Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 265: Do everything possible

"A good hate emperor, a good protoss."

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan couldn't help feeling upset.

No wonder, the protoss can break through and dominate so many worlds. No wonder the worlds, whether human, demon, demon, immortal, all living beings regard the protoss as the enemy, and they must be removed quickly.

A divine emperor in the realm of longevity, once exerting his divine power, actually put pressure on Fang Qingshan like an immortal body.

We must know that the realm of longevity is different from the realm of supernatural powers. The challenge of supernatural realm is easy, but the realm of longevity is really one realm and one realm. The breakthrough of each realm is no easier than breaking through the longevity of life.

Fortunately, it's just immortality, and there is no room for comprehension. Otherwise, Fang Qingshan may really only have a bamboo basket to fetch water, and he can only retreat.

"You're fine. You are in a realm of changing lives, and can actually force me out of my body, although I have no regrets."

Looking at Fang Qingshan, the three faces of the hate emperor said at the same time.


Fang Qingshan looked at the Emperor of Heaven with a smile.

"Don't say it too early, lest you suffer the consequences."

"Really? You still haven't seen the true power of my Protoss, so I'll let you open up."

The hate emperor is obviously very confident in his strength.

Although Fang Qingshan is not supernatural, he can be comparable to eternal life. This is really amazing. It is a thing that can be used in the Protoss, and it can also be a great book and special book. However, their protoss has the power to suppress all realms. He didn't think Fang Qingshan could turn up any waves.


But three hate faces of Emperor Tianshen were sprayed at the same time.

Countless stars glowed from his mouth, this is the power dedicated to the Protoss.

The hatred compass that had been suppressed by two pure Yang Feijians was blessed by the divine power of the hate god, and instantly rioted. The needle of the compass spins slowly, and the electric light shines.

Constantly bombarding the Tai Chi pattern bound to it, the yin and yang chains.

If Fang Qingshan didn't do anything, I'm afraid the seal would be broken if not for a moment.

"It seems that only you are used."

Seeing how fierce the Emperor of Heaven hatred was, Fang Qingshan turned over and took out the Emperor Sword, muttering to himself.

Yes, in the face of the outbreak of the hatred of Emperor Tian Fang, Fang Qingshan wants to win each other, in addition to the heavens chess board, there is only the Emperor Sword.

The Emperor Sword is the sword that dominates the world. The ancient Emperor ’s sword contains ample power, which can at least send a full blow of the ordinary Heavenly Supreme.

The strength of Heavenly Supreme is far from immortal.

Although this outburst cannot be sustained, at most it can only have one blow. Tiandi Sword can only regain his sword after he breaks through the longevity giants if he wants some power.

However, after Fang Qingshan broke through the longevity, the sword needs to be re-trained, but the sword obtained at that time is probably not the Emperor's sword.

Fang Qingshan originally had two pure Yang Fei swords, but later he got snake swords, and now he has the Emperor Sword.

Although there are many swords, only one is needed to really fight.

Fang Qingshan intends to completely melt the four-handed swords at that time, hoping to get a killing sword of the highest quality.

These are not mentioned for the time being.

It stands to reason that even if there is a supreme blow on this day, it does not mean that it can clean up the Emperor.

After all, although the Divine Channel Device is strong, it must also be able to hit the other side. Moreover, using the opponent's Divine Channel method, the supreme blow of the Supreme Supreme hit him the most, but it could not kill him.

Fortunately, in addition to the Heavenly Emperor Sword, Fang Qingshan also has two auxiliary methods, the World Tree and the Little Fate.

The world tree will not talk about it, but it is the nemesis of the protoss, just like the power of the gods to suppress other beings in the heavens and the world, the world tree can also suppress the power of the protoss.

After continuously smelting the Nine Scepter and the piece of the world tree in Tiandao Pavilion, coupled with the constant engulfing of the magical spirit of the heavens to improve themselves, the power of the world tree today is also considerable.

Let's talk about small fatalism, this ancient mystery, although it involves the great destiny of the heavens, but really, he is no better than the supernatural powers such as big cutting and big five elements.

The reason why this supernatural power exerts its effect is more obvious than other supernatural powers, but it is because the other supernatural powers Fang Qingshan has not fully exerted its power.

And what about small fatalism? As long as the training is completed, as long as the life is consumed, the power can be maximized.

Others may be afraid that life will be consumed, which is not good in the long run.

However, Fang Qingshan is different. Although he has not yet broken through to longevity, he also lives forever, and his life span directly breaks through the mystery of the magical realm, so there is no need to worry about life span at all.

Especially now that he has changed his life against the heavens, if he can win the Emperor of Hate God, get longevity, and increase his chance of breaking through the realm of longevity, there will still be a problem of life span.

Fang Qingxue dared to gamble on his life in order to cultivate his magical power, let alone Fang Qingshan.

"Hate the Emperor, hate the Emperor!"

Fang Qingshan yelled at the hated emperor.

Hate the Emperor of Heaven naturally subconsciously looked into Fang Qingshan's eyes.

"The heavens are boundless, and fate is the highest, but fate cannot be fulfilled.

"He who is lost in fate, your soul will never be free."

Fang Qingshan first launched the small fatalism.

But although Fang Qingshan only murmured to himself, his loud voice sounded in the void.

The voice was simple and deep, as if carrying all kinds of destiny.

In the midst, Fang Qingshan's life was consumed at a rate visible to the naked eye, but Fang Qingshan did not care about it.

Dealing with the Hate Emperor is not the same as the one used to communicate cause and effect.

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The same is true of small fatalism. Although the magical power is great, if the strength cannot be supported, it will be more than worth it.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan's burning life was so fierce that he could use the power of the small fatalism as much as possible, so that Fang Qingshan didn't dare to say that it was snow and white snow for a moment, but he also had white hair in a short time .

But there is a return in return.

The Emperor of Hatred was about to break the shackles of Chunyang Feijian and retrieve the compass of Hatred. Under this voice, it was suddenly one of them.

"Eternal fate, wandering in the darkness and light, no one can escape from its grasp. It is the eternal master. Those who violate the fate must be eternally imprisoned."


The hatred of the Emperor of Heaven is blank, his eyes are dull, and among the dim, there is a fatal power that ignores space, ignores time, ignores cause and effect, and falls directly in his soul. There was boundless blurring in his eyes, the Emperor of Hate seemed to be lost in the memories of thousands of times, and he seemed to see clearly his destiny in the future.

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