Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 266: Undercount

"Is this my destiny? Can't escape, can't escape!"

Thousands of reincarnation, in the end, is an end, hate the emperor completely into a frenzy,

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I am a protoss, a lofty supremacy, and a supreme supreme hate to the Emperor God. I ca n’t help it, I am fake, all fake!"

"The Great Collapse!"

"Great cut!"

"Great sky!"

"Great King!"

"Great Darkness!"


Regardless of disregard, the emperor hated the emperor, for more than ten gates and three thousand roads. [Phoenix / Phoenix / Fiction Net Update Fast No Popup Please search f / h / xiao / shuo / c / o / m]


Hate the Emperor's counterattack, and even if Fang Qingshan was counterattacked, a burst of blood spit out, his face became paler.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Seeing here, instead of letting Fang Qingshan give up, he inspired his fighting spirit. As long as he hated the Emperor of Heaven, everything is worth it. After him, when even the launch of the little fatalism increased,

"Destiny, don't disobey, admit it, don't struggle, everything is meaningless in the face of a great destiny."

With the launch of another wave of powerful little fatalism, Fang Qingshan has more white hair above his head, but the effect is also obvious.

The struggling hatred of the Emperor, gradually lost himself, the whole person was decadent, not only stood in the midst of stagnation, motionless, his strength was reduced by three layers.

"it is good!"

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan finally showed a smile on his face. He did not waste his life so much to trap and weaken him.

Just for a while, Fang Qingshan actually spent 2,000 lives, how terrible it is. You must know that under longevity, life can't be broken ten thousand times. Only at the first floor of the longevity secret can life last forever. It cost one fifth and changed to other people.

"World tree, show me!"

As soon as Fang Qingshan's heart moved, the world tree in the eyebrows floated and hovered above the head of the Emperor of Heaven. ..

A blue air stream was sprayed over the whole body, and the innumerable roots and branches had swept towards the Emperor of Heaven, and the branches and leaves, like dragon snakes, were pierced into their bodies.

For a time, the body of the hated emperor was like a sieve, and the divine power was like a flood that opened the gate, swarming towards the world tree.

"not good!"

Fan Qingying, who had retreated into the Fangs Islands, was dumbfounded at this moment.

She didn't expect to open the seal and deal with Fang Qingshan's hate to the emperor as a protoss.

"world Tree!"

At first, Fan Qingying did not see the power of fate. After all, the fate of the Three Thousand Avenues had no trace. Who would have thought that the small fate performed by Fang Qingshan was actually associated with the great fate.

However, the world tree that Fang Qingshan cast later made her almost jump.

"This is impossible!"

It is rumored that a long time ago, a tree, called Jianmu, stood in the center of heaven and earth, penetrating the immortal realm, and also a protoss nemesis. Later, it was cut off by the ancestor Holy King, the trunk was used as the pillar of the virtual **** world, and the branches were broken and scattered between heaven and earth.

But what did Fan Qingying see? She actually saw a brand new world tree alive.

"not good!"

Regardless of the danger, Fan Qingying sprayed a spurt of essence and blood on the Chaos Thunder Sword.


There was a loud noise, the arc light turned, and the thunder exploded. The sound was amazing.

Fan Qingying fully urged the Chaos Thunder Sword. Within half a breath, dark clouds came together in the midst of the air, electric snakes danced wildly, and the thunder of a child's arm was struck by thunder.

Seen from a distance, the sky is like splashing ink, deep and secluded, as if extinct.

"Chaos Thunder, Fall!"

Fan Qingying sighed loudly, and all the thunderclouds shrank sharply, turning into a gray bucket of thunder and falling towards Fang Qingshan.

She deliberately picked up Lei Yin to awaken and hate the Emperor, and interrupted Fang Qingshan's attack with Chaos God Thunder.

"court death!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan's eyes flashed fiercely.

He was countless, but he forgot about Fan Qingying.

But this time is the perfect time to pack the hate god, but she can't let her destroy it.

Fang Qingshan took a deep breath and ignored the sound of Fan Qingying, struck the west, and directly sacrificed the Emperor's sword.


The light and cold, the grandeur, the mighty, shake the world.

It seemed like a giant axe that opened the sky, and the Emperor Sword fell slowly towards the Emperor of Heaven.

As for Fan Chaoying's Chaos God Thunder, which he cast on Qingshan's opponent, he will soon fall on Fang Qingshan's head, and he will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

But do n’t want it, a colorful cloud of smoke rises, a peach tree blooms, colorful flowers, and peach blossoms fall. Under the attack of the Chaos God Thunder, it is destroyed and reborn, born and destroyed, but it is blocked by the Chaos God Thunder. Came down.

Wuyun peach blossoms!

This magic weapon of Fang Qingshan's own sacrifice and practice has achieved Taoism in the ancient Heavenly Palace, and now it is truly a show of power.

At the same time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The Emperor of Hate God was awakened by the sound of thunder, and felt the divine power left in his body. Only the physical body of the skeleton and the heavenly sword that was about to fall, even the world tree Too late to feel, can only desperately.

"Dominate the heavens and earth, the **** emperor splits the sky, the **** realm collapses, destroys the heavens and the earth!"

Hate the Emperor God a purple-gold flame burst from his body, rushing up into the clouds, and steaming down the sea.

Three legs stretched out, three arms waved and extended, and one thousandth of an instant formed countless weird fingerprints. His three faces, one thousandth of an instant, spit out three syllables. This syllable, no one knows how many notes are made up, seems to be the innate sound of the birth of the protoss.

Almost immediately after the fall of the Emperor Sword, a note of great destruction and great death was played.


Between the electric light flint, two Xeon attacks collided together.

Like a comet striking the sun and the moon. Unprecedented strong shock.

Time and space annihilate, Guanghua dim.

No time, no time, no light and no color.

A huge black hole formed, and the world collapsed, as if returning to the chaos that the world had not opened up.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan suddenly panicked, and he could not care about attacking and hating the Emperor.

Wuyun peach blossoms were completely urged, the Five Prison King Ding was sacrificed, and all the holy relics obtained in the ancient heavenly palace were also sacrificed.

Even the two pure-yang flying swords used by Fang Qingshan to seal the hate compass were summoned back.

Of course, they are not used to defend, but to attack and attack, weakening the black hole's devouring power, and the aftermath of attack.

Although there are various means, and even the defensive weapon of Wuyun Taohuaya, Fang Qingshan was still severely damaged. Even Wuyun Taohuaya was torn and almost fell to the grade. I want to repair it, but I do n’t know how much it will cost. Time, resources.

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