Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 191: have equal shares

Brush brush! !!

A ray of magical light burst out, colorful and gorgeous.

Suddenly, a high-pitched peacock screamed into the sky. Shrouded in front of Taiyuan Xianfu.

There was a horrifying death breath, which was a kind of horror machine that wiped out the soul, destroyed everything, and destroyed everything.

Countless coercion erupted on the spot.

Big Five Elements Extinction Needle!

Qi Fang Qingshan is among the three kingdoms, and he has used the five elements of the golden-dandelion-like powers and the centuries-old savings of the Han dynasty, just as Fang Han cultivated the five emperors to a complete state in one fell swoop. The ultimate supernatural power in this Heshaqi book was finally sacrificed to a perfect state by him.

Of course, completeness does not mean that the power of this supernatural power has reached the extreme.

With Fang Qingshan's improvement of the Five Elements, his cultivation, and even the smelting of more and more powerful essences of the Five Elements, the power of this supernatural power can still accompany him to grow.

"Great magical power!"

I was so embarrassed that Hua Tian could not help looking at this supernatural power.

In particular, after Yan had watched, Yan had a feeling that Fang Qingxue had previously seen Fang Qingshan's five-element **** thunder.

怎么 "How is it possible? In addition to the Big Five Elements in this world, there are such powerful and exquisite Five Elements methods!"

I heard Yan muttering to himself, Fang Han couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

"The five demon supernatural powers I delivered to you, Yan Luo Jinshen, are actually the three elements of the Three Thousand Avenues Supernatural Powers. This can be said to be the most advanced five elements of the whole world, but I didn't expect your three sons. Another unheard of show, but it is not weaker than the magic of the Five Elements, it is incredible. "

"Oh?" Fang Han heard the words for a moment, then even shook his head and didn't care about the way, "The world is so big, everything is strange. Although you are well-informed, you don't necessarily know everything. Since it exists, it naturally has his reason, no comparison. Tangle these. "

"One punch breaks ten thousand tricks, enlists force and breaks!"

At the same time, Hua Tiandu's deep voice sounded, and the five heads and nine arms behind it rose sharply, turning into a giant of the sky, with nine mountain-sized fists bursting out.

Pan Wu Hercules!

For a while, Huatian seemed to have become a martial saint, or an ancient Wu tribe, chasing the stars and taking the moon.

But it is a little different from martial saints and ancient Wu clan.

Qi Hua Tiandu's magical power is still the magical power of the Taoism, not the physical magical powers of martial arts and witches.

This supernatural power is the inheritance of Huatian from the ancient Pan Wuxian Zun. To be more precise, this is actually the big original technique of the original Taoists, and the big yin and yang technique of the Feather Gate, the big five elements of Fang Han's hand Reincarnation is generally one of the three thousand avenues.

神 This supernatural power has been successfully cultivated, it can open up nine seas of knowledge, and its practitioners are extremely powerful. Mana can grow almost endlessly without worrying about exploding.

神 This supernatural power overwhelms people with unspeakable mana, rather than breaking it with extreme force.

I can't achieve the same goal in different ways. After reaching a certain limit, I can break through all the methods. It doesn't matter if the force is mana or brute force.


She Panwu Hercules collided with the Great Five Elements Extinction Needle, making a loud noise like Hong Zhong.

The entire space where the Shenshen went was like a sieve, and the space where Huatiandu ’s fist passed was also broken.

The two extreme forces collided together, and the ultimate power broke out naturally.


Hua Tiandu's body shook, and he voluntarily retreated dozens of steps. If his feet were drumming, he could not rest without ears, and he almost returned to the path to return to the market. He landed on both feet, such as the sea of ​​magic needles, and the scene shook violently. A moment.

Qi Fang Qingshan is like a shooting star, flying across the land.

A little tricky!

The two eyes collided in the midair, and they saw a dignity in the eyes of each other.

It's not too surprising for Qi Fangqingshan. After all, Huatian is higher than himself. Even if he is displaying the Big Five Elements Extinction Needle, the Panwu Hercules displayed by others is not weak at all.

Hua Tiandu was really shocked by Fang Qingshan. The realm was three different. Based on his background, his experience, and his magical power, Fang Qingshan actually fell slightly. How can this not make him feel? accident.

"This is a rival."

When I saw Fang Qingshan, Huatiandu was instantly filled with thick threats.

As the first true disciple of Yuhuamen, Huatian had no true disciple under his eyes at all. He believed that as long as he continued to improve, Yuhuamen would sooner or later become his own.

Neither Dong Lingxiao, Nan Canaan, or Fang Qingxue did not threaten him.

But today, when he fought with Fang Qingshan, he suddenly raised this fear.

Fang Han's progress is already fast. Fang Qingshan is better than he actually is, especially since he is now only the realm of Jin Dan, and he is only slightly behind the wind when he fights with himself. When he is in the same realm with himself, Wouldn't I be crushed into **** ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Thinking of this, Huatian couldn't help but feel hazy.

He was not only him, but the crowds who were watching also were taken aback.

Ye Hua Tiandu! What kind of characters are that, whether it is Zhao Xuanyi or the Sun and Moon Swords, even Fang Qingxue and Fang Han are ready to help at any time, but where do you know that Fang Qingshan is so fierce, he actually fights back and fights back Heaven, although he retreated more by himself.

In particular, Huatiandu also used Panwu Dali, a peerless supernatural power, but it has just gained the upper hand. How can this not make everyone stunned.

"What a feathered door, what a Fang family is!"

"Yes, there were Huatiandu, Lingxiao, Canaan, Fang Qingxue, and now there is another Fanghan, and Fang Qingshan. If they all grow up, the position of the first gate of this immortal road will have to be changed. Now. "

"It's great to treat Fang's family, geniuses go out one by one, and they are not ordinary geniuses."

"Hey, this one is too anxious."

Uh ...

Hearing the conversations of the Sun and Moon Sword School, Qunxingmen, and others, and then looking at Fang Qingshan's performance, Zhao Xuanyi and Song Weiyi's faces were so dull that they almost dripped out of ice.

Hua Tian's words were naturally heard by everyone, and there was a killing in his heart, and Fang Qingshan really threatened himself.

I will not talk about this fighting power. The jindan, which is a supernatural power of 981, has the qualification of Chengxian. Once returned to Yuhuamen, it will definitely be regarded by the martial arts.

"Don't blame me, who told you you were going to stop me."

I looked at Fang Qingshan, Hua Tian dumbly.

虽然 Although he did not dare to kill Fang Qingshan, suppressing Fang Qingshan left a shadow in his heart. A flaw was still possible.

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