Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 226: Dragon Breath

Fang Qingshan did not stop on any island or mountain peak halfway.

For one thing, although the mountain peaks of these islands are broken, but the forbidden formation method is still there, he is not proficient in the formation method, he can only use skill to break the trick, and more importantly, the content inside is not very eye-catching If you don't work hard, you won't do it.

Of course, because he didn't get the map of this ancient heavenly palace like Muchen, he didn't know where the nine palaces were. It was obviously not his character to find them one by one, so Fang Qingshan didn't spend his mind until, far away He stopped when he saw a small group of people gathering on the island.

Someone means there are treasures here, and many people mean that the treasures here are not simple.

Sure enough, Fang Qingshan knew where he was when he set foot on the island.

Island of Dragon House!

Dragon Palace is also one of the nine palaces. It is said that the strength of the owner of the palace, even among the nine palaces, can be among the best. Fang Qingshan naturally does not want to miss it.

In the distance, Fang Qingshan saw the crowds on Long Island, and this number increased with the times. From time to time, light and shadows whistled. Obviously, they were rushed by some information.

However, although there are many people, few people dare to break into them.

Because there is a faint mist on the island of Longfu. The mist does not seem strong, but it is daunting.

Dragon Breath Poison!

In order to know the poison of dragon's breath, the dragon family is a very powerful race between heaven and earth, and dragon's breath is their powerful means. The poison of dragon's breath can be imagined.

If the inferior place is too much inhaled, it will be extremely embarrassed. Below the place of the supreme place, if you accidentally injure, it will fall directly.

Therefore, although there are many people here, they dare not cross Leichi.

But Fang Qingshan was not surprised when he saw it.

Although the horrible dragon breath poison, but Fang Qingshan is not yet in the eyes.

What's more, the five cloud peach blossoms in his hands can absorb various radon and poisonous gas evolution in the world.

My arsenic, my honey!

This dragon's breath poison appears to outsiders as something to avoid, but to the other side, Qingshan is an excellent treasure.

But when Fang Qingshan shook his hands and threw Wuyun Taohua, he walked into this stone island with a great deal of shock in his eyes.

After he entered Longdao, he saw the Wuyun peach blossoms becoming more and more beautiful. Those even the Dragons were poisonous gas that was far away, as if the milk birds were throwing in the forest, and they traced toward Wuyun peach blossoms.

On Long Island, the ruins are all over and there is no vitality. Fang Qingshan walked for a long time and saw nothing.

However, he didn't have any urgency about this. Even if he didn't find anything this time, as long as the Wuyun peach blossoms completely absorbed the dragon's breath poison, it was a big gain.

Wuyun peach blossom is made by Fang Qingshan with thousands of years of Shen Ke in the rotten peach mountain of Shu Mountain, although it is hindered by the dragon elephant and red-haired ancestors and the carrying capacity of treasures. He did not take it out completely, but the successful refining of the five-cloud peach blossom tincture was also a great treasure.

With the improvement of Fang Qingshan Xiuwei in recent years, continuous worship, integration of various kinds of radon gas, poisonous gas, the power of Wuyun peach blossom is increasing day by day, especially in the flesh quagmire. If the dragon's breath poison is completely absorbed, it will soon be transformed into Tao.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan simply did not seek the treasures of Long Island, chose a place, and urged Wuyun Taohuaya to begin to devour the dragon's breath.

For a while, when the wind and clouds rushed over Long Island, the harmless dragon breath poison began to boil, scaring those who wanted to touch the fish in troubled waters one by one.

Fortunately, these dragon breath poisons did not spread, but gathered toward a vortex in the center, and there was a faint peach blossom in sight, which was beautiful.

But no one dares to belittle and take it lightly, because they see which peach blossoms are actually swallowing dragon breath poison, for them dragon breath poison is already something that cannot be touched, let alone more than dragon breath poison Great peach blossom.

Time passed by a little bit, and after the surrounding poisonous gas was swallowed up, Long Island was also exposed little by little.

This should have been a good thing, but after searching, everyone still didn't find the treasure.

Then the only problem is that the land of the treasure is still behind the gathering of dragon breath poison. It is just the misty dragon breath poison that they dare not provoke, let alone the dragon breath poison converge at this moment, like water and ink.

When Fang Qingshan devoured the dragon breath poison peacefully and practiced Wuyun peach blossoms, Muchen and his party finally caught up.

Of course, only Lin Jing came to Long Island at this moment, and Mu Chen was still in retreat.

In addition to Lin Jing, Xiao Xiao, the daughter of the Emperor Yan, also arrived on schedule. The two obviously also saw the changes in Long Island. Both of them were daring masters of the arts, and they hurried over to the place where Fang Qingshan was located ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wow, so beautiful! "

The two came near and were attracted to Wuyun Peach Blossom by one glance. As for poisonous things, they were not at all concerned.

"Well, it's him!"

At the same time, Lin Jing naturally saw Fang Qingshan. Although a little surprised, he was surprised. Only this one can have such treasures, and he would dare to worship here.

After participating in the selection of Jinlong's disciples, Lin Jing's curiosity on the other side of Aoyama increased by three points.

It took a lot of effort to use her methods, but Fang Qingshan didn't bother to blow the air, the gap between the two can be imagined. More importantly, Fang Qingshan's realm is actually lower than everyone else.

Lin Jing and Xiao Xiao naturally found each other. Seeing each other was not inferior to themselves, they were equally beautiful, and they were also confused by each other, and could not help but be curious, where did the other come from.

One person held a white jade gourd, shrouded in a white jade light film, and one man hung a snake around his shoulder, sucking all the poisonous gas that came near him.

The two stood so quietly not far from Fang Qingshan to watch his rituals and not to find the real treasure of Long Island.

Lin Jing was curious because of the other side of Qingshan, but Xiao Xiao was attracted by Wuyun Taohua and wanted to exchange from Fang Qingshan.

Fang Qingshan naturally knew about the arrival of Lin Jing and Xiao Xiao, but they didn't bother to sacrifice themselves, and Fang Qingshan ignored them.

Wuyun peach blossom has a deep foundation, and it has long been a great treasure. It is only a step away from the Tao. This time, Dragon Breath is the last catalyst.


As all the dragon's breath poisons were swallowed by the five-cloud peach blossoms, but it was seen to have risen and shrunk, so nine times, an imaginary peach tree emerged, blossoming peach blossoms, and colorful flowers.

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