Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 162: Return 1

But when Fang Qingshan waved his hand, a lot of fragrant elixir emanating from the heart flew out of the Five Prison King Ding.

These elixirs were the elixirs made with the devil when Fang Qingshan first went to the **** quagmire.

After he destroyed the Seven-leaf Demon King, he conquered the Eighteen Yinyang Demon Kings, and then they let them go to conquer other demon.

At first these are all resources, but they cannot be wasted.

Twenty-two is also because he was thinking of using the demon to motivate the Five Prison King Ding. The power of millions of demon to work together may not be much weaker than the pure Yang Feijian offered by himself.

Twenty-three is actually for the luck, and the demon also has luck. Although there are not many, but the sand gathers into a tower, the accumulation of less and more, and a lot.

Unfortunately, although the Five Prison King Ding is a magic weapon in space, he has not been in the world since he left the flesh and blood quagmire. Although he collected a lot of blood, he was not enough to feed the demon.

In addition to the world of the Three Kingdoms, Fang Qingshan is ignored, and other creatures will be treated as heretics and destroyed as soon as they appear.

Therefore, later Fang Qingshan simply did nothing, and made most of the heavenly monsters into the elixir from the five prison kings.

This not only saves costs, but also prepares for emergencies.

No, use it now.

Qiu Fangqingshan swallowed his mouth, countless elixir like Changhe entered his mouth, a large amount of vitality was converted into mana, and then burned by the fire of Samadhi, used to condense the magical power rune.

$ 50,000, 100,000, 300,000, 700,000, millions!

Qi Fang Qingshan swallowed millions of sedatives, but it was not enough.

Although the quality of these elixir refined by the devil is not as good as Yuanying Dan, the mana transformed by millions is also an astronomical figure, which shows that Fang Qingshan's condensed magical powers are difficult.

终于 He also finally understood why he knew that the more condensed magical powers, the stronger the foundation, the richer the foundation, the stronger the combat power, and the more he could go further, but few people did it.

Like the true disciples such as Canaan of Yuhuamen, Jindan was only a dozen supernatural powers in the realm of Jindan, and Fang Han's Jindan of the Fire Cloud Fairy obtained in Taiyuan Xianfu was only 28.

Don't they know to snatch, snatch?

The answer is yes!

But since there are so many benefits, why don't they? This is a questionable point.

First of all, if you want to cultivate more magical powers, you need a place to hold it!

Many people know the sea so big. After practicing to a certain level, they can no longer accommodate more magical powers.

Fang Han could be because he opened up the second knowledge of the sea, Fang Qingshan could be because he knew the sea has been transformed by the treasure of the heavens board.

Secondly, the more magical power, the stronger the foundation, but the corresponding gains and losses, the more the breakthrough of the bottleneck becomes stronger.

一般 For the average person, it is not easy to make a breakthrough. If the bottleneck is strengthened, it is not to say that going further, it is simply a self-determined future.

The last point is that the more magical powers, the stronger the mana needed when breaking through.

What Fang Qingshan cultivates is the Five Elements of True Qi, which also has the treasure of the World Tree. It continuously supplies Reiki and has swallowed millions of elixir. This is not enough. If you change someone else, What will happen then?

只有 There is only one ending, the mana cannot keep up, the forging fails, the magical powers dissipate, and the whole body is transformed into a stream of water!

"Fortunately, I still have pure Yang Jindan!"

Qi Fangqingshan secretly rejoiced.

I didn't have much time to think about it. With a movement in my heart, I took out Chunyang Jindan and swallowed three.

Nine are extremely numerous. There are only nine bottles of Jinyang Jindan. Fang Qingshan gave Fang Han and Fang Qingwei each swallowed one more. Now swallowing three more. Already.

However, Chunyang Jindan is indeed a panacea made by pure Yang. One can increase the skill of a century.

Crackling! Crackling!

Qi Fang Qingshan's supernatural powers collided, as if a thunder slammed the ground fire, numerous radon gas collisions, lightning flashes and thunder, and the sound was deafening.

A fire broke out in Wucheng Gate, and the fish were caught!

Qi Fang Qingshan did not expect that there would be such a big movement in breaking through the realm.

However, the guard of the guard of the Pu's Mansion was met with a cricket, which was Dian Wei outside the door with a muffled sound, a shock in his soul, and a trance.

Fortunately, this change is not lasting. With the vitality provided by Chunyang Jindan, but at one and a half moments, I heard a bell 磬, a three-foot-long, nine-inch-wide Fuyu appeared on the top of Fang Qingshan.

But seeing the light shining on it, the colorful clouds are diffused, and a round of multicolored disc slowly rotates at the core, and the five needles in the center are shining with dazzling cold light.

Around the roulette wheel, there are sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers, and hundreds of millions of runes constantly evolving in the rune, either people, or demons, or natural changes, or magic weapons.

Just when Dian Wei and others were relieved and thought it was over, but at the center of Fang Qingshan's rune, the purple air and colorful clouds combined with each other, transformed and turned into golden boy and girl, golden armor, silver armor, and soldier. The spell of blessing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is sprinkled with dreamlike petals, blowing conch-like magic instruments, and hitting the illusory sky drum.

Blow Dafa snails and hit Dafa drums!

This is Fang Qingshan's roots are so strong that they have the qualification to become immortals, and the world celebrates it!

Ordinary monks, breaking through the mystery of magical powers are crossing the wooden bridge with thousands of troops.

As for the cultivation to the mysterious state of longevity, it is even more difficult to choose from one thousand miles, not even one hundred thousand.

But if you want to break through the secret of longevity, get the Tao and become immortal, even if you are soaring by the day, even billions of souls may not appear.

得 One person got the word, chickens and dogs go to heaven!

一旦 Once someone becomes immortal, it is not just himself, his friends and relatives, but the whole world will get great benefits.

So once such a character appears, the heavens and earth will congratulate him when he condenses Rune, Jin Dan, and Fa Xiang, and he will be transported to him.

In this case, although Fang Qingshan was happy, he was not too surprised.

After all, he cultivates the five elements of Qi and Qi, the five elements of extinction, pure Yang Jianjue, Tianxian Jianjue, big cutting and so on. There is no surprise that he has the qualification to become an immortal, but instead Nothing is strange without that.

With a movement in his heart, the falcon above his head slowly sinks into the heavenly gate, falls into the mud pill palace, hangs on the world tree, and all kinds of heaven and earth vitality devoured by the world tree, except for his own growth, all others Fuyu devoured, used to evolve magical powers.

Fang Qingshan felt a bit, broke through the realm of unity, and his strength has increased by leaps and bounds. Offering a rune is equivalent to a lower-quality Taoist weapon, and it is extremely powerful, and this is not his limit. Cultivate the Great Five Elements Extinction Needle to perfection and incorporate some magical powers, and the combat effectiveness will skyrocket.

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