Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 230: Dagger

"Hee hee hee, a big name."

When the crowd was shocked by Xia Hong's words, Lin Jing beside Fang Qingshan suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Xia Hong looked at the flowers with a smile, like Lin Jing who was a big joke, and immediately asked angrily.

"What am I laughing?" Lin Jing stopped laughing after a while, and pointed at Fang Qingshan and asked Xia Hong, "Where can I know who he is?"

"He? Unknown little pawn." Xia Hong ignored it.

"Unknown little pawn?" Lin Jing's eyes widened and his face was incredible, and then she couldn't help but express her sincerity. "Now I believe that you really aren't comparable to us ordinary people."

"Just know." Xia Hong smiled proudly.

"Shut up." Xia Yu saw that Xia Hong didn't hear the strange yin and yang in his tone, and he could not help frowning. He looked at Qingshan and asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

"Fang Qingshan!" Fang Qingshan spit out his name lightly.

"Fang Qingshan?" Xia Yu seemed to have heard the name, but couldn't remember it for a while.

"It's him!"

"He is Fang Qingshan!"

"The 19th man who easily defeated Lu Shan?"

"Is that Fang Qingshan who forced Su Qingyin to have to apologize?"

"I heard that Fang Qingshan is also a Golden Dragon disciple."

Xia Xiayu didn't remember it, but someone around me remembered it, and suddenly exclaimed.

When Xuan heard everyone exclaiming, Xia Yu's face changed slightly.

He is a disciple of Jinlong, and naturally knows how difficult it is to get this position. Fang Qingshan's ability to become a Golden Dragon disciple is obviously not a fuel-saving lamp.

If you want to become a disciple of Jinlong, you can also make tricks like Mu Chen, so let Su Qingyin have to apologize and make him really incredible.

Su Qingyin is the second-ranked existence on the list of strong men, higher than herself. Although she may not be afraid of her if she fights, she is at least at the same level as herself, especially the worm division. And such a master was actually compelled to apologize, even if there were various other reasons, but it is certain that Fang Qingshan's strength was frightening even Su Qingyin.

After knowing Fang Qingshan's true identity, everyone in the Daxia Dynasty was stunned, especially Xia Hong, who had spoken before, was pale.

He never thought that Fang Qingshan was also a Golden Dragon disciple, and he could even force Su Qingyin to make an apology. We must know that Su Qingyin was still above his elder brother.

Today, the only place Fang Qingshan is not as good as his elder brother is probably the power behind him. His elder brother is standing behind the Daxia Dynasty, and Fang Qingshan does not seem to know the origin.

However, how can ordinary people and forces be able to cultivate such arrogance.

"This kick hits the iron plate."

The crowd watching the crowd couldn't help but think of glee.

I deserve this. Everyone has long been dissatisfied with their prohibition of any other horse and horse from approaching here, but because of their wave of men and women, they are really dazzling and have to give in.

There are people outside, there are days outside.

Now I saw them eating 瘪, everyone seemed to be eating ice cream in the summer, and it was so cold.

"It was Brother Fang. This time, Xia Yu was a bit rude, sorry." Xia Yu is also a person who can afford to let down, and knows Fang Qingshan's identity and strength, although he looks ugly, he still decisively arches. After arching, said apologetically.

At the same time, Xia Yu's slightly vicious eyes suddenly fell on Lin Jing and Muchen.

Qiu Fangqingshan could not provoke him now, so Muchen was angry, and new hatreds came to mind.

哟 "Oh, this is because Fangzi can't afford it, think we are bullying, right?"

Seeing Xia Yu's gaze, Xiao Xiao couldn't help laughing.

"Sister Lin, Muchen, we have been pinched as soft persimmons."

Wu Muchen, Lin Jing, Xiao Xiao, and Jiuyou heard the words and smiled at each other. At the same time, they let go of their whole body, and also released their identity tokens.

He followed, and the crowd saw four great successes rising up from the sky, accompanied by four golden beams of light rising from the side of Muchen, and they were so powerful and terrifying that the three dragons suddenly emptied.

I felt the strong coercion and the dazzling golden light. All the people and horses looked at the beam of light in the sky dumbfounded, and their eyes were full of shock.

Hey guys, when Jiupin Dayuan and Jinlong disciples became Chinese cabbage, this appeared and got piled up.

"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

I saw this scene. If Xia Yu was only gloomy, Xia Hong was totally unacceptable.

Forget about a Fang Qingshan, he was able to defeat Su Qingyin, who was higher than his elder brother ranking, and obtained Jinlong disciple's status.

Xi Muchen, a guy who has not been looked at by him, has actually become a Golden Dragon disciple. Xia Hong only feels that his outlook on life suddenly collapses.

"shut up!"

Xia Yu stared fiercely at the roaring Xia Hong, looking so dull as if he could screw out water, take a deep breath, hold down the evil fire in his heart, and take a deep look at Mu Chen's party and waved, let's go!"

"Let's go or wait!"

They wanted to leave, but Fang Qingshan didn't want to let them go.

Come whenever you want

If you want to go, just leave, and if you see people being bullied, you will be thrown up, that is, the iron plate will be retreated. How can things in the world be so simple?

"Yeah, what are you doing in such a hurry!" Lin Jing greeted with a smile ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What? Do you have any enlightenment? Xia Yu's eyes flashed a killing, but he was suppressed by him.

There are four Jinlongs and one Jindi disciple. There are many people on their side, and Xia Yu can't see the slightest chance of winning.

"Don't dare to enlighten me, but don't you just say nothing and just leave?" Fang Qingshan said lightly.

"Show?" Xia Yu frowned, and didn't respond for a while.

"Xia Gongzi, he is making you a gift." A person beside Xia Yu reminded whispered.

"It's still a bad gift, you're crazy!" Xia Hong growled irritably.

"You can also try it and see if Su Qingyin and I are playing in the field." Fang Qingshan said irrevocably.

"Do you really want to do this? You need to know that there are encounters in the mountains and rivers, staying on the line, and see each other in the future." Xia Yu said in a word.

"I even know that cutting the grass will not remove the roots, and the spring breeze will blow again." Fang Qingshan said coldly, and made a look at Mu Chen and others, "What do you think?"

"I think Fang Gongzi said so much."

"Yeah, you won't die if you hit the snake."

"There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a reason to prevent thieves the day before."

Xi Muchen and others looked at each other and smiled, all echoed, and at the same time their bodies moved, occupying the four sides and surrounding Xia Yu and his party around the center.

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