Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 267: Ding Qiankun

Even Fang Qingshan was hit hard. I can imagine what it was like to hate the Emperor.

Although his fighting power is comparable to that of an undead body, he has not reached the realm of the end, and cannot be reborn. He hates that the compass is suppressed, and he is weakened by the world tree and small fatalism.

In fact, with the powerful characteristics of the Protoss, even if the hated emperor was severely damaged, he could recover quickly without being immortal.

However, he met Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingshan, who had the World Tree.

World Tree has never been out of his body.

Confused by the theory of small fatalism, but now hit hard, there is no resistance to the world tree at all.

You can only see the world tree like a cricket, like a cricket, eating its flesh, sleeping on its skin, swallowing its blood, and gnawing its bones.

"Damn, World Tree, how could World Tree be alive."

Hate the emperor finally felt the world tree at this time, just like Fan Qingying, there was no preparation at all.

To know that the trunk of the world tree is still in the virtual world, as the pillars support the sky. This is also the beginning. The reason why the world tree senses that the virtual world is opened and it wants to fly away is not the divine power, but a half of the world. Tree trunk.

A new world tree has appeared, and the biggest enemy of the Protoss has appeared.

"Boy, you **** it, everyone who owns the world tree **** it."

Entangled by the world tree and hating the severe damage of the Emperor God, there was no resistance at all, but he did not stand still.

"You wait, no matter who you are, even if you are too in charge, you can't escape a dead letter."


As soon as the words fell, the Emperor of Hatred exploded.

He knew that the world tree was born to suppress the protoss, and he was hit hard again. If he did not explode, there would only be a dead end.


The skinny dead camel was bigger than the horse, and hated the Emperor to explode, which directly interrupted the engulfment of the World Tree, and caused a lot of trauma to the World Tree.

Entangled around him, the roots of his body were instantly taken back.

Followed, then saw a head soaring into the sky, flying towards the virtual world above.

"It's this time, where is the Emperor going?"


As soon as the void was condensed, the virtual **** realm was shut down.

The emperor's hate for the vain desperation was directly locked in the air.

However, when Fang Qingshan's head rises slowly, the entanglement of auspicious light rises, and the vitality rises. Not to mention the pure flying sword, Tiandi Sword is overshadowed by him, and the World Tree cannot compete with it.

At this time, Fang Qingshan's hole cards burst out one by one, especially the World Tree, but you ca n’t let the Emperor hate the Emperor, not just the Emperor God, but everyone who is present today cannot have a leak. Fish.

Otherwise, once the Protoss know that they have a living world tree in their hands, it will be a disaster.

He is already pretty good now. He has changed his realm against the sky, and his combat power is chasing after him. If he exhausts all means, he is a master of time and space. He is unexpected and may not overcast them.

This strength, in the world of Xuanhuang, can support a martial art, but compared to the protoss, it is a small witch.

Once the world tree thing is exposed, unless you give up the eternal world, you will have no luck.

"What a magic weapon!"

Hate, hate, hate!

There is no way to hate the sky, no way to hate.

Hate the world tree, hate the chess board of the heavens.

In Fangqing District, a man who changed his life against the sky actually forced his divine prodigy to this field, and even escaped.

"What magic weapon does God need not know."

Fang Qingshan didn't talk nonsense to him at all, but he had no choice but to have extravagant branches and long night dreams. As soon as his heart moved, the world tree flew over.

There was no accident this time, accompanied by a scream of screams from the Emperor of Heaven, and the only head was completely devoured by the World Tree.

Between the beards, I saw that the world tree had just recovered a lot because of the damage caused by the emperor's self-explosion, and a new fruit was born on it.

Resembling a human shape, it looks like an ancient god, but it is wonderful and lifelike. It gives people the world's arrogance, arrogance of all things, and pleasant aroma. It seems that one smell can make people live a hundred years.


This is the longevity fruit produced by the master of longevity after being swallowed by the world tree.

Ordinary masters who change the realm of life against the sky, as long as they take it, they can climb to the sky in one step and break through the magical power.

Unfortunately, Fang Qingshan's accumulation is too heavy. He had cultivated originally, and the bottom line was not under Fang Han. After obtaining the Pan Wu Hercules, he cultivated the Great Origin Technique, which even broke the magical powers, the longevity of the eternal life, and broke the limit.

Plus this long-lived fruit, because the hatred of the Emperor of Heaven also suffered some loss.

Otherwise, with this longevity fruit, Fang Qingshan can break through the longevity immediately. At that time, he will be the vice head of Yuhuamen, and it is not a problem to pass on the big yin and yang technique.

Fortunately, there is a fixed number of pecks and drinks.

Although the timing of the breakthrough has been delayed, it may not be a good thing for the other side.

Steady, solid foundation, you can go further.

And with the help of external forces to break through, where there is a good way to come true.


At this time, Fang Qingshan was finally relieved.

It can also be regarded as the greatness of the protoss. No wonder the elders of the punishment are like enemies when they talk about the protoss. This protoss' strength is really not built.

In addition to using the chess pieces of the heavens this time, it can be said that all the means have been used, and this is the case. He has also been severely damaged, and it is not easy to win the hatred of the Emperor.

"The road is long and far away, and I will search up and down!"

Fang Qingshan could not help thinking of this sentence again.

After a while, Fang Qingshan set his sights on the Fang Ya Islands.

The previous collision between the Emperor Sword and the Hate God Emperor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and the self-detonation of the Hate God Emperor, under the aftermath, the Tuya Islands were not only broken in a large array, except for the Fan Qing Shadow, all other protos on the island were all Huang Quan was killed.

As for Fan Qingying, although he was not dead, he was hit hard to the end, and he could not even escape.

Fang Qingshan did not kill her when she saw her, but she sealed it directly. If she can learn Da Pudu in the future, she will also be an excellent helper. After all, Fan Qingying is also the first person in the mysterious world. , Pressure over Huatiandu, smoke one.

Destroy the hatred emperor, seal the Fan Qingying, and kill other protoss, now it is time to harvest the loot.

Not to mention the other, just the Chaos Thunder Sword, hating the two compasses on the heavenly compass, made Fang Qingshan worthwhile.

Not to mention the supernatural powers that the Emperor of Heaven hates. Although there is no Big Five Elements and Big Yin Yang Techniques in the top ten, they are also rare.

In addition, there are private collections that hate the Emperor of Heaven and Fan Qingying, and the treasures on the Fang Ya Islands. Just thinking about it, Fang Qingshan could not help but crack his mouth.

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