Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 158: Snatch


Seeing this scene, Zhang Jiao suddenly changed his face and had no time to think about it. With a wave of nine sticks in his hand, countless green vines appeared in an empty space, intertwined horizontally and vertically, and formed into a huge fishing net toward Dragon Ball. Debris shrouded in the past.

The Dragon Ball was condensed with air for four hundred years in the Han Dynasty. It was a combination of air and imperial air. Even if it was a piece of **** that ordinary people got, they could change the gate and become a landlord. It is not a problem. This is a change of life and luck.

If you are too big and too much, then Qianlong is in the abyss, you can participate in the battle of dragons, fight against the currents, compete in thousands of sails, say that you can't stand out in the end, sweeping Liuhe, all in one.

Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Sun Ce, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao, Gong Sun Huan, Dong Zhuo, etc. These vassals who have remained famous in history have been more or less.

This was the last means of transporting the Golden Dragon for the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty, but it was to train another Emperor Guangwu, to clean up the old mountains and rivers, but unfortunately, he also died. Finally, he overcame the three-country country and usurped the Sima family. It was cheap. Out of others.

This is mainly that although luck is good, but it is not all, it does not mean that if you have strong luck, you will be able to succeed, but the chance is greater.

This thing can get an entrance ticket for others, and it is even more treasure for the other person.

I wo n’t say anything about Zhenglong ’s admission ticket. Although he has planned a Donglai County eunuch, he is still weak. Although there are five generals, the talented man such as Guo Zhicai Guo Jia can help each other, but he ca n’t do anything. Fall for ten sessions.

Imagine how strong Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, and Cao Cao were then? In the end, it was not for the loss of Shan Jiuyi.

The Dragon Ball Fragment of Qi Han Dynasty is orthodox. Once obtained, refined, you can get the identity of this side of the world. From time to time, the world and the world work together to do more with less.

As long as there is qi, others can only passively accept the transformation of qi, but Fang Qingshan can actively digest qi, after all, there is a qi in his body.

So no matter what the others do, Fang Qingshan will definitely make a shot.

I watched the dragon ball turn into countless fragments, and the heavenly girls scattered like flowers.

Qi Fang Qingshan and Zhang Jiao are average. Without saying a word, shake hands and scatter two babies, Wuyun Peach Blossom and Wuding Wangding.

Seeing the wind rise, Wuyun peach blossom 瘴 beard turned into a sky curtain, covering the four sides, the five prison Wang Ding turned into a big mouth, swallowing the sky.

All of a sudden, all the debris from Fang Qingshan's direction was swept away by him.



"I dare you!"

"Look for death!"

The benefits of Dragon Ball of Fortune are naturally known to everyone who is watching. Everyone wants to take a drink. This also risks the offense of Zhang Jiao. At this moment, Fang Qingshan is guilty of anger. No collection.

A newly appointed Donglai County eunuch, a person without any background, who dares to act so arrogantly, is simply provocative.

Suddenly, a moment later, with the scolding, overwhelming attacks attacked Fang Qingshan.

There is a general, a fist full of fate, blood and blood like a dragon, and one punch breaks ten thousand ways.

There are scholars, who are righteous, and who are persevering in Changhong.

These people are masters of magical powers, and even some people are more powerful than Fang Qingshan, and they have reached the level of unity and even Jindan.

One, two, ten, twenty ... Some have been robbed by Fang Qingshan's tiger mouth, others have hated him for getting so much, and there are people who touch the fish in muddy water. Dare to neglect.

When Fang Qingshan saw this, it was a cold hum, and he directly offered Chunyang Feijian.


There is a sword chanting, a force of the source of the sun converges, the sky is dark, but the pure sun flying sword shines brightly, it seems that he has replaced the big sun and shines brightly.

A group of dazzling sword lights bloomed, it was a round of golden sun, and the kendo edge was intertwined, like a round of Jianyang.

The majestic air of terror began to fall, ripples rippled in the void, swept away in all directions.

Suddenly Jianguang shuddered, the sky was full of meteors, and numerous golden flames shook off Jianyang, facing the attack and colliding directly.

Chunyang sword trick!

After Fang Qingshan repaired the breakthrough, the power of the sword tactics naturally increased day by day, coupled with the high quality of the pure Yang Feijian, which is far above the nine-pole staff of Zhangjiao. Poor, but who is called Feijian is a killing treasure, the attack power is naturally not comparable to him.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a squeak and a bang, and the tide-like attack met the flames and the sword lights were annihilated. In particular, the attack was destroyed, and Flame Jianguang pursued in their own direction.

For a while, everyone who wanted to give Fang Qingshan a lesson couldn't help but look wild.

When there is no time for extra action, I feel an indescribable sharp power and scorching strike, repaired to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, which is higher than Fang Qingshan, and has achieved unity. Just snorted, Xiuwei fell to the same level as him, and if he could, he fell into a bad mold, spit out a series of inverse blood, and flew out like a meteor.

"Hum, you can't help it!"

When Fang Qingshan saw this, he snorted coldly. He hadn't troubled them yet, but he dared to bully himself, which was a dead end.

Qi Fang Qingshan's eyes flashed coldly, and Chunyang Feijian shuddered, and he wanted to give them a lot of fun.

After all, I wo n’t kill the snake but I will suffer from it. Anyway, I have to fight for the dragon myself. These people must be a stumbling block in their own way. They might as well get rid of them and clear the way for themselves.

It's a pity that just as soon as the thoughts moved, Fang Qingshan felt stiff, and fear was overwhelming himself.

"This is it? God!"

Fang Qingshan was horrified at first, and after a while, seeing that he did not cause any harm to himself, he was relieved. After a careful induction, he found that this is actually the heavenly way of the Three Kingdoms World.

Those who had just attacked Fang Qingshan were fortunate and had special missions, even those fighting for the dragon. Tiandao naturally did not allow Fang Qingshan to destroy them, otherwise, Zhang Jiao would have done so already.

Wu secretly sighed, Fang Qingshan converged his killing intention, and when the heavens saw this, he retreated his coercion.

Hetian Daowei retreated, and the Dragon Ball fragments were also divided up. The audience immediately retreated like a tide, for fear of being caught by Zhang Jiao or being revenge by Fang Qingshan.

For a while, in the middle of the air, only Zhang Jiao stood on Jizhou with a nine-pole staff, and Fang Qingshan's hand-stretched flying sword floated over Qingzhou.

"Taoyou, you are polite!"

The two looked at each other, and Zhang Jiao first spoke.

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