Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 199: Join hands

Fang Qingxue did not doubt whether Fang Qingshan had confessed or lied.

I admit that there is nothing wrong, but rather kill by mistake, not let go, the protoss, all things, heaven and earth, the common enemy of all beings.

As for lying, Aoyama will not talk nonsense over such things, and it is not necessary.

Because Mr. Ling Zhen was brought by Fang Qingwei, if it is not a true protoss, if you do n’t look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, even if there is some resentment, Fang Qingshan will not account for it.

As for Mr. Linghua, he couldn't hold himself at this moment, he was so dizzy that he didn't expect Fang Qingshan to really find out who he was.

However, he couldn't die until he couldn't hit the South Wall. He didn't feel that any flaws had been exposed. He felt that he could still stick to it, so his face was filled with anger and incomprehensible. In addition to immortals, demons, demons, and this ethnic group? "

"No need to cover it." Fang Qingshan said lightly, "No matter how good the performance is, as long as I believe that everything is busy, saying that you are, you are, or not."

"Yes, since it is a protoss, then naturally it is Ning Xia to kill, and let it go." Fang Qingxue's cold voice sounded.

"Okay, good one Yuhuamen, one good Fang family, grand family, I am here, and I am in danger. If I don't die today, I will be exposed to the world."

Mr. Ling Linghua seemed to know that he was in trouble today and was very sad.

"Big sister, third brother, you ..." Fang Qingwei really couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately got out of the crowd and wanted to say something, but at this moment, the mutation suddenly happened.

But when the spirit of Mr. Magic Fantasy suddenly changes, it rises gradually, as if the Pandora's Box is opened, the whole person changes accordingly, and bone armor appears on the skin of the whole body!

Although he looks like a demon, he has no magic at all. On the contrary, his body exudes a noble and sacred breath, as if he is a high-ranking race that rules all kinds of people, demons, immortals, and demons.

He followed, and Mr. Linghuan flickered, appeared in front of Fang Qingwei, and grabbed it.

In fact, when Fang Qingshan uttered the two words of the protoss, Mr. Ling Huan felt that the big event was not good. Later, the results of Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingxue broke his last thought.

Things have progressed to this stage, and Mr. Spiritual Fantasy has only one way to escape.

Because of Fang Qingshan, neither Fang Qingxue is a fuel-saving lamp.

Wu Fangqingxue's electric mother was reborn, holding the piece of lightning that can't be extinguished. Although the strength is no longer available, it is still possible to delay time.

Fang Qingshan is even more powerful. With Jin Danxiu as the draw and change the life of Huatian Capital, even though Mr. Linghuan is the **** of the protoss, the power of God is the power of crushing the immortals, people, demons, and demons, but also Not afraid to beat him.

Of course, the most important thing is that this is Zhu Tianfeng, and here is the Yuhuamen. Once the fighting dynamics are large and long, it will surely attract the attention of the longevity trolls of the Yuhuamen. By then, you ca n’t really escape.

Just at this moment, Fang Qingwei stood out, which was a godsend. Mr. Linghua wanted to capture him as a hostage, and when he cast a rodent, he and Fang Qingshan didn't want to let go. He has done it.

The idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

Although Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingxue did not expect Fang Qingwei to jump out at this time, their attention has been locked on Mr. Ling Huan.

Hold your whole body!

Mr. Ling Linghuan just moved, and Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingxue followed.

"Destiny, everything is destiny!"

"The power of fate is everywhere, and no one can break away from it, and those who violate it must be imprisoned forever."

At this moment, a long and simple, deep, sounded as if carrying a mantra with various destiny powers.

Little Fate!

知道 Since knowing that Mr. Ling Zhen is a protoss, Fang Qingxue knows that he must go all out.

The sacred **** tribe has crushed all races. In addition, the spiritual reality manifested by Mr. Spiritual Fantasy, how dare she take it lightly.

Luckily fortunately, Fang Qingxue used a little fatalism, otherwise, I'm afraid he will be caught by Fang Qingwei at this moment, when the two of them cast a mouse, it's really hard to say.

Together with the mantra, a fateful power came instantly.

Although the sacred gods are the darlings of the heavens and dominate all beings, they have not broken the fate of fate. Like other immortals and demons, they all sink in fate.

So, while seeing Mr. Ling Zhen going to grab Fang Qingwei, his hand suddenly stopped in the air.

But seeing Mr. Linghua's eyes straightened, it seemed that his whole body was wrapped in an invisible force, and there was boundless blur in his eyes. He seemed to be lost in the memories of thousands of times and seemed to see clearly. For his future destiny.

"Pure Sun Promise, Sword Cuts Demon!"

He followed, Fang Qingshan's voice also sounded.

But when the white light flashed in mid-air, then he saw that Mr. Linghua's body was split into two, and blood splashed on the spot.

天 遁 swordsmanship!

With Chunyang Feijian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, one sword will kill Mr. Linghuan.

"go with!"

Then, I saw Fang Qingshan throwing the five-cloud peach blossom in his hand, turning it into a tianluodi net, binding Mr. Linghua's body, and pulling him into the prison of five prison kings.


At this time, Fang Qingxue and Fang Qingshan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sister, are you okay!"

Seeing Fang Qingxue's face pale, Fang Qingshan asked with concern.

"It's all right." Fang Qingxue shook his head.

Fortunately, she was doing a little fatalism, otherwise I'm afraid that she can't really trap Mr. Ling Zhen.

However, although the power of small fatalism is great, the sequelae are also a bit serious. This time, if it is not because Mr. Linghuan is a protoss, he has been cultivated to a high level, and Fang Qingxue will not use it.

However, with Fang Qingshan's shot, the effect was naturally perfect. The protoss prince, Mr. Spiritual Fantasy, did not have the slightest resistance, and had no time to explode, so they were suppressed by their backhand.

"Sister, brother, what's going on!" At this time, Fang Qingwei finally came back to God, and she was a little bit worried, and at the same time asked a little puzzled.

"You're still asking us, I haven't asked you yet? What the **** is going on with this Mr. Spirit? How did you get involved with him, do you know if it is known, it's not just you, it's Our entire Fang family couldn't eat and walk around. "Fang Qingxue couldn't help getting angry when he saw Fang Qingwei's look blank.

"Well, second sister, this is it ..." In the end, Fang Qingshan stopped Fang Qingxue because of Fang Qingwei's care for himself, and told Fang Qingwei the whole story.

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