Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 161: Retreat

Emperor Wu Ling started using Lu Zhi as Bei Zhonglang General, Huang Fusong as Left Zhong Lang General, and Zhu Jun as Right Zhong Lang General, each holding a section, and dispatched the national elite soldiers to attack the Yellow Turban Army.

Xi Huangfusong and Zhu Jun dispatched the five central schools of the Central Standing Army to mount, ride, infantry, Changshui, radio, and Sanhe cavalry at the same time to recruit more than 40,000 strong men. The two of them led one each to suppress the yellow turban of Xichuan near Jingshi.

Although he was defeated by Bocai first and retired to the club, he was used by his tactics to burn the company and defeat it.

At the same time, occupying Guangzong and controlling Zhangjiao in the hinterland of Hebei were also stepped by Lu Zhi, and they were trapped steadily. Although there were eunuchs in power, Dong Zhuo was defeated. Fortunately, Zhang Jiao was defeated by luck. Injuries aggravated the wounds, and the yellow turbans were either annihilated or trapped, and they became ill for a while.

What is Fang Qingshan doing now?

He handed over the governing power to Xi Zhicai, assisted Guo Jia, ordered Dian Wei to guard the central government, and allowed Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to stabilize the frontier and firmly turn Qingzhou into their own. The mansion began to break through.

Originally, Fang Qingshan's original plan was to use the skin of Dongshou County Taishou to slap yellow towels and fish in muddy water to compete for benefits as much as possible. After the yellow towel was over, the Han Dynasty's last luck was back, and he took the opportunity to break through and return to one world. After that, break through Jin Dan.

He did not expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes. He did not expect that Zhang Jiao and Qi Yun Jinlong lost both. The dragon ball became fragmented and scattered for a part of his own gain.

Although it is only a part, it is far more than the luck you get from separatizing Qingzhou. Not to mention that breaking through the unity is a breakthrough in Jindan, which is more than enough.

However, Zhang Jiao himself hated the golden thread every year, making marriage clothes for others.

If you want to break through the realm of unity, you need to integrate all the magical arrays in the body into a rune. This is a process of quantitative change to qualitative change. Although it is not as good as the coagulation Jindan, it also needs a great deal. Mana and Perseverance.

After all, although Fang Qingshan cultivates not many magical powers, but each is extremely powerful, not to mention the three thousand avenue-level magical channel method, but it will not be much worse. After all, ordinary magical powers have long been used by Fang Qingshan shattered and turned into vitality, adding to other magical powers.

Compared with the ordinary ten gates and even dozens of supernatural powers, a magic channel method at the level of three thousand avenues is better than ordinary ones. This is the difference in the level of the realm and the quality.

Although there may be fifty-five great magical powers than when the Han Dynasty broke through and returned to the realm, after all, he devoured too many other magical powers, except for one of the five emperors, which is the Great Five Elements, and others. Captured.

However, as long as Fang Qingshan killed the three people in Zhangjiao, he would still be able to make up for the shortage and make up for it. At that time, I am afraid that Fang Han would still have a victory.

After all, Zhang Jiao brothers, Zhang Jiao is the right to change the state of life, Zhang Bao Zhang Liang also has the state of Jin Dan.

More importantly, they practiced Taoist orthodox methods and magical powers.

After all, Taiping Road originated from Huang Lao Road, it is an orthodox tradition of human teaching, and it is the same source as Fang Qingshan's pure Yang Jianjue.

I have devoured their Divine Path, which can not only increase cultivation, but also help oneself to better understand the Five Elements Zhenqi and the Pure Yang Jianjue, without any suspicion of instability.

After all, the things that devour others are not cultivated by oneself, and will affect the foundation more or less. Not everyone is Fang Han, the son of luck.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan has a world tree and two heavenly chessboards. As long as you are careful and restrained, there is no big problem.

Qingzhou Thorn History Mansion!

At this moment, the most elaborate soldiers are densely packed around the mansion. Almost everyone has a state of bravery, three steps and one post, five steps and one whistle, dense outdoor, and a typical Weitie tower-like body.

In the secret room!

Qiu Fangqingshan sat on his knees with his heads suspended above his head, and there were colorful arrays of immortals, immortal sounds, sweet fragrance and solemn treasures.

The muscles, bones, membranes, internal organs, spinal cords, and spinal cords of the body are completely connected into one piece, exuding a kind of five-color light, which seems to be the most perfectly cut diamond. It shines under the light. This is a qualitative change.

To break through the realm of unity, he needs to meet two requirements. One is to have a five-element magical power, and the second is to ignite the spiritual fire.

Ignite the spirit fire is not a problem for Aoyama.

五 While the five elements are complete, it is not a problem.

Originally, Fang Qingshan's successive five-element Zhenqi made a small achievement, coupled with the collection of the blood-swamp quagmire and the seven-leaf devil's treasures, combined with the world tree that devoured the five-element Zhenqi at all times, Fang Qingshan's Big Five Elements became extinct Although the magic needle is not really successful, other weak five-element magical powers, such as the five elements and sub-types, have been completed.

There are dozens of magic arrays, and dozens of magical powers revolve around the Great Five Elements Extinction Magical Powers.

Fang Qingshan's heart moved ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The heart, kidney, and bladder raised a flare at the same time, sprayed from the eyes, nose, and mouth, and merged into one flame, burning continuously, refining the top of the head Magical magic circle.

Other people in the eternal life world broke through the realm of oneness, and all were surrounded by the fire of spirit. Unlike Fang Qingshan, he cultivated Taoist magical powers and directly sacrificed the true fire of Samadhi.

The fire of the heart, also known as the **** of fire, is called Shangmei; the fire of the kidney is also known as Jinghuo, and its name is Zhongmei; the bladder is the person who is under the umbilicus, and the fire is also called Ambiguous. The true fire of Samadhi is also refined by energy, energy, and spirit.

Zizi, Zizi!

Qi Fang Qingshan's successively the Five Elements swarmed out in anger, completely smelted into the dozen magical power formations overhead, and was continuously calcined by the true fire of Samadhi, and went to Wucunjing.

The originally large but slightly relaxed magical power array, under the calcination of Samadhi real fire, began to become lean and condensed. If it was crude iron before, it is now steel.

The magical power of is becoming more and more concentrated, but the momentum has not decreased but increased. It is faintly visible that it is about to be transformed into a rune, continually circling and colliding with each other in order to form a rune.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan's inner Qi began to feel a little overwhelmed.

I want to know that what he cultivates is the Five Elements of Qi, which is directed at Jinxian's method. The five elements are in harmony with each other, and the speed of recovery is conceivable.

In addition, he also has the world tree, which is rooted in all realms.

That's the case, he feels that the mana is starting to fail, so we can see how horrible it is!

"Sure enough, although I do not have many magical powers, they are all fine products, and the consumption is really not comparable to ordinary people."

Fang Qingshan had already anticipated this and did not panic because he had already prepared for it.

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