Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 192: Great Wild Furnace

The true disciples of Puyuhuamen cannot do it in private. Even if there are any irreconcilable contradictions, they can only go to the Tianxun platform, and under the supervision of the martial arts, they can only be judged under the eyes of the public.

Although he is not in the martial arts now, although he said expedient measures, Huatian has been injured and it is possible to seriously damage Fang Qingshan. With his position in Yuhuamen and the Pan Wuxian Tibetan behind, the martial arts have the most severe punishment, but if he dares Disused, and even killed Fang Qingshan, then things are a big deal.

Even if Huatian was so powerful in the end that he killed everyone, the news could not be concealed.

Because the Sun and Moon Swords did not say that, although they are true disciples, there are no heavyweights.

However, Zhao Xuanyi of Taiyi and Song Weiyi can bring the true biography of Ying, Ying Tianqing is even the son of the innate Mozong Ying innate, Fang Qingxue is the reincarnation of the mother, and he is deeply loved by the master. Once he destroys Fang Qingxue and others , He himself came to an end.

I ca n’t kill Fang Qingshan, or even kill him, but it ’s okay to create a flaw in his heart, make a little magic barrier, and haze to stop his rapid improvement.

This is equivalent to a sharpening stone. When polishing Fang Qingshan, even if it is a bit heavy, the martial arts will not be too much.

Of course, if Fang Qingshan never recovered, the martial arts would not even say anything. Geniuses, geniuses who grow up, are geniuses, but the talents who ca n’t pass Kaner are waste. How can it be worthy of the martial arts, it is his Huatiandu, not the same year Has it been where it is today after many hardships?

"Large ancient furnace, swallow me!"

At this moment, Huatiandu actually directly sacrificed the high-grade Taoist vessel, the Great Wild Furnace, obtained with Panwu Hercules.

But when the ancient furnace of the Great Wilderness flew out of the palm of Huatian, it rose in the wind, and it turned into a heaven and earth oven.

Huatian dumbfounded a clang and issued a bell chime. At one time, a dark abyss suddenly appeared in the ancient barren furnace, and the sound of the sonic boom erupted. The sky was dark and it even absorbed the light. Go in, the space collapses endlessly.

If you want to know the realm of Huatian, change your life against the sky, you can step into the ranks of the giants of longevity, and you can use the powerful magical powers of Panshu to achieve unlimited magic power. It broke out completely.

Qi Fang Qingshan did not expect Huatian to be so decisive. Seeing that Panwu Hercules had no choice but to sacrifice the top grade Taoism immediately.

He was the first to bear the brunt, and he was almost sucked in by the Great Wild Furnace.


It wasn't just him, the crowds who were watching the surroundings were also stricken by the pond fish.

The endless devouring power of the Great Wild Furnace broke out, and one by one, like the rootless duckweed, were thrown towards the Great Wild Furnace.

Fortunately, Huatian did not target them, but was only affected by the aftermath, but also scared everyone to sacrificing their housekeeping magic, stabilizing their body, and then widening away.

They didn't expect that Fang Qingshan and Huatian fought so fiercely. First, Panwu Hercules, and now they even sacrificed on the Taoist wares.

"Damn, what is Huatian doing?"

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingxue was even more furious. If it was not clear that Fang Qingshan also had a Taoist tool, Fang Qingxue would sacrifice an unextinguishable lightning and rushed past.

"What else can you do? Suppress dissidents." Ying Tianqing also said solemnly, "The third brother has already seriously threatened him to Huatiandu, so he must go all out to suppress."

"Qingxue, let's take a shot together!" Ying Tianqing was also disturbed by his diligence. "Hua Tian has even sacrificed Taoist instruments. I'm afraid I won't stay. I'm afraid the third brother is in danger."

"Hum, that's my third brother, not your third brother."

When I heard Ying Tianqing screamed so kindly, Fang Qingxue couldn't help humming.

"As for help, not yet."

"What a Huatiandu, what a first true biography, it really is difficult under the prestige."

When Ying Tianqing was a little confused about Fang Qingxue's reaction, Fang Qingshan finally broke out.

"Everyone who deals with the realm of Jindan must use Dao Qi, but do you think that only you have Dao Qi?"


剑 Swords sounded like mosquitoes at first, gradually like a tide, like thunder, and then suddenly rose high, the waves hit the shore, the waves hit the sky, and shattered stratum clouds.

When the lightning broke through the air, everyone felt that there was a flower in front of them and a cold in their hearts. The swallowing power that had swept the surrounding area suddenly became one of them.

"Dao Qi!"

"Upper Class Tao!"

"And a sword-shaped killer."

"I'm afraid this frame is comparable to the best!"

Uh ...

After the calm and calm sea, everyone only saw Huatiandu a mouthful of heaven and earth oven, Fang Qingshan held a sharp sword in his hand and faced him.

The previous voice of sorrowfulness of Yuhuamen once again surfaced in the hearts of everyone.

For the time being, the ancient furnace in the hands of Huatiandu, the pure Yang Feijian in the hands of Fang Qingshan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ plus the immortal lightning in the hands of Qingxue, this is still unknown to everyone. The picture is in the hands of Fang Han, not to mention the others, there are only three Taoist tools here.

And these are not top grade, medium grade, the top grade are top grade.

The ancient waste furnace in the hands of Huanhua Tiandu was obtained from Panwu Xianzang, which was the key to unlock this treasure, and Huatiandu was also revered in the position of Yuhuamen.

The pure Yang Feijian people in the hands of Qi Fang Qingshan do not know what it is, but he alone is a weapon to kill.

The immortal lightning in Fang Qingxue's hands also involved the inheritance of ancient Lei Di.

You must know that ordinary lower-grade Taoism can make the longevity giant stunned and let it go, let alone these top grades, and even the top-quality Taoism, how to keep everyone from envy and envy.

Especially Zhao Xuanyi and Song Weiyi, the good guys originally only wanted to calculate Fang Qingxue to draw Hua Tiandu, and now they can't wait to wipe them out.

The two looked at each other, and countless calculations flashed in their eyes.

Besides, Huatian saw that Fang Qingshan actually came up with an ancient pot stove that was not weak, or a sharp weapon, and his thoughts of suppressing Fang Qingshan were even stronger.

I did n’t say much. I pinched my hands, and the nine sensations hailed the Qiqi riots. The immense amount of mana swarming tide water was usually poured into the ancient waste furnace.


The ancient furnace of the Great Desolation was shaken, and an unspeakable scorching desert began to rise, locking Fang Qingshan away.

He was all tight, Fang Qingshan only felt that the world in the square hole was like golden iron, and he wanted to imprison him in place.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan seemed to have arrived in the ancient floods, and it was ten days empty.

The ancient furnace of Dahuanghuang turned into a big day and smashed straight towards Fang Qingshan.

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