Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 225: Golden Dragon disciple

"Congratulations on your being a Golden Dragon disciple in the ancient Temple of Heaven."

After the dust settled, Disciples of Jinlong arched their hands towards Fang Qingshan, with a slight smile on his face.

Fang Qingshan can rely on the sword of the emptiness of the sky to gain advantage and avoid the harm. In addition, there are five clouds of peach blossoms and five prison king Ding to protect themselves, and naturally retreat in the space storm.

Disciples of Jinlong didn't have such good luck. They hard-wired Fang Qingshan's pure-yang sword tactics and were swept by the storm in space. Although he had a successful practice of Jiupin, he didn't escape the fate of being spiked.

As soon as the voice fell, and the previous Bailang and Baidi's disciples were out of one side, his body had a light blooming out, like a mirror burst, which was directly dissipated into the sky.

The only difference is that after the disciples of Bailang and Baiji failed, Dengtianmen instinct could activate higher-level disciples to face them, but after the disciples of Jinlong failed, they turned into an ancient token and fell into Fang Qingshan's hands.

Above the token, a golden dragon coiled, exuding powerful coercion.

This is the golden dragon token that symbolizes the top disciples of the ancient temple.

With this token, Fang Qingshan can enter the ancient heavenly palace, and he can get the maximum authority.

After Fang Qingshan got the Golden Dragon token, the natural clearance was successful, but when Denglongmen trembled, he shone out of Guanghua to cover it with a force of repulsion and sent it along a space crack.

It didn't take long for Fang Qingshan to enter Denglongmen until he came out. After all, he achieved a triple kill, and it was a spike.

So when Fang Qingshan appeared, it scared everyone, and he was horrified and wondered what happened, but he came out so soon.

Everyone just wanted to ask what happened, but everyone was unfamiliar with Fang Qingshan. Previously, Su Qingyin was almost endless with Fang Qingshan, and he couldn't help but feel a little hesitant for a while. You see me, I see you, there is no People came forward.


Just then, a new situation emerged at the Dragon Gate.

However, seeing the magnificent release of Denglongmen Guanghua, it seems that the heaven and earth treasures were born. There are thousands of Guanghua shining, making people subconsciously close their eyes.

What is opening is that Guanghua converges into a figure, who is not Fang Qingshan?

Of course, these are not important. What is important is that as Fang Qingshan's figure appeared above the Dragon Gate, and a dragon chanted, a huge golden beam of light suddenly rose from Fang Qingshan's body, as if it penetrated the world.

At this moment, everyone did not know that Fang Qingshan had successfully cleared the customs, and he had also obtained the top disciple token and became a Golden Dragon disciple.

"Did something go wrong at the Dragon Gate?"

At the same time, people could not help but come up with such a problem.

Although Fang Qingshan is powerful and everyone can see it, the ancient Tiangong is the top force in the Daqian world. His assessment of his disciples' Denglongmen was cleared by Fang Qingshan so easily, but everyone felt a little bit inauthentic, and subconsciously thought that the ancient war was to climb the dragon gate The damage caused Fang Qingshan to easily obtain the identity of Jinlong disciple.

Since Fang Qingshan can get the Golden Dragon token without any effort, does that mean he can do it?

Thinking of this, other people who did not clear the customs could not help but feel hot.

Even if you can't get the Golden Dragon token and you can't get the Green Dragon, you can get the White Dragon.

Thinking of this, everyone was willing to delay there, one by one, as if rushing to reincarnate, for fear of being one step late, swarming towards Denglongmen.

The idea was naive, but the reality gave them a big slap.

They went in faster and came out faster, but for a few dozen breaths, they were sprayed out by the wolverines.

And most of the tokens they got are only the green wolf cards, and there are so many golden wolf cards in the feather horns.

The fiery scene because Fang Qingshan cleared customs easily was instantly silent, as if a pot of cold water had been poured.


Seeing this, Fang Qingshan chuckled, and the Denglongmen was damaged, but whether the damage was wiped out of the instrumental spirit, only the instinct was left, and there was no previous flexibility, but the inspection methods were not lowered.

Shaking his head, Fang Qingshan activated the Golden Dragon card, and there was a golden light blooming on the Golden Dragon card. He directly wrapped him and then turned into a golden light.

In front of heaven and earth, the countless spiritual light rays disappeared automatically when they touched the golden light, and Fang Qingshan's figure passed through the large array, and then disappeared.

Although going ahead doesn't mean you can get more good things, but it does mean you can get more possibilities. Besides, it's nothing to continue to wait here, and you have to be seen as a monkey.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan went away quickly in countless sighs in this heaven and earth, and then disappeared.

With the departure of Fang Qingshan, Liu Yan, Wang Tongxian, Qin Jingxuan, and even Su Qingyin and Mu Chen and the others could not hold back, and shot at Denglongmen at the same time.

Of course ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan naturally did not know about this. At the moment, under the leadership of the Golden Dragon Token, he has already arrived in the inner area of ​​the Ancient Temple.

Standing in midair, looking up.

Oncoming is an old, vicissitudes, barren, and tragic atmosphere that is older than the periphery.

But I saw a vast sky, two points up and down, the islands and stars scattered on the top, and the peaks on the bottom.

Among them are Qiongju Yaoyao, Jinmen Cuidong, carved cloud carved moon, and jasper railings.

There is a waterfall falling like a dragon in the mountains, and the sound of rumbling echoes between the heavens and the earth.

Unfortunately, these have been decadent, and they can only witness the prosperity once.

Although it is sighing here, but in the end it is yellow flowers yesterday, and people are wrong, not to mention, Yuhuamen is not inferior to here, so Fang Qingshan felt a little bit, and converged.

Coming to the Ancient Temple is not for fun, but for treasure hunting.

For the other side, Aoyama's ordinary collection was not considered by him at all.

Therefore, watching other people entering like a red-eyed robber, I wish to turn the place upside down, as if the locusts were crossing the border, and they wanted to dig the ground three feet.

Fang Qingshan was thinking carefully while standing in place.

This is the first floor of the ancient inner palace.

According to the structure of the ancient Tiangong, this should be the location of Jiufu. After Jiufu, it is one of the important goals of Fang Qingshan's trip, Tianchi!

Although the nine palaces are good, the owners of the palace are all the existence of the supreme earth, but Fang Qingshan is not yet in the eyes of him, so he did not deliberately seek, but flew directly to Tianchi.

Of course, if he ran into it halfway, he would not refuse.

When he moved, he turned into a streamer, crossed the mountain peak island, and flew towards the inner periphery.

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