Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 200: Elder Sentence

"Ah? What then? What will happen?"

I heard Fang Qingshan tell the story of the protoss one by one, and Fang Qingwei immediately knew that the matter was big.

She is not a brainless person. On the contrary, although it is not as clear as the snow above, she is also a heroine of a female middle school.

Since the protoss is a common enemy of the world, and she is still a friend with this protoss monarch, he has also led him to Yuhuamen. If people know that it is not only that she cannot survive, I am afraid that the Fang family will also be destroyed. disaster.

After all, both Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingxue said before that, facing the protoss, everyone had to kill them, and would rather kill them by mistake than let them go.

Especially with the rise of Fang Qingxue, Fang Qingshan, and Fang Han, there are four true stories. Except for her, the other three are well-known, one of the best true disciples, has long been Muxiu Yulin, affecting the interests of others .

If things of the protoss broke out, Fang Qingwei thought that life would be dark.

"Hum, now you know that you are scared? Making friends does not know to look at the object." Fang Qingxue snorted coldly.

"Sister Okay, if I hadn't heard of Mr. Spiritually where I happened to be, I've probably been tricked by him. The second sister didn't know it was normal." Fang Qingshan said for Fang Qingwei first, then comforted, "Two No need to worry about my sister, Mr. Linghuan has been beheaded by us, as long as we continue to confess to the martial arts, we will not only fail, but will do a great job. "


After Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingxue, Fang Qingwei said a few words, they came straight here.

I walked through layers of pavilions, Huayu Building, and stopped in front of a very high hall.

The grand hall towers, there are 3,600-level jade steps below, you have to climb the main hall step by step to reach the main hall. Especially on both sides of the white jade steps, there are countless knives, axes, hooks, cables, swords, guns, halberds, spears, sledgehammers, chains, chains, maces, crescent shovel, etc. Weapons, every weapon, is very large, ten times larger than ordinary weapons, at first glance, it seems that it has come to the world where giants live. But then a look, it gave people a very solemn, solemn, murderous feeling.

Here is the Sentence Hall where the Sentence Platform is located.

Elder Xiantian's head of the criminal law is majestic and dignified. Except for the head, in Yuhuamen, the deputy head is probably not as good as him.

Fang Qingshan originally wanted to see the head and confess to him the protoss, but the head had left Yuhuamen and went to Taiyuanxianfu to rescue Fang Han, so Fang Qingshan retreated and came to the Temple of Heaven to find the elder .

Fang Qingshan, the hall of torture this day, is also here for the first time. There is a spirit of killing in front of him. During the opening of Yuhuamen School, I do n’t know how many characters have been killed and ran across the heavens. For another person, I am afraid that I will not wait for interrogation, and my heart and courage will be lost or weakened.

"Practitioner Fang Qingshan begged to see the Elders of Heaven!"

Qi Fang Qingshan came to the gate of the hall and said respectfully.

It's not about doing things, but about awe of strength.

"Why is he here?"

The elder Sentence, who had just returned from a meeting in the mysterious space deep in Yuhua Tiangong, frowned, and was curious.

The other side of Qingshan, his impression is quite deep. After all, when Fang Qingshan broke through the mysterious realm of the magical power, he sensed two top-quality killing implements from his body. It has only been a long time since then. , And it is still Jindan with the qualification of Chengxian, and its combat effectiveness is even after Huatian Capital.

"come in!"

As soon as Elder Xian Xingpu waved his hand, the door of the hall of Tian Xing burst out and opened slowly, but he wanted to hear what Fang Qingshan was looking for at this time.

"Have met the Elder Prisoner!"

When Fang Qingshan strolled into the Temple of Heavenly Punishment, he saw a young man with dark hair and no white face sitting in front of him.

"No need to be polite." The Elder Sentence waved his hand. "Your boy is really a rich blessing. I do n’t want to be treated like a prince for three days. It ’s true and honest. How long did it take to grow to this point? There are talents from the Jiangshan generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years! "

"The elders are over-recognized, but it is just a coincidence." Fang Qingshan was modest.

"You ..." The Elder Sentence pointed his finger at Fang Qingshan, shook his head with a smile, and said nothing, but asked, "Yes, what are you doing to me this time?"

"Please also ask the elders to shield the Quartet." Hearing the elders of the Tianxing asked, Fang Qingshan suddenly looked, arched.

"Huh?" The elder Elder Sentence, who was still a little lazy, saw this, and suddenly changed his face, solemnly.

If Fang Qingshan is so serious, it is definitely not a trivial matter. He would not think that Fang Qingshan was joking with himself.

The matter of Wu Taiyi has not yet been solved perfectly. Now, looking at Fang Qingshan's appearance, it seems that there are still thorny problems, and the elder of the punishment can't help but raise his heart.

But when he saw a trick, he shook the whole Temple of Heaven's punishment for a while, and a restraint surfaced.

What Fang Qingshan didn't expect is that this day's hall of punishment is actually a Taoist tool ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and it is also a unique Taoist tool.

I do n’t think it ’s a surprise if you think about it. After all, here I have suppressed many masters and I do n’t know how to do it.

"Well, let's say it!" Elder Tian Xing said after opening the hall.

"Please also ask the elders to isolate themselves by force!" Fang Qingshan shook his head.

"Okay!" The Elder Sentence shocked, took a deep look at Fang Qingshan, hit a mana, and wrapped him with Fang Qingshan.

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan nodded his head. Without a word, he took Wuding Wang Ding out, and then he waved and tossed out the body of Mr. Linghua wrapped in Wuyun Taohua.

"Outland Protoss!"

Seeing what Fang Qingshan took seriously, the Elder Sentence frowned at first, but upon closer inspection, he was frightened suddenly, and in his state of mind he could not remain calm, like a cat on a tail, and suddenly exploded Mao, exclaimed.

怎么 "How is it possible that the Protoss actually appeared again, where did you see it, does anyone else know, is there any other Protoss?"

The elder Chen Tianxing asked several questions in one breath.

"Just at Yuhuamen!" Fang Qingshan Road.

"What? Yuhuamen?" The elder Tian Xing had not let go of his heart, and almost came out of his throat. He didn't expect that the protoss had already mixed their own low eyelids. Is there anything more appalling?

"Things are like this." Fang Qingshan told the elders of the punishment the whole story.

"Don't tell other people about this, let Fang Qingxue keep a tight mouth, I will go to see the elders now."

Xun explained, and when Tian Xing waved his hand to collect Mr. Ling Zhen's body, he disappeared instantly.

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