Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 157: Dragon Ball

Although the Golden Dragon is not an authentic dragon and does not have so much wisdom, he also has the will. His existence is because of the Han, so all his actions are for the Han.

知道 He knows that he can't do it anymore. Zhang Jiao is too powerful. If he doesn't work hard, there is only one way to lose in the end.

If it is able to kill Zhang Jiao, it is naturally good. If it cannot be killed, it would be fine if he hurts him. It is also his last intention for the Han Dynasty.

As for what to do in the future, this is not a matter of luck.

After my death, he was flooded, because it was useless to think about it.

However, he also has his own careful thinking, ready to imitate the original Liu Xi to see the new Han, as long as the seeds are still there, and the fire is not extinguished, naturally, there will be a day when the big Han cleans up again.

Zhang Jiao said that before he could breathe out from the previous tail, he saw that the Golden Dragon of Qi Yun had a decisive battle, and even Dragon Ball spit out, and his face was ugly.

In fact, today's fight with Jinlong is also a last resort.

Because of someone's report, the plan had to be launched in advance, and the various means to directly prepare to deal with Jinlong were not perfected, so that it would not be useful at all and could only be shot by himself.

虽然 Although he has a life-changing practice and has a treasure like a nine-scepter in his hand, Jinlong was once comparable to the eternal life. Nowadays, although the decline, the camel is larger than a horse.

"It looks like I have only worked it out."

Zhang Zhangjiao sighed secretly, and also died!

But when Zhang Jiao looked solemn, he threw the nine sticks in his hand, and the fingerprints of his hands changed one after another. Even when he saw the emperor's law behind him, he seemed angry.

The puppet was furious, the blood splattered five steps, the emperor was furious, and the blood blew!

Holding the nine-stick staff, there was no extra movement, just a swing out of the staff.

In a moment, a picture of Taiji gossip appeared in the air.

I'm moving into battle!

I fixed east, west, north and south, locked up, down, left and right.

Freeze time, space, freeze everything.

The crowds of melon-eaters, such as Qi Fangqingshan, were also caught in the pond fish, and their consciousness was crushed by a stick.

Jinlong Jinlong was also fixed in the air.

The only exception was the golden glittering Dragon Ball.

Although the martial arts method is powerful, it cannot completely restrain him.

The space is frozen. Although the speed of the dragon ball has been reduced, it still keeps the direction of advance, locks the target, and pushes it unswervingly towards the open angle.

"OK! OK! OK!"

When Zhang Zhang saw this, he threw three beeps, and took a book from his arms and threw it into the sky.

I write to heaven and earth!

Of course, this is not the legendary Tianshu Fengshen list, the earth and the earth's membranes, and the books of life and death.

He is the three volumes of Taiping scriptures he got. There are three volumes.

Xuan Tianjuan records the magical powers of spreading beans into soldiers, summoning yellow turban warriors, calling wind and rain.

The scrolls recorded the formations of Qimen Panjia, Taiji Gossip and so on.

The Qiangjuan records the Wentao Wulue strategy of running the country.

Don't look at just three books, in fact, it's not simple, they are all treasures and can be used to suppress the big battle.

There are three volumes of Tianshu gossip illustrations in the Taiji gospel repression, and the time is even more solidified. The death of Dragon Ball can not help but slightly, it seems that there is a sign of stagnation.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jiao could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, the overall situation has been set.

The other people around the audience couldn't help but sigh secretly, sincerely, they regret that the Han Dynasty was about to end, the treacherous people were thinking about how to touch the fish in the water, and the people who were mainly home could not help but think about how to face the peace next. Road.

For a while, all sentient beings were in various states.

Only Fang Qingshan knows that things are not over.

Sure enough, seeing that Dragon Ball was about to be fixed in the air, Zhang Jiao reached out and grabbed a huge cage in the palm, but wanted to seal the Dragon Ball suppression first.

It's just that the lucky Jinlong has made a desperate bet there to make him achieve his wish.


With a loud noise, Jin Long, who was set in midair, burst into a bang.

Even though the Taiji gossip chart imprisoned his body, he did not imprison him.

He exploded as soon as his heart moved.

Since even Dragon Ball was thrown out, it was clear that Qiyun Jinlong had no intention of living.

The wind blew up and wrinkled a pool of spring water!

Youfeng started at the end of Qingping, and immediately turned into a dreadful gale in an instant, disrupting the solidified picture.

Hunchun returned to the earth and everything recovered.

The scene where Luan was originally imprisoned by the Taiji gossip picture suddenly seemed to be thawed.

Click, click!

A squeak sounded like a lifesaver in Zhang Jiao's ears.

I originally thought that the overall situation was settled, and I could settle the coffin, but I did not expect that the twists and turns, the formation method was broken, and Zhang Jiao was inevitably backfired.


Taking a sip of blood, Zhang Jiao shook his body for a while, but had to go all out to throw the nine sticks in his hand, because Dragon Ball had already come to his eyes.

The wind, water and fire spread!

The dragon ball came out, as if a world had been dropped, the space was broken, the ground was trembling, and the ground was shaking.

Simple, rude, breaking all ways!

Although the power of Dragon Ball has been weakened by the Taiji gossip chart, it is still unstoppable.

Zhang Zhang slammed his stick, and the force of the shock almost broke his bones.

The wand also sobbed, and there were cracks in it.

"Taiping luck bless me!"

Squinting at Dragon Ball, although she was blocked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, she still steadfastly bumped towards herself.

Zhang Zhangjiao could not help but grin with a bitter laughter, and said with both hands.

"Great Teacher!"

"Great Teacher!"

"Great Teacher!"

Uh ...

The justices in Jizhou, Sili, Youzhou, Bianzhou, Jingzhou, and Dahan seemed to hear Zhang Jiao's call, and they all kneeled and shouted reverently.

All of a sudden, a surge of luck came and blessed Zhang Zhang.

The injury was better, and the momentum was stronger. Zhang Jiao seemed to have beaten chicken blood.

I once again waved the Nine Scepters, and for a while the wind and the storm surged, and the thunder and lightning became a masterpiece. The sun, moon and stars, Guanghua converge. There is no light in the world, and everything is dim.

Take a stick to play Wanfa!


Dragon Ball and Nine Scepter were fixed in the air for a while.

The dragon ball was blocked, but Zhang Jiao's complexion did not look good. The whole person seemed to be recovering from a serious illness.


The overwhelmed Dragon Ball was finally broken.

Zhang Zhangjiao breathed a sigh of relief. Although this time he suffered a big loss, he not only suffered serious injuries, but also preempted the luck of the Taiping Church, but finally achieved his purpose, destroyed the golden dragon of luck, and overthrew the Han.

Thought of this, Zhang Jiao's pale face also had a smile.

I was just happy for three seconds. The broken Dragon Ball seemed to have wisdom. After the crack, it even flew away in all directions.


Seeing this scene, when the crowd around the crowd was excited, without saying a word, they reached out and grabbed the dragon ball fragments. As for Zhang Jiao, if he is not injured, if there is only one person, so many people shot together, who is afraid of who!

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