Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 235: cemetery

The ancient heaven palace, over a barren hill, suddenly the space fluctuated, the light folded, and a figure appeared.

It was Fang Qingshan who was pushed out by the Tibetan Buddhist Pavilion after breaking through the realm of heaven and earth.

I stood in mid-air, and looked around, but I saw hundreds of miles in ruins, and the grass was not born, as if it had been affected by some devastating force. Even after thousands of years, it was still lifeless.

"It looks like it shouldn't be far from Tiandi Mausoleum."

Feeling that under the hill, although tens of thousands of years have passed, there is still no dissipated power, and the residual power gives people a kind of palpitations. Even if Fang Qingshan has now broken into the heavens and the earth, he is even dared to enter the longevity giant. There was a fight, but in the face of this power, a look of dignity still appeared.

He can feel that there are two extreme powers intertwined and eroding each other, but any one of them seems weaker than the one who did not shoot himself outside the Daxuan Empire.

In ancient Tiangong, there is no one else with this ability except the Emperor of Heaven and the invading Demon Emperor.

"The road is long and far away, I will search up and down!"

Qi Fang Qingshan sighed quietly.

Don't look at him after entering the ancient heaven palace, even breaking two realms, only one step away from the sky to change his life, is the ordinary longevity giant, fighting, it is unknown who wins.

A little pride that Ji Fang Qingshan had just risen could not help but be wiped out instantly in front of these two forces.

I have a little residual power, and after thousands of years, it is still so horrible. How proud can I be?

"Dammited Tibetan scripture hall, not just entered in advance, it took a lot of destiny to make such stingy."

Seeing the remaining power below, Fang Qingshan couldn't help but startled with a cold sweat. He knew that the Tibetan scripture cabinet spirit had deliberately tossed himself here. If he fell into the hills inadvertently, he would have to get rid of the dead. Layer of skin.

In his heart, I scolded the Tibetan scripture cabinet instrument spirit, Fang Qingshan carefully avoided the hills and quickly swept across this barren mountain range, and hurried toward the Heavenly Emperor's Cemetery not far ahead.

The emperor's cemetery is the final stop of the ancient heavenly palace this time. The ancient heavenly emperor and the monster outside the land finally met.

When I came here, the people who came were not just the younger generations on the previous strong list, but the older generation's land supreme should also be on the stage.

According to the original trajectory, not only will there be a supreme supremacy, a supreme perfection, but the demon emperor who has been dead for many years will be resurrected, and Emperor Yan and Wuzu will all come.

Fortunately, there is a tall man standing against the sky, and Fang Qingshan broke through to the realm of heaven and earth, which is the supreme earth. He also dare to fight, relying on the pure Yang Feijian in his hand, as long as he is not in the upper position, he wants to come. No big problems.

At the speed of Fang Qingshan, she quickly passed over the barren hills, but the more she moved forward, the more she became barren. Later, even the earth was weathered and turned into a desert.

A cemetery with no end can stand soaring between the yellow sand, and the surrounding space is fragmented, which is more frightening than when the space was first entered into the ancient temple.

More importantly, the entire cemetery is shrouded in two breaths of Xeon. Obviously, they belong to the Emperor and the Emperor.

If the hills in front are only the remnants of the aftermath of battle, then this place is the place where the bones are buried, and the residual power is not comparable.

However, Fang Qingshan is naturally unable to retreat. Moreover, although the remaining power looks terrifying, he can't scare him. Moreover, the most important thing is that the Sanqing magical power is in it, he has not got it yet.

Qi Fang Qingshan took a deep breath and ran the Jikong Sword, carefully avoiding the space debris around the cemetery to form a turbulent stream and fell into the dark cemetery.


As soon as Wu entered, an invisible coercion sank Fang Qingshan's shoulders, and even the spiritual power in his body became stagnant at this time.

He knows that this is the hierarchical suppression formed by the Emperor of Heaven, the residual power of the Emperor.

Fortunately, in the end, I was not facing them, and this was just a residual momentum. In addition, Qingshan himself was not a leisurely generation. With a little adjustment, he slowly adapted to the environment here.

At this time, Fang Qingshan had the mood to look around this terminal.

But there are countless dangling mountains, and the ground is full of 狰狞, bottomless cracks and abyss, winding like a poisonous dragon.

As soon as Fang Qingshan looked at the cemetery, a sound of breaking air sounded, and the streamers were like stars across the sky and came straight to this place.

Not long after, Dao Dao's figure was revealed, all men and women of all forces.

Fang Qingshan also saw Muchen in it, Lin Jing them, but it was strange to Fang Qingshan that they should go to the Tibetan Pavilion first, and do n’t know why they went to the Emperor's Cemetery.

In fact, this is also the role of Muchen's protagonist halo. After all, they first entered the Tibetan scripture hall, and then the opportunity of the five palaces was naturally not obtained, and they had less experience, so when they went out, the Tibetan scripture hall packed them up. Sent back.

Muchen is indeed the protagonist ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ wherever you go.

No, as soon as I came to the cemetery, I met my old counterpart Xia Hong. Of course, now let's not say Xia Hong, because his brother fell into the hands of Muchen.

When Xia Hong beat the younger one, Xia Hong also knew that he was not Mu Chen's opponent at all.

The Supreme King Xia summoned.

Fortunately, Muchen is not alone, and there are people behind him. When he saw that the Xia Emperor was going to bully the little, he called the mandala over with his hands.

With the arrival of the two mandalas, others seemed to feel threatened, and they used their means to call out the masters of their own forces.

For a while, in this cemetery of the emperor, powerful spiritual powers unceasingly soared into the sky. The vast and endless spiritual power filled the heaven and earth, and one of the supreme positions began to descend into the cemetery.

Especially among these land supremacy, there is no lack of superior supremacy.

双方 Both sides originally had the supreme supremacy, and there are so many people here, still in the Heavenly Emperor's Cemetery. The two mandalas just face each other, and no one wants to make others cheap.

But do n’t want to, Muchen has too many enemies, and the Xia emperor has n’t dealt with the past, because the Lord of Galauro Holy Demon Palace, who was beheaded by the immortal golden body, also arrived. This time, two to one. Absolute disadvantage.

"Do you really think you'll have us?"

Xi Muchen saw the Holy Magic Palace and the Daxia people who surrounded them, and couldn't help sneering.

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