Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1543: And slow

"It's a pinnacle of the Emperor, and it really is the pinnacle of the Emperor."

Fang Qingshan smiled bitterly.

Good guy, he is one of human and treasure, and joined the chess board of the heavens. He also performed a gasification of Sanqing, Sanqing returned to one, and it was soared to the late emperor.

The others were just scratching the rabbits and hitting them.

However, even so, the power of the counter-shock almost made it over.

Fortunately, this attack was not without effect. At least Fang Qingshan saw the hope of getting rid of the trap. He was ready to go, and his heart moved to communicate with the chess board of heaven and his luck was burning.

Between the thunder and lightning, the chaotic world of the Tao is fixed.


Space shook, and a passage formed between the beards, followed by a frosty white snow-like brilliance, with eyebrows and eyes, like a living creature, enveloping Fang Qingshan, and when it was lifted up, it seemed that the next moment would be a star.

Once Fang Qingshan is let into the space tunnel, I am afraid that we can reach the chaotic world of Tao in an instant.

By that time, he was completely safe.

If this mysterious **** emperor dares to chase him down, I'm afraid he will not kill himself but bury himself.

After all, no one can hunt down their true disciples under the eyes of Taoist Men. Don't say the Emperor of God, it is the Emperor, and the Taoist door dares to let go.

But at this moment Fang Qingshan was not in the slightest joy, because at this moment, but listening to a cold hum, a terrible crisis erupted directly into the heart, making Fang Qingshan and dragging his incompetent meal.

Fang Qingshan then froze all over. The force that dragged him into the space tunnel seemed to have encountered force majeure. It collapsed instantly, and even the space tunnel opened by the chessboard of the heavens collapsed instantly.

Had it not been for the luck of the heavens board, everything would have been as if nothing had happened.

Although knowing that his chances of fleeing are very slim, Fang Qingshan is still a little unacceptable at this time.

As the first chess board in his own hands and one of the most important trump cards, Fang Qingshan did not expect that one day, even if it was successfully launched, it did not take effect at all.

"Sure enough, it is not enough."

Fang Qingshan sighed softly.

In the end, the gap between him and the peak of Shenhuang is too great. Even if the heavens and the chessboard are mysterious and unparalleled, they cannot be invincible.

"Damn, what do you do now? Is it really a step?"

At this time, Fang Qingshan still had some hesitation in his heart. It wasn't that he was afraid of death. There were mosquitoes out there and he was destined not to die. The key was to explode the eternal sky boat and the chessboard of heaven, and his loss was too great.

And without these precious treasures, even if the mosquitoes are talented and want to climb the peak of the avenue, the difficulty will increase geometrically.

I couldn't help thinking quickly, and wanted to see if there was any other way.

But obviously, Fang Qingshan thought more.

At this time, there is no retreat at all. If there is no accident, after the **** emperor receives the eye of the last law, it is his own moment of death.

Yes, the previous collision not only gave Fang Qingshan the opportunity to open a space tunnel, but also gave the Eye of the Last Law a respite.

Therefore, the cold hum was so unpleasant, not only that Fang Qingshan almost escaped, but also the ducks who almost got it.

"It's so fateful! It seems like this is really the only way to do it."

All this seems to have passed for a long time, but the real situation is only a fraction of a million.

Seeing that the eyes of Mo Fa were grasped, followed by a finger, poked at himself.

Fang Qingshan had no other choice.

"Dead, since I can't live, let's die together."

By this time, Fang Qingshan could not think of any other way except to explode.

Because this is the best response at the moment.

Not only can he let the chicken steal, but he can retaliate by one or two.

More importantly, Fang Qingshan was reluctant to fund the enemy.

You know, if you do n’t explode these treasures, the deity will not survive, but the eternal sky boat and the chess board of the heavens will be preserved.

Once in the hands of the enemy, it can be a disaster for yourself.

The so-called, killing and setting fire on the golden belt, repairing the bridge and paving the road without corpses.

Fang Qingshan didn't want to let the eternal sky boat, the heavens chessboard fall into the hands of others, especially the enemy.

Taking himself as the peak of the emperor's cultivation, if there is the blessing of these treasures, an emperor would not have run away.

However, after Fang Qingshan lost these treasures, only the mosquitoes had an avatar, and after that, it was more than ten times more difficult to get revenge.

Therefore, no matter whether it is pulling people on the back or reluctant to capitalize on the enemy, there is only one way to go before him.


In a moment, a devastating breath erupted from Fang Qingshan.

The eternal sky boat, the chess board of the heavens, the world tree avatar, everything in the reincarnation mirror are agitated, and the source of the riot seems to explode directly the next moment.


Feeling this scene, for a moment, the peak of the Emperor God has changed greatly.

He never imagined that Fang Qingshan was so decisive. When he saw that there was no way to live, he blew himself up directly, before biting a piece of meat.

The most important thing is that Fang Qingshan's self-detonation did not let him lose the opportunity to collect loot. The most important thing is that he has a great threat to himself.

After all, at this time, Fang Qingshan as a whole, but reached the late emperor.

The self-detonation of a late emperor was not a trivial matter to him.

Although it may not be fatal, if you are not careful, there is a great chance of being hit.

So, at this moment, he didn't care much and went straight back.

"Aoyama and slow!"

Just then Fang Qingshan heard a familiar and hasty voice.

Suddenly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A breath of breath that is sweeping like a natural disaster, that breath is called shivering.

From that breath, Fang Qingshan felt the breath of the peak **** emperor, and his heart trembled. The utterly dejected mood disappeared immediately.

The so-called dead is better to live.

Who wants to die if given the chance?

Although Fang Qingshan's self-detonation did not mean that he really died, the price paid was too heavy.

Previously, there was no way. At this moment, it seems that reinforcements have arrived, and Fang Qingshan is naturally reluctant to blow himself up.

However, even if he was unwilling to explode, although he hadn't reached the bow yet and didn't turn his back, once he started the blast, it was easy to release it.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan just launched, and the voice of the people came in time, otherwise, even if Fang Qingshan was willing, I am afraid that it was on the string and had to send.

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