Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 229: One after another



The swallowing python successively devoured the dragon corpse and dragon spirit beads, not only the color on the body is more gorgeous, the body is more spiritual, but the spirit has weakened a bit, returned to Xiao Xiao, drilled back to the sleeve, and never came out again .

But Fang Qingshan and Lin Jing knew, but when swallowing the python once again, the strength would definitely increase.

So they congratulated each other by coincidence.

"It's all my sister and father-in-law."

Xiao Xiao naturally felt the change of swallowing the python, and a smile of joy appeared on that pretty face.

At the same time, when Xiao Xiao's white jade-like back was seen, a light pattern suddenly appeared, and it was a coiled dragon.

Fang Qingshan knew that this should be the token of the Lord of the Dragon Palace.

"Since the treasures are here, what are your plans?" Fang Qingshan asked.

"I'm going to join Muchen and Jiuyou." Lin Jing said.

"Mugchen?" Xiao Xiao heard the name again, and couldn't help thinking of the guy in Longfengtian in the north.

"Yes, how did Sister Xiao know him?" Lin Jing asked curiously.

"But I don't know if it's the same person." Xiao Xiao shook his head and said with some uncertainty.

"That being the case, then come with me." Lin Jing invited.

"Alright." After thinking about it, Xiao Xiao did not refuse.

"That being the case, I'll take a step first." Fang Qingshan didn't want to follow them to see Muchen, arched his hands at the two, and leapt forward, turning into a rainbow of lights across the sky.

"Go? Want to go or teach the treasures from Longdao."

As the words fell, they saw a group of men in golden robes, handsome, calm, walking over.

"It's him!"

Lin Jing couldn't help but be surprised when he saw someone.

"How does my sister know him?" Xiao Xiao asked.

"This person is the Prince of the Xia Dynasty, Xia Yu, ranked fourth on the list of Tianluo's mainland powerhouses!" Lin Jing said.

The reason she still had an impression of him was that in entering the space passage of the ancient Heavenly Palace, Xia Yu speculated that she was trying to break their passage and let them die in the chaos of space. .

"Oh, it's an old man!"

Seeing Lin Jing, Xia Yu said with a smile.

"But I don't know why Muchen isn't together. I'm trying to talk to him."

"No narrative is necessary, I'm not familiar with you."

As Xia Yu's voice fell, he was interrupted coldly by a voice, and then he saw Mu Chen walking in with Jiuyou slowly.

They found Lin Jing missing after leaving the customs, so they searched for it.

"It's an honor for you to be able to talk to you, brother Xia, shameless!"

Before Xia Yu spoke, a man next to him glared fiercely and scolded fiercely.

Then, I saw that it took a step forward, as if a ghost appeared at night in front of Muchen, and then a five-finger one, aura of light gathered, turned into a big hand to cover the sky, and whistled and shot down towards Muchen.

"Hey, dare to speak the same way with my elder brother, Muchen is about to die."

Seeing the man's shot, behind Xia Yu, the broken arm of Xia Hong stared viciously at Muchen, his eyes were full of pleasure.

Although Mu Chen is powerful, in his opinion, there is still a big gap compared with those who shot.

Because this person is the fifteenth strongest player Lu Yan who is ranked 15th in the strong list. He is five positions higher than himself. He is strong in physical strength and once punched three No. 9 Supremes with one punch.

Summer bugs cannot speak ice.

He knew there was Muchen, the protagonist's halo, and his strength changed day by day. Not to mention Lu Ye, it is also unknown whether his elder brother can defeat Muchen.

Sure enough, in the face of Lu Yanshi's shocking fist, Mu Chen flashed in addition to the cold light in his eyes, his face did not change at all, and he did not flash or avoid, and the same punch hit the past.


As Muchen blasted out with a punch, but heard a dragon chant and a phoenix ringing at the same time, above the right arm, the true dragon and true phoenix emerged, and the dragon claws and wings extended, just like Muchen The five fingers fit together.


The two fists collided, and the urn on Lu's face had not completely receded, but a flash of horror flashed through his pupils.

Because, at this moment, a force of platooning down the sea was flowing toward himself like a flood bank.

Without the slightest resistance, Lu Ye seemed like an ordinary person was hit by a heavy truck. The whole person flew back like a kite with a broken line.

"Some meaning!" Seeing that Lu Yan was not a fist enemy of Mu Chen, although Xia Yu flashed a little surprise in his eyes, he still didn't take it seriously.

Because in addition to himself, there are dozens of people around him, all of whom are in the top 15 of the strong list.

"You go on, I'll go first."

Seeing Mu Chen's appearance, it was like the center of the world, attracting all the artillery. Fang Qingshan shook his head and said lazily, going step by step towards the outside ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You can, pay From the treasure you got from Long Island and that colorful magic weapon. Xia Yu glanced at Fang Qingshan, her eyelids drooping and said lightly.

Apparently, Fang Qingshan had previously swallowed the dragon breath poison, and he had learned about the cult of Wuyun peach blossom.

"Oh? You'll fix me? What if I don't pay?" Fang Qingshan said lightly.

"If you don't pay it, just die!" Xia Yu side, a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek quickly answered.

"In this case, you die!" Fang Qingshan looked at the man indifferently.

The next moment, the man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek fell down with no warning, his face was lifelike, but his eyes did not look.

Yin Yang Eyes!

This is a great magical power that Fang Qingshan got from Zhang Jiao Tianshu.

The effect and interpretation of the yin and yang mirrors in the hands of the red sperm in the Twelve Golden Immortals have the same effect.


Seeing this scene, the people around were uproar.

Although the man with a sharp-billed monkey cheek was a bit insignificant, but his strength was not low, but Fang Qingshan couldn't stop it at a glance. How could this not surprise everyone.

"Your Excellency is too much!" Xia Yu was really shocked and angry.

The natural surprise was Fang Qingshan's strength. Angrily, hitting the dog also required a look at the owner, but Fang Qingshan directly killed his followers. Isn't that just beating his face?

"Yes?" Fang Qingshan glanced at him indifferently. "Do you think if I would pay attention to you?"

"How can it be the same?" Xia Hong smirked behind Xia Yu, "My elder brother is Prince Da Xia, the fourth place on the list of strong men, even the Golden Dragon disciple of the ancient Temple of Heaven, can you compare with other ordinary people? of."

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