Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1567: Wealth in wealth insurance

Once the emotional desire of the seven emotions and six desires is stimulated to the extreme, it will not be weaker than the existence of time, space and fate.

This is the so-called three thousand roads, which can prove eternity. The only difference is that on the road to eternity, the road represented by time and space may be a highway, while the road represented by Qiqing Liuyu may be an ordinary road or even a muddy trail.

However, regardless of the process, the result is the same, not to mention cultivation to the extreme, cultivation to a certain level is very powerful.

In the void, there are two emperors, one is the emperor with seven emotions. With one thought, he can let the half of the heavens and the worlds, all the creatures under the emperor have the joy of preaching the emperor, or the family is broken, the wife is ionized Scattered, and even the anger and sorrow cut off by the avenue.

Even when the Emperor Emperor is facing him, if he is not careful, he will be easily led by his emotions. Once the flaws are exposed, it will be fatal.

The Emperor's sword of Emperor Wuzong is famous for beheading an emperor. However, the emperor who has been damaged in the hands of Qiqing Emperor cannot count his hands.

Although some have not fallen, the avenue has been cut off. Without removing the shadow of the seven demon emperor, never think of progress.

The other Big Buddha of Six Desires is a Buddhist monk.

You should know that people who practice Buddhism generally want to cut off the seven emotions and six desires, and have a pure desire. The six desires of the Great Buddha have done the opposite, naturally causing a great uproar among the Buddhist monks, and even attracted King Vajrayana Buddha to suppress them. Not only could he not help him, instead, let him take the opportunity to use King Kong Buddha's hand to prove success in one fell swoop.

A glimpse into the panther, you can see from the Qiqing Emperor and Liuyu Buddha, as long as these things are brought to the extreme, they can trigger unexpected majestic potential, and with good guidance, you can get yourself unexpected benefit.

And at this moment, those inside scholars who came back alive and madly cultivated, all of them hated each other.

To Zanmenmen, Qianqiumen, Wangutianmen, Jiwuzong, Jashitang, Yinxie Palace, Kyrgyzstan, and the Phoenix Dynasty ... to all those who are against the Taoism, but not to them.

Armed with this energy, their potential has been continuously stimulated, and their cultivation has been continuously improved, and their combat power has become increasingly arrogant.

The eyes are the windows of the soul. If you look at their eyes at this moment, you can see that their eyes are like a torch, as if piercing the void, burning the flame of eternal hatred, it seems to burn everything, if it is not the core A little lightness, I'm afraid I'm already enchanted.

Zanmenmen, Qianqiumen, Wangutianmen, Jiwuzong, Jashitang, Yinxie Palace, Kyrgyzstan, Fire Phoenix ...

This was their deepest obsession, a thorn and a shadow.

A gentleman revenge, not too late for ten years. Now with this pressure, he can stimulate potential and quickly cultivate, and once the thorn in his heart is pulled, the shadow in his heart is erased. They are like cutting off cause and effect, and they can usher in a leap forward.

Some people also specialize in this method of causality, although it is difficult, but as long as the cause and effect are cut, they can go one step further.

This is actually similar to those geniuses.

The person who cuts the cause and effect is to cause the next cause and effect by himself, as the goal, and then continue to complete.

The genius is under the operation of the heavens and the earth, giving them tribulations and letting them spend it.

If you can't finish it, you will die, and when you are done, you will leap forward.

Both serve the same purpose.

These, not to mention, are the deepest part of the Taoist world. There is a twelve colorful cocoons standing there, and on the surface there is a continuous circulation of Taoist ideas, which occasionally draws nearby Taoist ideas into it.

This is completely wrapped in Taoism, and the nature sitting inside is Fang Qingshan who is completely indulged in it.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan really felt a sense of eternal blessing.

Although the effect is much worse, because eternal blessing, not only improves your understanding ability, it is equivalent to help you analyze, but also directly poured into your sea of ​​knowledge, remember if you can understand, it does not matter, first Compressed into your primordial spirit.

The Taoist world is different. Although here can also enhance your power of perception, you still need to ponder on your own if you want to understand. It's just that this pondering is relatively clear, because the mysteries are endless, and they are directly in front of you.

If it is just a step by step enlightenment, there is actually no problem.

But the key is that the time for enlightenment is limited here. If you want to perceive more and don't want to waste this opportunity, then you must not be slow-moving.

Therefore, after initially selecting and finding the Tao that best suits him, Fang Qingshan did not say that he would disregard it completely, but he also did his best, not to comprehend it, but to devour these Taos, and it was him who ate them. But the attention is that it is eaten in the stomach first. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now, and you digest it slowly when you go back.

Because this is the best way. After all, go for a rest, and the God Emperor came here to learn all the meaning, not to mention seven or eight, it is three or five points, and it takes a few days. This shows that.

In this way, his ordeal came. You must know that even if his combat power reached the late period of the Emperor God, and even his realm reached the late period of the Emperor God, it would still be the lowest place here.

The obvious problem is indigestion.

Even if he did not go deep into the enlightenment, in the process of devouring, the countless superb, deep, pure Taoism and Daoyun still slammed like the flood that opened, and emerged in the mud pill palace for a moment It is called Fang Qingshan that there is a feeling that Yuanshen seems to be exploded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Too much, although it is already prepared, but it is unexpected, it is really too strong.

The correct way is naturally to stop swallowing immediately, digest it first, and buffer one or two.

However, Fang Qingshan knows that the wealth and wealth insurance seeks, the opportunity is rare, do not fight for it, the next time I encounter a stream of constant flow, without a helper like Zhu Gejin, I have no chance to escape.

The Chessboard that was once regarded as Guiyu by him is no longer so secure.

Let him understand that there is no omnipotent treasure under the sky. In the end, it is still people-oriented. The best thing depends on the person who displays it.

He didn't understand this truth before, but the chess board followed him from his weakest moment, giving him the feeling of being invincible. There is nothing he can't do, assist, attack, defend, escape. This is the illusion.

After this time, Chang Liushui gave him a head shot, and then he completely broke the illusion of subconsciousness in his heart. Therefore, opportunities are rare and naturally he must seize them.

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