Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1542: Let go 1 stroke


Fang Qingshan smiled bitterly.

Nowadays, if I want to find a glimmer of vitality, I have to be grateful that people haven't put themselves in the eyes, which is really ridiculous.

But that's the truth.

Only when he took Lingbao and took it lightly, he resisted this wave of attack in the shortest time with the tendency to destroy the dead, and then took the opportunity to sacrifice the channels of the chaotic world of the chess board to open and escape.

Yes, if you want to escape now, you can only open the way to the chaotic world of Tao.

In this way, there may be a hint of vitality.

Otherwise, if you open the chaotic world of commerce or wandering in the void, I am afraid it will not be much better.

After all, the peak God Emperor tears the void, and even the chessboard of the heavens is not as fast as others.

As for wandering void, not to mention being able to get rid of the pursuit of others, even if it can, lost in the void, it is also a lot of evil.

Of course, if not, Fang Qingshan will desperately.

The big deal is to explode the eternal sky boat, the chess board of heavens, the reincarnation mirror, and all the treasures you own.

Reluctant to pull out, and dare to pull the emperor off the horse.

He believes that if this is true, if you can't catch it, then the peak emperor will not be able to eat it.

Although he suffered heavy losses, he may not have a way to live.

Because he also has a mosquito clone.

Yes, there are mosquitoes.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan finally remembered the mosquitoes sent by himself to report.

Suddenly the eyes flashed.

"Haha, mosquitoes, really there is no way out of doubts about mountains and rivers.

Fang Qingshan originally thought that he was trying to escape today, but didn't want to. At this time, he found that he had sent out mosquitoes in order to report to the martial arts, but now he has become his life saver.

Fortunately, I sent the mosquitoes out first.

In this way, I have no worries.

As long as the mosquitoes are still alive, they are not truly fallen.

Human affairs are nothing but life and death.

Since it's not dead, what else is terrible?

What about Peak God Emperor? Trying to kill yourself is not something you can do.

The only trouble was that if the deity died, the eternal sky boat, the chess board was lost, and he would return to the liberation almost overnight.

Fortunately, mosquitoes as a relic of Hongmeng have excellent talents, and there are still opportunities to climb the peak of the avenue.

After all, the mosquito-path people's breakthrough method is nothing to break, nothing to break, and no bottleneck. Fang Qingshan, as the deity, is envious, enough to ensure that he can trace his origins.

Of course, if he could not die, Fang Qingshan would naturally not want to die.

After all, if the self-explosion loss is too great, he can't afford it, even if there are still mosquitoes.

And it's better to die than to live.

Although Mosquito is his clone, it is not his deity.

Not to mention the detonation of the deity, it will also hurt the origin of the clone.

The key is that when the deity is in existence, everything is naturally no problem, but after the fall of the deity, the avatar is still not his avatar, he is still not himself, and there will be no other changes.

After all, it's not like it hasn't appeared. After the detachment from the deity, a second personality develops, or a new will and wisdom come out.

But Fang Qingshan doesn't know if he can get away, but he only has a little chance and he won't let it go. Even if there is no chance, he has to create the opportunity himself.

As for the final result, work is done in people, and it is done in heaven.

Anyway, the worst result is not much worse.


Fang Qingshan shouted.


Followed him to pinch a law seal, the thought of killing fell from his body.

Then, the eternal sky boat and the heavens board merged into one, followed by integration with the deity, and human treasure.

Then, Yiqi Sanqi Shentong Shi unfolded and followed, Sanqing returned to one.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan's means can be described as exhaustive.

He is not like Pombo and others, as well as life-saving charms given by sects or ancestors.

In fact, even if there is no use.

Because he is facing the peak **** emperor, and to save life amulets useful to the peak **** emperor, even if it is refined by the emperor.


It seemed to be a moment, and it seemed to be forever, the surrounding space burst again.

This moment is far more violent than the moment when Fang Qingshan made his best effort to kill and kill the two commanders.

It is only natural that Fang Qingshan's pressure is even sharper.

It's stabbing!

But when a crackling sound was heard, Fang Qingshan's membrane cracked like a rag, and the whole person was like a blood fountain.

The bones clicked and clicked, the internal organs were squeaked, and cracks spread over the eight veins.

Despite this, Fang Qingshan's breath is powerful and unusual.

Although it didn't reach the breath of God's peak, it also reached the peak of the late period.


Fang Qingshan blasted out with a punch, full of brutality, full of killings, simple and rude.

The roar of the dragon shook the sky and the ground, shaking the eight poles of the sky, the space-time was flashing, the speed was unparalleled, and one fist fell, solidifying fate, and Qingxia's warm and eternal atmosphere flowed above the fist.

When the other hand shook, it turned into an ancient dazzling sword light, like nine days and ten places, all in this sword, all the methods are unified, all methods are broken.

At the same time, the two hands attacked each other.

Instantly, it turned into a roulette wheel, alternating black and white. Rotate each other and make each other.

I only felt for a moment, like all Dao and Dharma, the spiritual will was frozen, and they lost their perception of the upper and lower quarters, and even ancient and modern times. It seemed as if the past moment, and thousands of years have passed. Sinking, immortal will, are all falling apart.

The power contained in this side of the roulette is too great. In the face of this power, there seems to be no eternal existence in the world. Everything has a fixed number and must be reincarnation.

Roulette rotation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ seems slow and urgent, from far to near, without mercy.

Unfortunately, although the big hand seems to be in sight, and it seems that he can feel the will and power that can kill himself at any time.

However, this side of the roulette attacked in the past, but it seems to have entered the long river of time and space. The two seem to be very close, but they are actually very far away.

And the closer to that big hand, the stronger the strength of the mighty shore, and the more solid the surrounding space.

The speed of the roulette plunged.

Fortunately, this big hand is not aimed at itself.


The roulette struck the big hand, making a loud noise, and the big hand remained motionless, but Mars was splashing, gorgeous like a meteor fire rain, but the roulette, but on the sea of ​​colorful roads, it seemed to be backed up by a powerful force of shock. It clicked and was cracked by the strangely large force of the shock. It is Fang Qingshan himself snorted, Qiqiao bleeding. The body that was already overwhelmed seemed to fall apart in an instant.

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