Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1589: Put it down

Now, as far as the other side is concerned, attractive treasures must be at least second-class top grade, or even above the peak.

Because his current practice has reached the peak of immortality, and he can break through the Emperor at any time. If he is not waiting for the eternal Tianzhou to advance, and waiting for the heavens to prove that the chapter of the Emperor will be perfect, he would have broken through.

The standard configuration of the God Emperor is the third-level treasure. After all, he is not the same as the ordinary God-level emperor. He used the third-level treasure in immortality. Therefore, the ordinary second-class treasure cannot enter his law at all.

Moreover, do n’t say that for him, it is the eternal sky boat, the same is true of the mosquitoes and the world tree clone. Although the eternal sky boat eternal furnace unit needs different treasures, it can reduce some requirements, but it is also relatively popular. Lotus, compared to the chaotic clock, but the same sample level cannot be lower, too low not to mention lowering the grade, it is also weakening the background and potential.

In terms of the cultivation of the two mosquitoes, they have reached the late immortal period and even reached the peak. They also need more advanced treasures. The ordinary treasures are not useless, but they are not effective.

Of course, with Fang Qingshan's three-foot-high nature, he wouldn't be so picky. As long as it is good, as long as it is valuable, and as long as it can be obtained, he will not let it go.

However, the key point is that this is not looking for secrets, but for gambling on stones, which requires capital. An ordinary second-class treasure is just the price of a void stone.

If you buy the Nether Stone and the treasure you bought, it is better to buy the Nether Stone.

Therefore, the ordinary void stone, even if it is the real one, Fang Qingshan just looked at it and has not made a decision yet.

But this one is different. Without hesitation, Fang Qingshan fiddled with this void stone and never let it go.

This is not a casual look at the previous, this is the kind of addicted to meet the favorite thing, but Fang Qingshan's action did not attract anyone's attention.

After all, it has been said for a long time that no one will believe that someone can peek into the void stone. This is the accumulation of countless hours of experience and the experience of countless emperor masters. Even if Fang Qingshan himself told them that these people would not only believe, He also thinks he's got crazy.

Unless it is, wait for Fang Qingshan to launch the Arcana one after another, I am afraid these people will be dubious, and then all kinds of temptations will come, even directly shot.

As for the jade king of the mortal world, ten bets and nine wins will never exist here.

Because even the three most powerful gambling stone families, such as Jin not losing their family, the most powerful people, are just barely maintaining a small profit state, the kind of easy-going out of treasure does not exist at all.

If this is the case, the Jin family does not need any emperor guest since they can drive emperor stones and four-level treasures. They have long become a giant of their own.

Of course, if that is the case, I am afraid they will no longer exist.

After all, a man is guilty of guilt.

If you can open the treasure at any time, and it is the treasure that can have an effect on the peak emperor and even the emperor, then don't say that the Jin family is the heavenly evil, the holy buddha, the fairy, and even the number one in the supreme power list. I ’m afraid it ’s hard to survive alone, because there is only one end to eating alone, and it is besieged by the heavens and the world.

Then again, Fang Qingshan had done similar things several times before, but he was not so excited. Besides, he happened to encounter a favorite void stone. Excitement is inevitable. After all, this is a gambling stone. The field is the most exciting place, just like the Colosseum.

In addition, the most common selection mode in Gambling Stone House is to rely on the eye, in addition to relying on the eye. The so-called love at first sight is better than this. It is necessary to see him at a glance.

And this situation is very easy, there is a great chance that the real product will be issued.

Finally, because it has been selected for a long time at this moment, most people have already decided on the Void Stone to be selected. Everyone will pick it up, and naturally it will not appear obtrusive.

Even if Fang Qingshan didn't observe it carefully, he could easily take out a void stone, and in the end, even one of the precious stones was opened, and one or two would be fine. It would not matter if it was three. It's remarkable.

Not to mention, at this moment, Fang Qingshan was holding the Nether Stone in his hands, and was almost agitated in his heart.

He has selected hundreds of void stones, but the good guy, the real thing, is that there aren't any real ones.

Among these authentic products, the only good thing is Fang Qingshan's.

He can be sure that among the void stones he has seen or touched, this void stone is definitely the most precious.

"This should be a third-level treasure, and I'm afraid it's not a third-level first product."

As Fang Qingshan thought, the lotus seal in his hand flashed a gleam of blue light again, and Fang Qingshan wanted to know the inner condition of Void Stone more clearly.

Unfortunately, he thought too much, and although he could more and more feel the huge energy contained in the treasure of this void stone, the specific situation was still unknown.

"Forget it, as long as you know that this thing is genuine, it will be most valuable."

Fang Qingshan did not put down the void stone in his hand. After all, this void stone is different from the others. In case he put it down and was obtained by others, he really wanted to cry without tears.

He took the Void Stone and watched that someone had stepped out of the iron basin space. After thinking about it, Fang Qingshan did not follow it. Now that everyone is not paying attention to himself, Fang Qingshan starts to sweep the Void Stone quickly.

After all, he wasn't the one who was satisfied with a treasure.

But he made up his mind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to wipe out all the good things here.

In addition to iron basins, there are silver and gold basins.

I heard that there are more authentic products there, and the probability of appearing treasure is greater.

Unfortunately, the entry ticket is also higher. One actually needs a second-level peak, even a third-level treasure. Such a price is that Fang Qingshan can't afford it.

Of course, if it is really possible to produce any unparalleled war halberds, ancestral maps of Emperor Buddha, Emperor Stone, and so on, it will be worthwhile to lose everything.

Then again, in fact, there are still many genuine void stones in the iron basin.

Earlier, three were issued. Although the sample level of the dragon and the phoenix was a low-value, high-value treasure, there were also three-level treasures such as the Banner of Destruction, plus this one in the hands of Qingshan had not yet been opened. What is it.

In fact, this is already a good place, and it is indeed the Jinjia casino. The authenticity rate is very high. If it is elsewhere, I am afraid not to mention a few pieces. One or two pieces are burned with high incense.

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