Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1544: Misfortune

Exploding is an absolute decision.

It is difficult to turn back the bow.

Think of the interruption of launching the magical power and the power of counterattack.

Suddenly stopped and exploded, there would be no side effects.

Therefore, although Fang Qingshan stopped in time, he also received unprecedented backlash.

Fortunately, compared to self-detonation, this is obviously a lot better. If it hurts, it will be heavy. As long as you take a good rest, you will eventually get better. If you blew up, you really have no way back, a hundred.


A blood-colored firework burst, it was gorgeous, but compared to the previous Dragon Emperor's self-detonation, the power, scale, and other were far worse, as if the artillery was dumb, and I didn't know what I had encountered. Fake and shoddy products.

The reason for this is naturally because this is not a phenomenon caused by Fang Qingshan's self-detonation, but because of the force of back biting, the body is overwhelmed, and it falls apart.

Fang Qingshan was first the Dragon King and the three commanders, and then received the Eye of the End, and was attacked by the King of the Peak. It was long before the end of the crossbow.

At this moment, I was forced to withdraw my self-destructive consciousness back to the bite. After all, I couldn't hold it anymore. The physical body exploded directly and turned into a **** rain.

Fortunately, although the flesh exploded into blood mist, it quickly gathered again and turned into flesh again, like clouds and fog, scattered and tangible.

In the end, among Fang Qingshan's physical talents, there is a mystery such as blood rebirth.

It's just that even the magical powers are too great, but the damage that can't be sustained is too great. Even if the magical powers come back together and re-form, but the effort is broken up again, just like the same sand, there is no cohesion.

It ’s not just the physical body, although the Yuanshen did n’t explode, but it ’s not much better. It ’s not too bad to say a lot of holes, the reincarnation mirror is not directly broken, and the rule is densely covered with various crickets. crack.

The eternal sky boat has also suffered unprecedented damage this time.

The entire sky boat is like a ceramic that is about to be broken. It is covered with fine cracks and dense, as if it only needs a little force to crush it. In a dangerous situation that will not be broken.

Had it not been for Fang Qingshan's integration of the three-level Linggen bliss lotus flower into the Tianzhou body not long ago, I am afraid that this time the Tianzhou would really be in danger of disintegration.

Once this happens, the loss will go up. There is no doubt that although the level of the Tianzhou will not fall, the bottom line will basically be exhausted, and the foundation will be shaken passively. Even if it is repaired, the power will be greatly reduced and become no different from the ordinary Tianzhou.

And repairing is also a hassle.

Without being completely broken, Tianzhou can rely on its self-healing ability to repair itself, although it may be slow.

However, if it is completely broken, it is ridiculous to say that it is difficult to repair by yourself, but the difficulty is also predictable.

Swept across the body.

The foundation of the Tianzhou is damaged, which will affect the quality of eternal blessing, and the quality of eternal blessing will affect the improvement of one's own cultivation. , There are no more and better resources to improve Tianzhou, so, after a cycle, a vicious circle will form.

"Fortunately, it's not really broken, but the elders came in time."

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan felt that although Zhuge Jin came here so quickly, now is not the time to think about it.

Did not succeed in self-detonation, and although the deities and all kinds of precious treasures are relatively damaged, they are still within their own tolerance.

As long as you take a good rest for a while, at a slightly lower cost, relying on the sky boat, the self-healing ability of the deity can completely repair the cracks a little bit later with its own strength. The injury heals itself.

However, this takes time. If you do not use additional resources, this period may be very long, and during this period, you cannot easily use the Tianzhou, Lingbao, and deity. Otherwise, you will be injured if you are not careful. In that case, it will be really hard to come back and cry too late.

The curse of blessing rests, the curse of blessing rests.

As long as we get through this barrier, it may not be the case for the other side.

The so-called non-breaking and standing, breaking up and standing behind, although this kind of damage is unwilling to see, but if you can turn passive into active, then it is not good for the disadvantage, but it is not necessarily a bad thing.

Between life and death, there is great terror.

If you practice in the usual way, you can only follow the steps. Even if you want to deepen your training, you can't do that.

Now, although the damage is so severe, it can be further deepened and repaired. Bad things may not turn into good things.

The chess board of the heavens did not have much damage, but the luck of the above was exhausted.

This is what makes Fang Qingshan very disturbed.

After all, luck is low, and drinking cold water is all about plugging your teeth, especially now that you can say that the wind is blowing and you can't stand the slightest toss.

"Back to the Taoist gate, the injuries were not completely repaired, and the air transport did not return to a certain stage, so we will not go out."

Fang Qingshan secretly decided.

The injury could not be delayed. Since the arrival of reinforcements, Fang Qingshan was relieved, and began to heal the injury.

In the general infusion of various healing sacred medicines without money, the eternal spirit is leaking out from the spine, the power of the source tree of the world tree, Jureta's crazy operation, and the eternal power is pouring out.

Sure enough, Fang Qingshan had previously thought the same.

Although the damage is great this time, it can allow mana, primordial spirit, rules, etc. to move to a deeper place.

If the original can only be quenched to the atom, you can now deepen the nucleus.

Various forces infiltrated from the numerous fissures, repaired, tempered, merged and enhanced.

"Sure enough!"

Feeling the change in his body, Fang Qingshan secretly rejoiced in his heart.


Fang Qingshan felt the arrival of Zhuge Jin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, took a breath, but almost scared Zhuge Jin.

Yes, the visitor is the person of Taoism, and it is Zhugejin, the elder of Taoism.

Seeing Fang Qingshan explode into a cloud of blood, Zhu Gejin was so relieved that he didn't mention it. I thought Fang Qingshan didn't stop and really blew himself up.

If this is the case, then this time he can run for nothing, and the loss of Taoist Gate will be great.

You know, Fang Qingshan can be said to be a seed player like Taoist Men, it is a small trump card.

Not to mention his talent, the existence of the eternal sky boat alone has a great effect on the entire Taoist gate.

Once he fell, it was not only the other side's Castle Peak, it was a huge loss to Dao Yimen.

Fortunately, it was discovered that Fang Qingshan did not explode, and then he relaxed.

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