Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1568: Eternal Heart Light

Besides, the cost of entering here once is really too great.

It is strange that it has to be open often, not only because it is more open, but the loss of the secret itself is too large, but also because not many people can afford it.

Because the ordinary peak God Emperor once came to ruin.

The reason why Fang Qingshan can enter here with an ordinary peak **** emperor, a large half of the late emperor.

Just because he caught up with the good times, coupled with his talents are worthy of being cultivated by the martial arts.

Even so, I can only stay for ten and a half months.

This shows that.

Therefore, although it was very dangerous and painful, Fang Qingshan didn't stop frighteningly to stop enlightenment, but intensified and devoured it even more.

It's not that he is not afraid of bursting, but that he knows that opportunities are rare, no pay, and where to get rewards. Only by sweating often, you can shed less blood in times of crisis. Besides, he is not really reckless. Regardless, he also has a backhand. of.

Through Yuanshen, we can see that Fang Qingshan once again exhibited a gasification Sanqing, manifesting three avatars, mosquitoes, and world tree avatars, all sitting cross-legged and shouldering together.

I will not talk about the three avatars. Like the deity, the world tree avatar has leaped forward after digesting a part of it because it has devoured the destruction source of the meteorite dragon. Although it can't catch up with the deity, it has also reached the immortal middle and late stages. Opportunity, but he is not weak.

With their diversion, Fang Qingshan had a chance to take a breath.

Of course, if that's the case, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for a long time and can't ease it a bit. The key is that a bright light is rising among the six of them.

This is a lotus lamp, which looks no different from ordinary lamps, but just like people, it depends on temperament.

He showed a cyan light throughout his body, giving a sense of height when he saw it.

The wick of the palace lantern is a cyan lotus seed composed of countless mysterious runes.

The lotus seed crystalized like a jade, exuding ancient charms, conveying endless spirituality, and an eternal atmosphere. As if this lotus seed represents eternity, represents immortality, and represents supremacy.

This thing couldn't be more familiar to the eternal Lord of Heaven.

Because this lotus seed is a replica of the eternal lotus seed.

It was after Fang Qingshan observed the eternal lotus seeds.

A drop of cyan in the lamp trough is full of spirituality, creation, and a kind of speech that can't be spoken. It seems to be exactly the same as the wick lotus seed, and the dripping oil like glazed crystal is rippling.

These kerosene are pulled and gathered from Fang Qingshan's spine.

In other words, this is the eternal spirit precipitated in Fang Qingshan's body.

After the lamp was turned on, it emitted a soft light and started to shine. The light is soft but not dazzling. Moreover, the brightness is very high, placed in the deep and dim and immense void, which can shine like the sky in the sky.

Among the lights, a supreme green lotus bloom can be seen faintly, all kinds of lotuses surrounding him are more than thirty varieties, and purple gas gathers into clouds, which is sacred and extraordinary.

The lights are swaying, the blue light is shining, and the places covered, countless murmurs of chanting sounds constantly penetrate into the body's mind. It's like repairing a dam that is about to break.

The lights came together naturally, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge lotus-shaped lotus seal in the mud pill palace. This word appeared in the mud pill palace, constantly rotating, blooming endless eternal light, and, it can be seen that numerous lotus petals continued to fall off from the lotus of the eternal green lotus, which was continuously integrated into the ascension of Fang Qingshan. Into the thoughts that just entered Fang Qingshan's body.

And those who murmured, although they couldn't understand what it meant, or even what they said, but under this fairy sound, it was Fang Qingshan's primordial **** that swelled to the point of explosion.

All the mysterious Taoism that came in madly were suppressed, compressed, and deposited in the deepest place of Yuanshen.

Eternal Heart Light.

Taking the green lotus picture of the main road as the foundation, shape the lotus lamp, take the eternal lotus seed as the wick, the eternal spirit as the lamp oil, and the heart as the light, light this lamp and suppress all the inner and outer demons.

This is an upgraded version of the Daqing Qinglian map. It is the perfect secret method after Fang Qingshan's breakthrough in immortality, which is used at this moment.

With this lamp protection, Fang Qingshan's brain capacity and carrying capacity suddenly increased.

Although at this moment, the swarm of Taoism is still like a tidal surge, but as soon as it enters Fang Qingshan's body, it is divided into six strands, divided by the deity and the three deities, and even the mosquitoes, and the world tree. Then he entered Yuan Shen, and was compressed by the eternal heart light.

For a while, Fang Qingshan had more energy to digest and understand these thoughts.


Feel carefully, feel the mystery that is closely related to yourself.

Reincarnation, time and space, life and death, five elements ...

For a time, Fang Qingshan seemed to return to the Avenue Palace.

Every way is a book.

And compared with Daoshu in Dadao Palace, these exercises seem more mysterious and profound.

The reason is naturally that because of the same practice, different people practice different things.

Some people are bypassing the class, taking a different approach, and taking a different path. Some people go a step further and make innovations, which are more powerful than those who originally created this method.

Moreover, although Taoshu is different from ordinary books, it is not just dry text, but it can only give people some insights and experiences, that is, telling you how to go and how to operate, just like audio.

The Taoism is directly manifesting this technique, from introductory practice to cultivating to the extreme, and it is displayed step by step in front of you. As the video online, it is naturally easier to understand.

Although Fang Qingshan was struggling to devour ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to understand the Taoism, he did not immediately sort out the God Emperor's articles of the heavens.

But the frame of the Divine Emperor's Chapter is still set up a little bit.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan did not care at all.

Because he knew that if he wanted to create a perfect emperor's story, it was not something that could be done at this time.

First of all, what is needed is to accumulate and observe more Taoism and Taoism.

Then, by the mystery of eternal blessings, one can be animated.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to devour as much thought as possible.

At the same time, when there is room, I can also try to comprehend the mysteries in these thoughts as much as possible.

Since it is necessary to take its essence to its dross, it is natural to understand it, even if it is impossible to understand, how can we talk about others?

Obviously, it is easier and deeper to comprehend here than to go back.

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