the endless destruction of devouring was devoured by Tianzhou Lingbao frantically, and there was a big chance to eat fat.

In the end, the spiritual treasure motivated by the host is completely different from the spiritual treasure cast by instinctual spirituality, even for treasures with eternal spirit such as eternal sky boat.

Time does not wait for someone, a rare opportunity.

Not to be missed.

If it was not because the erosion of the destruction atmosphere in the River of Destruction is too powerful, think about the destruction shock waves generated by the three dragon emperors uniting the will of the heavens and the earth. Do not dare to take risks.

For one thing, at this point he had reached the end of the crossbow, otherwise he would not have previously sent the clone.

Deficiency is not filled.

Even if a lot of healing magic drugs are swallowed up, they won't be able to slow down for a while. If you go into them and swallow them up, you may get hurt.

The second is that even he can defend the erosion of the power of destruction.

But while defending against erosion, while swallowing, although it may be faster and swallow more, the time to persist is undoubtedly shorter.

Compared to this, devouring on the bank of destruction, the effect is almost as bad.

The most important thing is that you must have a heart that is harmful and you must have a heart that is defensive.

Don't relax your vigilance at any time, and don't let yourself be exhausted and exhausted. It needs to be as strong as Kang Long who has regrets. He must be very strong in his shots, and he must leave twenty strengths in case, otherwise, if something goes wrong, it is likely to be a complete disaster.

This is true even with hole cards.

Although the hole cards are good, they must be able to be used.

Just like the two commanders, they didn't just rely on being able to summon the Emperor's Sword, and they felt at ease, and Fang Qingshan drilled into the hole, so that he failed and even lost his life.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan needs to stay a bit prepared for possible accidents.

Although it is an immense amount of void, there are basically no people, but it cannot be taken lightly.

Being able to appear here, and being able to lead them to come here means that others may pass by as well.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

In addition, in fact, these devastating forces are only incidental, scratching rabbits, weeding idle.

If you do n’t see him, there are so many treasures, the world tree avatars, three avatars, Fang Qingshan's body, especially the eternal sky boat, the power of devouring is full.

However, compared to the destruction of Changhe, the power that is really devoured is nothing but nine or two.

More power of destruction was swallowed up by a vortex in the middle of the river of destruction, and it seemed to be breeding something.

This is what Fang Qingshan is looking forward to.

He still has the energy to collect this piece of treasure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ in case of excessive consumption, so that this piece of treasure cannot be suppressed in the end, the chicken flies and beats, and leaves the treasure to fly away from under his eyelids, then it is really lost After watermelon picked up sesame seeds, I wanted to cry without tears.

Time passes a little bit, it seems to be very long, as if thousands of years have passed, but in fact, from the destruction of the long river to the present, it is only a momentary moment, and it is even shorter than the eternal blessing time.

time. at this moment. Fang Qingshan really lamented his lack of time. If he had enough time, he really hoped that he could devour one year or more in this river of destruction.

If so, the repair of the World Tree clone may directly break through the immortal peak, although it will take more time to balance the World Avenue.

There are bound to be qualitative breakthroughs in all kinds of spiritual treasures, especially the two treasures of Chaos Bell and Yehuo Honglian, which have third-level treasures, and they can definitely break through the third-level treasures in one fell swoop.

Although the sickle of death, gourd of life and death, and the magical horns of chaos, which contain the essence of destruction, may not be as good as karma, but it is also possible to break through the second-level top.

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