Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1599: Only owe Dongfeng

In fact, most things in the world are like this, they are a circle and a cycle.

It's like Tai Chi, the balance of heaven and earth.

The more people, one person brings out a good thing, and the more baby comes out, and the more good things, naturally attracts more people, and then comes out with more good things, attracts more people ...

In the end, everything in Fang Qingshan's hands was nothing but Fu Mo's sword.

Even in the eyes of many demon swords, in the eyes of many people, it is not comparable to the emperor's wine, the emperor's most precious treasure.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan started earlier and was more decisive. In addition, the things he traded were somewhat different.

For example, for others, they ca n’t help but regard the emperor's wine as a treasure, the emperor like Tiandi Yitiantian, in Fang Qingshan's eyes, they can only get the best of nature.

On the contrary, those treasures that are very biased and do not follow the usual path are valued by Fang Qingshan.

The purpose of the transaction is different, and there is no conflict.

So, in the end, all the thirteen treasures he took out were all traded out, and the harvest was very gratifying.

Not only did I get the treasure needed for the eternal Tianzhou promotion, but also got a lot of good things to enhance the Tianzhou, himself, the world tree, and even the mosquitoes.

Thirteen Treasures were traded out, changed back to what they wanted, and developed new skills in stone gambling. There is no need to worry about breaking through the eternal sky boat in the future and the eternal furnace unit does not have suitable treasures. You can say A trip to a trade fair has achieved unprecedented success.

In the future, Fang Qingshan needs to do more than to run around dangerous places.

At first, although there are many good things in the danger zone, he needs too much.

Moreover, some dangerous places are too dangerous. If you are not careful, there is a danger of falling down. The risk is too great. If you do n’t see him, will the Taoist ancestors fall because of this? Not even the prepared backhand was used.

Therefore, what he needs is to linger in the gambling stone workshops in various realms of the heavens and heavens, and use the method of eternal heart lamp to explore the fourth level of treasure.

Yes, it is a Level 4 treasure. He is no longer the treasure of the third level.

The reason for this is that Fang Qingshan did not want to attract too much attention. After all, he bought a lot of things and did not open each time, but the treasures in his hand were endless, but he didn't want to attract attention.

Then there is the real treasure at that time. It is not so useful to him.

After all, this breakthrough in Fang Qingshan's own cultivation will almost reach the late emperor.

For others, don't say that the late emperor is the peak of the emperor. The use of the third-level peak treasure is regarded as a housekeeping magic weapon.

But the opposite is not the case for Aoyama.

In particular, the eternal Tianzhou's grade is almost at the peak of immortality.

After all, he had previously prepared three third-level treasures from the Taoist secret library.

In addition, there is no shortage of such treasures among the void stones selected this time.

What's more, he is a breakthrough, and his resources will be more inclined.

In this case, I am afraid soon, Fang Qingshan can start to break through the ancient level.

And once the eternal sky boat breaks through the ancient times, according to Fang Qingshan's established plan, the eternal **** furnace unit needs to be integrated into the fourth level of treasure.

The only trouble is probably the construction of the Emperor's Supreme Chapter.

After all, the emperor-level exercises are not like the emperor-level exercises, as long as the Taoism is enough, they can be satisfied. The emperor-level exercises are not common, and they are not truly passed on.

Among the various realms of the heavens, the reason why so many **** emperors can't break through is actually related to the lack of corresponding exercises.

Looking at the whole Taoist door, the many years of experience are just a slap over.

Not to mention these, but after saying that he got what he wanted, Fang Qingshan did not wait for the trade fair to end, even when the careful trade fair was still hot now, he went straight back.

At first, his thirteen treasures were traded out, and he bought so many void stones. He has no extra money on his body. Although he is very jealous of many things being traded now, he has no capital to trade. If you stay in place, you can only look at it drooling. This feeling of being indifferent is really uncomfortable, otherwise, it is naturally invisible.

Then there was Fang Qingshan who could not wait to return to his dojo.

Because everything is ready, it is only due to Dongfeng.

From the inside door comparison, until now, I have experienced a lot of things. To this day, I have finally prepared all the things needed to advance the eternal sky boat.

The construction of the Emperor's Demon King's Chapter also reached a critical moment.

Xiu Wei has already reached the peak of immortality.

Everything is just waiting for the eternal Tianzhou to advance.

Tianzhou was successfully promoted, eternal blessings came, perfect exercises, and natural breakthroughs came naturally.

Now, all he has to do is go back to the dojo, and open out the treasures from the purchased void stone to see what they are.

After all, although he can be sure that these void stones are real and the treasure items in them are not low, he doesn't know what they are.

Maybe there are treasures that are more suitable for integration into the eternal Tianzhou God furnace unit.

Then, you need to combine the various treasures obtained by the 13 treasures just traded, keep improving, select the best, and select the most suitable treasure to be integrated into the eternal heavenly furnace unit.

Then, you can directly break through the immortal level.

At that time, under the eternal blessing, perfect the God Emperor's articles of the heavens and the Dao, and break through the God Emperor in one fell swoop.

After Fang Qingshan returned to the reincarnation star, the world tree clone and the mosquitoes did not take long to rush back.

This time the mosquitoes bought seven void stones from the silver cornucopia, and the World Tree avatar bought three void stones from the golden cornucopia ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ not the true void stones in these two cornucopia .

I have to say that there is no false person under the prestige. Since people are so separated, it is not unreasonable.

Overall, there are more authentic items in the gold and silver cornucopia than in iron cornucopia in terms of quantity and probability.

However, there are many authentic products, which does not mean that there are many treasures.

Plus the reason for the price.

Therefore, in the gold and silver cornucopia, the mosquitoes only selected ten in total.

As for the remaining trade fairs and celebrations, it doesn't matter what Fang Qingshan does.

After all, he had traded the deal, and there were unexpected gains. It was a success.

As for the celebration, he visited the door personally shortly after Jiang Bawang's breakthrough, and Yi Daoxuan has congratulated him everywhere, so there is no need to make any noise now.

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