Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1600: unfortunately


After returning to his dojo, Fang Qingshan was relieved.

Although there was no danger this time, the consumption of Yuan Shen was still quite large.

Once it was about gambling, I saw a piece of precious treasure exposed under my eyelids as if it were completely naked, but I could n’t completely take it as my own. This feeling is for Fang Qingshan's high school senior. The ruler, wherever he goes, is really a torture to those who haven't grown up.

Besides, not only did he have to endure all the treasures in one go, but he also had to be cautious, with the same light, not to show too much anomaly, lest he be known that he could spy on the void stone.

On the other hand, he traded thirteen treasures. Looking at one or two treasures, Fang Qingshan was salivating, and he couldn't wait to rob him, but at most he could only think about it, he had not lived enough. .

What he didn't know was that other people also had the same thoughts as him. If it weren't for Taoism here, I'd be afraid to open it.

However, no matter which of the above, the consumption of mind is quite large.

Only when everything was done and returned to his own dojo, Fang Qingshan, was he completely relaxed.

The next thing he has to accomplish is to open all the void stones bought by himself, Mosquito, and World Tree.

On the one hand, it was said earlier. Although Fang Qingshan actually obtained a lot of good things through trading 13 third-level treasures, he compared all the good things together and looked for the best. Better.

In case there is something better, but because you have already integrated into the furnace unit in advance, it will be more than worth it.

Moreover, he couldn't wait to see what good things were in these void stones.

Although Fang Qingshan already knew that these void stones were all genuine, and among them were all precious.

But it hasn't been published yet. I only know whether the ultimate treasure is the spiritual treasure, spiritual root, spiritual beast, or anything else.

The feeling of opening a piece of treasure with your own hands is like lifting the mystery of a beautiful woman, but it is very intoxicating.

"I don't know, this time I've had good luck with Level 4 Arcana."

Looking at the void stone in front of him, Fang Qingshan looked forward to it in his heart.

Although he knew that the odds were so slim that it might not happen.

After all, whether it was the five void stones he chose, the seven void stones chosen by the Mosquito, or the three void stones chosen by the World Tree avatar.

Each one felt to him, although it was not no more powerful than the seeds of the wounded tree, but that kind of power was limited, or no qualitative breakthrough occurred.

In the end, Fang Qingshan has also seen the fourth class treasure and the emperor.

But none of these treasures gave him the same feeling.

Even so, the dream is still there, what if it is realized?

Not to mention these, Fang Qingshan thinks this is just a beautiful wish.

Yes, it is naturally joyous, but no, it is not harmful.

In view of the fact that there are too many void stones opened this time, if he calcined a little bit through the magical power, even if he blesses the eternal sky boat and breaks through the middle of the emperor, it is very slow, and there are good ways, why not use it?

Therefore, when the mosquitoes came back, they also bought a stone cutter.

Do the same.

As before, Fang Qingshan has a sword, and he has no hesitation. Following the internal situation that he saw earlier, he divided all pieces of void stone as if they were peeling.

For a time, the eternal sky boat world can be described as colorful.

From time to time, the sky is falling, the golden lotus is flowing, the purple air is flowing, the aura of light is condensing, the vitality is rising, the dragon and the tiger are wishing, and the sword is singing.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan had a foresight. Before opening the Void Stone, he opened all the large formations on the reincarnation star, and then sacrificed the eternal sky boat and rushed into the world of the boat and sail of the sky boat.

The reason for this is that once the secret is hidden, too many treasures are issued in a short period of time, and the luck changes too much, so it will easily attract the attention of others.

Then there is the opening of the Void Stone. If there is a treasure, there will be a lot of visions, and the heavens and the earth will celebrate it.

For example, when Fang Qingshan opened the woundless fruit tree, the situation that the woundless fruit tree was transformed from a seed to a seed after the failure of the Emperor's Robbery was displayed thousands of times and ten thousand times faster.

Precisely because of this lesson learned, Fang Qingshan prepared an extra hand, otherwise, at this moment, I am afraid that the whole Taoist gate was alarmed.

At the same time, Fang Qingshan's secrets may also be made public, and the ensuing fear is probably to kill them.


After opening all the Void Stones, looking at the dozen or so treasures that were splayed out, Fang Qingshan sighed with a lack of greed.

Although I had prepared my mind for a long time, but I really saw that none of these treasures was even a fourth-class treasure, and Fang Qingshan still had some regrets.

The fourth level treasure is infinite, and the heavens and the realms are almost the highest grade existence, just like the congenital treasure in the flood.

Although Fang Qingshan has seen many Tier 4 treasures, cutting emperor sword, Taoist list, Wanmin Umbrella, and swords from everywhere

Whether it is a ghost, a broken, or complete, but none of it belongs to him.

The only piece of imperial treasure was before the Taoist ancestor was about to disappear, and he saw that he was talented. In order to help the Taoist mentor finally, he was given an imperial Taoist ideology and used it as a life saving card. It should not be used lightly, and it is disposable.

But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fortunately, I had been prepared for it. I knew that I was lucky and lost my attitude, so I was not too sad.

After clearing up my mood, looking at these fifteen treasures, my mood was completely different. For a time, Fang Qingshan's mouth cracked with a smile.

Because these fifteen pieces of treasure are all grade three treasures, and only a few of them are in the early stage of grade three, and most of them are above grade three middle-class products, and more than one is at the peak of grade three.

Good guy, he only traded thirteen third-level treasures before, and at this moment, more are immediately added.

I went to a Fu magic sword, and added two third-level peak treasures.

The most important thing is that these two three-level peak top treasures are not comparable to Fu Mo Sword. Even if it is not as good as the eight treasure Ruyi umbrella in the hands of Zhuge Jin, it will not be too inferior.

If this is known to other people, I am afraid that it is a lot of money. I am afraid that Zhuge Jin's enthusiasts will have the thought of robbing him.

If it is still known, he still has some regrets that he does not have Level 4 Treasure, I am afraid he will attack directly.

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