Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1588: Think too much

Although the eternal mind lamp method can help Fang Qingshan, he also needs to make a choice.

Not only must you quickly scan all the Void Stones to see if they are true and those that are false, so as to carefully select those that are of high value, at least the second peak. At the same time, you can't pick too much, as if you are desperate, it is too eye-catching.


Just then, Fang Qingshan suddenly thought of a problem,

"What if there are too many good void stones?"

Yeah, he wants to choose carefully and not to let people find out.

However, what if there are too many void stones that make my heart here?

You know, the Jin family, as the three big gambling stone families, is famous all over the world?

It is because it is easy to buy the genuine stone when they buy Void Stone from them. This is the foundation of their lives.

If you do n’t see him, when Fang Qingshan and others were shaken, three treasures were issued one after another?

What does this mean? It means that the quality of the gambling stones is not high here.

Although it may be difficult, but compared to other gambling sites are already considered high-quality stocks.

Is it giving up?

As soon as this idea came up, Fang Qingshan was left behind without hesitation.

If you have the cheap, do n’t take it, it ’s the bastard. Obviously you can get the treasure, and it is a treasure. Even if you have to take risks, no one is willing to give up.

Especially for the other person, Qingshan, who thinks that mosquitoes are small but also meat, if there is no door fence, Jin will not lose the heart to sell the gambling stones to the price of one piece of second-class goods. At the risk of exposure, I also want to sweep all the authentic products here.


Fang Qingshan sighed, tangled.

Is it giving up? Or don't give up?

For a moment, Fang Qingshan's mind went crazy, and thoughts flowed like tide.

At a certain moment, a flash of light appeared.


Fang Qingshan finally figured out a good way, and it was not so eye-catching.

Of course, there is a good way, but the speed is still fast, and you can't drag.

One thing is, after all, here is not a choice by myself. Although I can see the internal situation clearly, others ca n’t, but I ca n’t stand someone ’s luck. In case I choose it before myself, it ’s just an ordinary authentic product. Then really want to let Fang Qingshan vomit blood.

Besides, the method of the eternal heart lamp is not so good, especially the current wick, but the replacement eternal lotus.

This thing has been transformed into the core of the eternal sky boat, eternal thunder pond, eternal **** furnace, etc., can be described as the true core of the eternal sky boat, with this object, the eternal sky boat is the eternal sky boat, lost This thing, the eternal sky boat is a waste, and you have refined it before, but the eternity sky boat has been greatly affected. For a short time, it is good, but for a long time, big problems will occur.

There are a large number of people and time is running out. The most important thing is not to be too fast. For a time, Fang Qingshan was also painful and happy.

Pain is naturally because it has to be fast, but not too fast or too fast to attract attention, but it must not be too slow, too slow, you can't find it, and you may even miss the opportunity.

As for happiness, it is natural that every piece is authentic and every piece of treasure is like the emperor's new clothes.

However, even if it is in a hurry, Fang Qingshan does not take a casual look at the flowers, but instead touches every void stone, and occasionally picks up a void stone to take a closer look. It is not easy to make a judgment.

Of course, his behavior was not surprising at all, because almost everyone did.

Ten bets and nine losses, everyone is very cautious, but most of them are novices, have no experience, so it seems a bit tangled.

"Black, really black, adulterer, adulterer."

At this moment, Fang Qingshan was cursing at Jin not losing.

Previously it was because of his black-hearted pricing, but now it is because of these void stones.

Good guy, Fang Qingshan came along all the way, and he touched the void stone no less than a hundred times, but none of it was genuine.

He was still tangled before, in case there were too many genuine products, in case there were too many good things, he bought too much, which made people doubt what to do?

This is really thinking too much.

Should it be said that the gambling stone is indeed ten bets and nine losers, or should they say that their Jin family has a good vision, and these iron goods are actually these things?

This time, with so many people buying, I'm afraid that if you don't lose, you will make a lot of money.

"Those who had previously issued three treasures would not be childcare."

Fang Qingshan could not help but come up with such an idea.

However, these don't care about his affairs, the so-called things are not related to his own high hang, as long as he does not lie to himself.

Fang Qingshan sank to his heart and saw that someone was about to choose, but could not help speeding up.

Those who are watching now, Fang Qingshan skipped directly, but wrote down the position and shape. After watching it again, come back to check for missing gaps.

One, two, three ...

When Fang Qingshan saw the stitches, while everyone else was indulging in observing the gambling stones, he quickly scanned the void stones.

At a certain moment, Fang Qingshan suddenly felt a sea of ​​blue that could not be described with words.

The color of Mu Qing, without any trace of impurities, was so pure and so intoxicating that it instantly occupied all the thinking space. At this moment, Fang Qingshan felt unprecedentedly comfortable, as if he was in a breakthrough state. Wrapped in various treasure light auras.

He knows that this should be a real void stone, and the treasure wrapped in the stone, although he can't see what it is, obviously, the grade of this treasure is not low.

After all ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, along the way, Fang Qingshan also saw a lot of genuine void stones.

But the contents of these void stones gave Fang Qingshan a dispensable feeling.

There are only two reasons for this feeling. One is that this object has no attraction to him, that is, the so-called missed. Such a thing, if it is luck, Fang Qingshan will never get.

Fortunately, these treasures wrapped in Duobao mud will not be fooled, otherwise, I am afraid that Fang Qingshan is really in a hurry.

Another is that this treasure is not of high grade and does not have much effect on him, so it gives him a feeling of not being too attractive.

But at the moment, the treasure in this void stone can't see what it is, and can't sense what grade it is, but it gives Fang Qingshan a very comfortable feeling. And in terms of breath, it is not worse than the karma red lotus, chaos bell, etc. in his hands.

This is obviously a treasure, and the grade is not low.

Because of the low-grade treasures, the other side is not attractive.

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