Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1590: 5 sheets

Through the method of eternal heart lamp and the power of the eternal Qinglian, a giant, Fang Qingshan Cave penetrated the law of immense void and explored the truth of the void stone.

At this moment, his mood is unprecedentedly exciting, especially when he has discovered a treasure. Although he still can't see what it is, what grade it is, it will never be weaker than the dragon and phoenix trees that have been opened before and the destruction of them. flag.

Now, what Fang Qingshan has to do is to speed up, sweep all the Void Stones, and pick out all the genuine Void Stones contained in it.

For a while, Fang Qingshan's footsteps accelerated, and his palm swept across the void stone like a weak Liu Fufeng.

No weight, no sound, no details ...

As long as you touch it on the void stone, it is true or false, and you can tell at a glance.

As Fang Qingshan's palms passed, the lotus character in his hand appeared faintly, like a candlelight swaying, but sometimes it suddenly flashed, which reminded him that this was a genuine article, and if it was Guanghua Dasheng, it would seem to urge him. This treasure is a treasure and must not be missed.

Whenever such a situation is encountered, Fang Qingshan's heartbeat will suddenly speed up and be extremely excited. On the surface, however, it is necessary to maintain calm so as not to be noticed.

Even if no one would believe that he could see the inside of the Void Stone, what if someone had sent a ghost and took it away after he let it go?

After all, in order not to be suspicious, Fang Qingshan can only pick one now.

The remaining Void Stone needs to be calculated after the Void Stone is turned on. Before that, if other Void Stones that he valued were first ascended by people, it would be really bitter to hate the golden thread every year. Making clothes for others will kill you when you kill yourself.

Then again, for others, wanting to identify the void stone in the entire iron basin space in a short time is completely delusional.

Not to mention their identification is right, it is not a moment's effort just to rely on their experience to determine the truth of a void stone back and forth.

The most important thing is that there are really a lot of void stones here.

Fang Qingshan knew it at a touch.

Not to mention others, efficiency alone is better than others.

These, not to mention, Fang Qingshan, which really speeded up, quickly identified all the remaining Void Stones.

Sure enough, gambling on stones is really a matter of ten bets and nine losses. For tens of thousands of void stones, the true authenticity is one hundred or one thousand. The real void stone is not even three digits.

Although everyone knows this result, although Fang Qingshan had already expected it.

But when the facts were really in front of me, it still made people sigh secretly.

Sure enough, this kind of gambling, probability event, really needs luck.

However, you must know that the number of void stones here is not small, there are tens of thousands, and it is still the result of a lot of voids. The talented disciples of the professional family of the gambling stone family, Jin, did not inseparably select. Only fifty were selected by others, but Fang Qingshan identified them as real void stones.

Although compared to tens of thousands of void stones, these fifty pieces should be regarded as rare, but in fact, compared to other gambling stone workshops, such a probability, the treasure rate is already very good. Elsewhere, it is quite possible that tens or even hundreds of thousands of Void Stones do not even have a genuine one, and even if there is a genuine one, those who produce a real treasure are just like encountering a genuine Void Stone, and it takes luck.

Furthermore, of the fifty genuine void stones that Fang Qingshan has identified, in addition to the one Fang Qingshan holds, the other forty-nine are divided into four grades.

The first grade and the lowest grade are those that are not as good as the purchase price. They occupy the vast majority, about twenty-five or half. These treasures are all under the second grade. Buy these void stones. It's not bad to say good luck, it's not bad to say bad luck.

Because, say they are lucky, because the blind cat encountered the dead mouse and bought the real product.

They said they were unlucky because it was also a loss-making deal, but compared to buying a fake void stone, it would not be so bloody, and they could make a little money.

As for the second grade of Void Stone, the price is the same as the price of entering and entering, there are about fifteen or so, these are all in the second grade. Those who buy these void stones have good luck, at least not to lose. Of course, this means that they will not be dazzled by victory and continue to buy.

And the third grade is really very good, because the value of opening Arcana is higher than the purchase price, although it is not too exaggerated, but compared to the blood loss of buying false void stones, buying the first grade I want to cry without tears. I do n’t lose money if I buy the second grade, at least it is a small profit, and even a large profit is not a problem. There are about five. These are in the second-class top grade. Even second-level peak level.

As for the last category, there are four, plus this one in the hands of Qingshan, a total of five. If you get them, good guys, then you will make a lot of money. Buying them is definitely out of luck, just like before. The dragons and phoenix trees are the same as those who destroy the banner of war.

Because the precious treasures they drove all surpassed the second level and reached the third level.

It ’s not luck to burst out a genuine void stone in the iron cornucopia, or a tertiary treasure.

Especially one of them is the treasure among the treasures. It can be called the King of the Void Stone in the entire iron cornucopia ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you look at it with experience, it is a complete piece without any trace. Seeing the ordinary void stone, anyone who has a bit of common sense will not buy him, not to mention getting started, it is not to look at it more.

However, this kind of stone is not only a genuine void stone, but more importantly, the precious treasure wrapped in the stone, and the one that Fang Qingshan has been holding in his hand and put it down.

A proper person should not look, and seawater should not be weighed.

In fact, this void stone has been thrown here for a long time. Even if Jin did not lose, he did not know how many times he changed the goods, and how many people came to choose, but no one chose him. To the existence of this piece.

However, they do not know how to look at people by their appearances and lose their feathers. This guy who looks unattractive is a real treasure. This is another kind of fetish. Now it's cheap Fang Qingshan.

Fang Qingshan was very excited in his heart, but on the surface it was not obvious.

Fang Qingshan decided to abandon this void stone first, in order not to lose his fortune and not to be noticeable.

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