Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 159: Command

"Have met Daoyou!" Fang Qingshan also gave a gift.

"I don't want Daoyou to be young. I actually have this practice, holding heavy treasure in my hand, and in the world, I should respect you." Zhang Jiao said with a smile.

"The Taoist friends have won prizes, and they are far worse than you, and now the Golden Dragon of Fortune has been slaughtered by you. The right to control the world is just around the corner. At that time, you must ask the Taoist friends to take care of them." Fang Qingshan also responded with a smile Road.

What a respect you take to kill one.

He hinted that the massacre of the golden dragon was about to overthrow the big man.

One said later, the other said now.

Lips and tongues, swords on the surface are full of laughter, but secretly the wind is rising.

You two come and go, I do n’t know if you think the relationship is good.

But they secretly scolded each other for an old fox and a little fox.

对 "Well, Dao, how about you and me? How can anyone in the world be our opponent? By then we will divide the world equally!"

He said finally, Zhang Jiao suddenly came to such a sentence.

When Fang Qingshan heard the words, he shook his head and said something,

"Different road non-phase plan!"

Not to mention that Tian Ping Dao is thriving, it has long become a nail in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh, and it is doomed to fail.

How can we share the world? The world has no two people, and the people have no two masters. Whatever says that divides the world is foolish, but you don't care, don't the people below care?

Moreover, what Zhang Jiao wanted to establish was a regime that led him to run counter to Fang Qingshan.

Qi Fang Qingshan came to the Three Kingdoms. In fact, the main purpose was to make it an air transport production place.

After all, as he cultivates higher and higher, if the world opened is too low, there is no use at all, and the luck required to open the high world is huge.

Zhe Yishan can't tolerate two tigers. How can he allow others to sleep on the side of the couch, and Fang Qingshan wants to collect luck, but how can he allow the existence of peace.

"Oh, what a pity."

Hearing Fang Qingshan's words, Zhang Jiao could not help but sigh. Looking at the pure Yang Feijian in Fang Qingshan's hand again, Zhang Jiao took the nine-stick staff and turned and walked step by step.


At this time, Fang Qingshan finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked around for a week, and fell back into the mansion again.

Don't look at just talking about Yingying with Zhang Jiao, they are actually hidden killers. Both are looking for each other's flaws. Once they find that they want the Thunder to kill the other one, after all, they both feel threatened and tempted by the other.

张 For Zhang Jiao, Fang Qingshan is very young. With this practice, coupled with the pure Yang Feijian in his hand, it will become a disaster in time.

It's a pity that he fought with the lucky golden dragon. In the end, although he won, he was just killing the enemy one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred. If Fang Qingshan did not have a pure-yang flying sword, it would be easy to clean up him, but if he did not have a pure-yang flying sword. , Fang Qingshan will not be looked at by others.

For the other side of Qingshan, Zhang Jiao has many things in his hands to seduce himself.

First of all, the nine sticks that the world tree wants to devour. If the world tree is devoured, I am afraid that it will grow a big knot immediately. At that time, all kinds of vitality and even immortality will double.

Besides, the Dragon Ball Fragment of Qi Yun, besides Fang Qingshan, belonged to Zhang Jiao most, and more than half of them were in his hands.

The four hundred years of the Han Dynasty ’s condensate of air transport, even if it took some time, was not in its heyday, but I am afraid that it would add up more than Fang Qingshan ’s current air transport. If he can get it, let alone open a world like the Three Kingdoms, There is no problem in opening a world slightly higher than Shushan.

In addition, Fang Qingshan also wanted the three books of heaven and earth people in Zhang Jiao's hands. Although this heritage is not as good as He Shaqi and Chun Yang Jian Jue, it is also very rare, especially the formation method and magic power. The other side's Aoyama promotion and normalization and Jindan have significant benefits.

"It looks like the Three Kingdoms are here." Fang Qingshan laughed.


"The protagonist, Mr. Xi, Mr. Guo, General Guan and others now want to see you in the hall."

At this moment, the knock on the door rang, and the outside guard said.

"I know, go now!" Fang Qingshan heard the words.

Before Jizhou had such a big movement, Xizhi Cai and others also saw it.

And the golden dragon of luck is gone, the Great Han Dynasty has entered the countdown, the situation has changed, and the overall situation has begun. They also have to ask Fang Qingshan what plans he has.

"Have seen my lord!"

As soon as Fang Qingshan stepped into the hall.

Fan Xizhicai, Guo Jia, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Dian Wei, Huang Zhong, Tai Shici all got up and saluted in unison.

"Sit down, everyone!"

Qi Fang Qingshan accepted it calmly, and then waved his hands to let everyone sit down.

The courtesy is unforgettable. This is a rule.

After the salute, the crowd relaxed.

"Congratulations to the lord for showing his mighty power!" Xi Zhi laughed.

Previously, Fang Qingshan snatched the Dragon Ball shards. First, he threw two heavy treasures of Wuyun Peach Blossom 瘴 and Five Prison King Ding, swept one side, and then offered a pure Yang Feijian.

"Yeah! Although I have known that the main character is very powerful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, I did not expect that it would be so powerful." Guan Yu Zhang Fei and others also said with emotion.

"Haha, it's all because of the treasure in your hand. The cultivation is still far behind!" Fang Qingshan shook his head, and his family knew his family affairs. The reason why his family could shock the world previously was entirely relying on the pure Yang Feijian.

"The main character said that the difference is that the treasure is also part of the strength." Guo Jia shook his head disapprovingly.

"Yeah, if Zhang Jiao did not rely on the Nine Scepter, it's unclear if he can beat the lucky golden dragon today." Huang Zhong also nodded.

The crowd shivered for a while, and the show coughed quietly. Everyone quieted down, and looked, saying, "My lord, Jinlong is destroyed. I am afraid that the incident on the peace road will not be far away. I'll wait for you, please indicate . "

"How about soldiers and horses?" Fang Qingshan asked.

"Kan worth a battle!" Guan Yu hugged fist.

"Where's the forage?" Fang Qingshan continued to ask.

"There is no problem with carrying 50,000 troops in a year and a half." Xizhi Cai said.

"In this case, recruit soldiers!" Fang Qingshan gave a firm finale, "Each east, west, north, south, middle, and fifth army each expanded to 10,000."


Tong Guanyu and Zhang Fei heard promises and faced with joy.

The leader of the army, the talent of the general, dare not say that Han Xin will be better and better, but who does not want to have more soldiers.

"Qingzhou has penetrated?" Fang Qingshan asked again.

"Donglai County has completely penetrated all around, there is no way to go further, time is too tight." Guo Jia nodded first, then shook his head.

"It's fine." Fang Qingshan first affirmed it, and then said, "Once the peace begins, the four forces of the North, the South, and the North and South will dispatch together, sweeping the four sides, and dividing Qingzhou!"


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