Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 236: Emergence


But when he saw Muchen's sleeve robe wave, the endless dim light bloomed, and a dark and glamorous ancient **** flower slowly bloomed in front of everyone.

Ancient Mandala Flowers!

Xun Nai was planted by the Emperor of Heaven that year, and it is also the body of the mandala.

The flowers blossomed and the endless dark light emanated from it, so that the light disappeared into it, and the beauty was intoxicating.

Followed by, without giving Lu Heng and Xia Huang the reaction time, the mandala stepped into the flower heart.

It is just a moment of effort. The figure of the mandala seems to be transformed into the power of the source and reintegrated into the flowers. The two are in harmony with each other, regardless of each other.

The mandala and the mandala flower are originally the same roots. They are divided into two parts. At this moment, they return together to form a truly complete existence. Moreover, the fusion of the two origins instantly breaks through the current trance.

He faintly heard the Brahma sounds in the void, and the petals stretched out, as if the heavens and the earth were delighted with it, and the light was shining brightly into the sky, accompanied by an overwhelming pressure from the Supreme Master.

At this moment, the masters of all the forces who came to the Heavenly Emperor's Cemetery could not help but look slightly changed.

The monk has more meat and less meat, and the cake is so big. Now there is one more to eat, and it is also a top predator. How can everyone not talk about the color change?

The offensive and defensive situation is also different!

Just now, the two Supreme Supremes joined forces to besiege a Supreme Supreme, and now it has become the Great Supreme Perfection. The situation has changed dramatically.

In the face of this situation, both Xia Huang and Lu Heng are dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, they ca n’t say it hard, but they have to bow their heads under the roof.

Only Xiahuang served soft, the mandala was let go, but for Lu Heng, it was intended to count the new hatred and the old hatred together.

Lu Luheng knows his own business with his family. With those things he did in the past, he knows that the mandala will never let him go.

以上 And the Supreme Supreme has successfully completed the battlefield Supreme, he knows that if there is nothing unexpected, whether he can escape is a question.

Fortunately, he also has a hole card.

Waiting for the Mandala to start, he saw Lu Heng first as a strong player, taking a step forward and punching out.


Han Han's spiritual power swept through, like an intercontinental missile.

However, it is strange that his fist did not attack the Mandala or Muchen, but blasted towards a hanging mountain not far away.

When I saw this scene, others were still unknown, but Muchen and the Mandala already felt a little faint. They know that at this time, Lu Heng will never be targeted.

Only Fang Qingshan knows what Lu Heng is doing, but he has a faint expectation.

After all, there are so many mountain peaks, he doesn't know which one is the burial place of the Emperor and the Emperor. They can't find their corpses. How can he get Sanqing with one gas?

Lu Heng's unexpected move naturally attracted everyone's attention and looked in the direction of his attack.

However, under the attack of Lu Heng, the suspended mountain peak did not have the slightest resistance, and the entire mountaintop between beards turned into a dust.

"That is?"

But through the dust, everyone almost exclaimed.

Because inside Nashan, a spacious square appeared in front of everyone.

Of course, the square is not the point. The point is that on the square stands a majestic body, exuding immense momentum, and the perfection of the Supreme Supreme is also the difference between Firefly and Haoyue.

Although the figure is still, but standing there, he is the center of the universe, which instantly attracts everyone's attention and makes people feel uncontrollable.


Seeing this situation, everyone did not know who this person was.

什么 Why are they so many people coming to the ancient temple? It's not for the sake of Sanqing, but for the inheritance of the Emperor.

At this moment I saw the figure of the Emperor, and everyone could not bear it. Everyone seemed to be smelling the salty fish like old cats, rushing towards the square and blasting away, as if his hands were fast and his hands were slow. Fang Qingshan is naturally among them.

When I came to the square and looked closely, I found that besides the figure of Tiandi, there is a crystal-like sword at the feet of Tiandi. The sword is unusually simple, just like a blade without a sharp edge. Sword tyre, but anyone can detect the terrifying power that emanates from this crystal sword.

Qi Fang Qingshan compared Tiandi Sword with Chunyang Feijian. Tiandi Sword truly surpassed the existence of the sacred object, and it was more powerful than Chunyang Feijian.

Of course, this is when Tiandi Sword is in the hands of Tiandi.

Now, with Fang Qingshan's cultivation as well as abundant aura, the Heavenly Emperor Sword may not be able to reach his pure Yang Feijian.

At this moment, the Emperor's sword was inserted into a black skull about half a foot under the emperor's feet.

At first glance, the black skeleton was an evil thing, and it spread the heart-chilling cold and evil spirit.

Therefore, the uninformed person preconceived, and at first glance, it was believed that this object should be the head of the invading demon emperor, beheaded by the emperor, and suppressed with a sword.

I was only present when Lu Heng and Fang Qingshan knew that the Emperor is not the Emperor, and the Devil is not the Devil.

Qiu Fangqingshan was because of the prophet, but Lu Heng was controlled by the demon as early as that year. This time, the sudden birth of the ancient Temple of Heaven was actually his ghost.

Xuan Yi gasified Sanqing, inherited from the Heavenly Emperor, and surpassed the sacred heavenly sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ All these are in front of him, so tempting, and everyone who was about to move was completely blinded at this moment.

Although there is a reminder from the mandala, but man is rich and dead, and food is dead, who can hear it at this time?

Everything that prevents them from snatching treasure is an enemy.

Especially the Mandala at the moment is the only place where the Supreme Master is completely fulfilled, and it is excluded by almost everyone. In addition, Lu Heng provoked alienation among them, and naturally, what she said was not even heard.

The atmosphere became more and more dignified, and his breathing became more and more dense. His eyes began to glow, his heart was beating, and his blood was burning.

For a moment, finally someone could not help but rushed to the emperor.

For a moment, as if a signal was sent, almost everyone rushed towards the emperor's legacy.

Only one person rushed towards Tiandi Sword, and that person was Fang Qingshan.

Others didn't look down on it or ignored it, just because the Emperor's sword was inserted into the head of the Demon Emperor, who knows what ominous changes will occur after being pulled out.

They don't want to test the water, they want others to test mine first. If there is no problem, it is not too late to grab it.

He especially felt that Fang Qingshan was robbing Tiandi Sword, and they were even more relieved.

A person who is not even the most supreme in Qiangqu District is the Heavenly Emperor Sword. They want to suppress, but it is not a matter of backhand.

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