Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 268: Flood


Because the heavens and the heavens blocked the space, suppressing the heavens and the earth, the hate sky compass and the Great Chaos Thunder Sword were both high-quality Taoist instruments and existed in the spirit, but they did not produce any moths and were easily accepted by Fang Qingshan.

Then, after sweeping the Fang Ya Islands, Fang Qingshan quickly left the Fang Ya Islands, and found a deserted place at will, preparing to sort out the harvest, but did not expect that there were unexpected surprises.

It turned out that Fang Qingshan destroyed the hatred of the Emperor of Heaven, and took the overseas base of the Protoss. In the heavens chess board, he got a great luck.

In fact, although it is unexpected, it is reasonable.

The Protoss in the Xuanhuang Great World, and even the entire immortal world, is just like in the Great Master World, the extraterrestrial demon is in the Great World.

It is a deadly enemy, who does not share the sky, and can only exist on one side.

As long as the demons are destroyed, the protoss will gain heaven and earth, and have great luck.

Although the hate emperor is not as good as the devouring emperor, it is also the existence of a long-lived giant, and the strength of the protoss and the origin of the immortal world are not comparable to those of the masters outside the world and the world of the thousands.

Therefore, the luck of destroying the Emperor of Heaven is not less than the seal devouring the Demon Emperor.

In addition, taking away the Fangya Islands, the luck that Fang Qingshan provided was actually comparable to the destruction of the Emperor of Heaven.

Fang Qingshan was surprised at first, but then it was not surprising to think about it.

According to inferences, the Protoss was preparing to attack the Xuanhuang Great World from overseas, so Feng Baiyu let Fang Qingxue open a cave house overseas, and the congenital emperor also let Ying Tianqing destroy the forty thieves.

As the old nest of the forty thieves, the Fangya Islands is one of the most important strongholds of the Protoss overseas. It can be described as the existence of a bridgehead, and his role is indeed not worse than that of a long-lived **** emperor.

With these two types of luck, plus the previous Han Dynasty's luck, unified the world's luck, destroyed the luck of the devouring emperor, inherited the luck of the ancient heavenly palace, and repaired it for ascension. Aoyama's much-anticipated next world has finally opened.

As soon as the mind moved, Fang Qingshan fell on the chessboard of the heavens. He couldn't wait to see what the world was that took so much luck to open.

In the chess board of the heavens, there are now six chess pieces shining. In addition to the eternal life, there are also Tianlong, the Three Kingdoms, the Great Master, and Shushan. The extra **** is naturally a new world.

In the heavens board, the higher the level of the world, the more centrally it is located.

The outermost nature is Tianlong, and the three kingdoms are slightly ahead, followed by the master, and the eternal life and Shushan world seem to be different.

The newly opened world is more centered than the immortal world.


Seeing these two words, Fang Qingshan was both happy and helpless.

Happy to explain very well, after spending so much luck, finally opened a world higher than the immortal world.

And in the flood, I heard that there are treasures everywhere, all kinds of congenital spirits abound, and the feet are stepping on the congenital lands, and the kick may be the congenital Gengjin, the water to drink is congenital sunflower water, and the breath is congenital Reiki.

Congenital spirit root and congenital spirit treasure are all Chinese cabbage. Good luck means that congenital treasure is not inaccessible.

Helplessness is also very simple. The heavens and the heavens are balanced. One peck and one drink have a fixed number. Great opportunities are always accompanied by great danger.

When I first came to the immortal world, Fang Qingshan had to go to the Tianlong world to accumulate strength first, and he didn't dare to run wild, let alone a more violent flood than the immortal world.

Although I do n’t know the stage of the flood, but after all, Tianxian is not as good as a dog, Jinxian walks all over, Da Luo is regarded as the backbone, and Zhunsheng can become a party hegemony. Saints are giants of heaven and earth. I want him to have a long life secret If you do n’t reach it, let alone the person who touched the gate of the fairy, if you go to the flood plains, would n’t it be possible for a small animal to take its own life casually?

"Am I going to go shopping now? Or wait for a while?" Fang Qingshan thought with some distress.

After tangling for a while, Fang Qingshan finally gave up the idea of ​​rushing through the floods and famines. The world is too dangerous. The baby still has to wait until the secret place of longevity. Although there is not much difference, there is at least a psychological comfort.

Pressing the psychological impulse, Fang Qingshan began to sort out the gains of the Fang Ya Islands this time.

In terms of magic weapon, the biggest gain is naturally the hate sky compass and the large chaos thunder sword, and a sacred needle, which is very good, but Fang Qingshan has five elements, which is a bit of a rib.

The other is the Weiyang Palace where Fan Qingying condensed into Taoism when he was about to break through the longevity.

This unique treasure, with three thousand fangs, is all you can afford.

In terms of Taoism, it naturally falls on the Emperor of Hate Heaven, and other supernatural powers. The supernatural powers at the level of three thousand avenues exclude the major cutting and catastrophic surgery that Fang Qingshan has already known. The thing that most impresses him is the curse. .

This supernatural power can kill people from the air, strange and unpredictable, and the wild demon supernatural power all evolved from it. Can plunder the opponent's luck, no mana fluctuation.

Others are just fine. Cultivate to a high realm, and say that you can't have the effect of dictating words and golden rules.

What Fang Qingshan likes the most is that he can plunder each other's luck.

Luck is a good thing. Although it is invisible and intangible to most people, it does exist.

With deep luck and constant opportunities, heaven and earth protect.

Lack of luck, constant disasters, and nine deaths.

For the other side, Aoyama, in addition to the role of ordinary people, not only can not only conceive magic weapons, but also open up channels for heaven.

For him, more is better.

In addition to magical powers and magical powers, longevity is naturally the biggest gain.

But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan doesn't want to break through the realm now, so let him hang on the world tree and ignore it.

In addition, there are various natural treasures.

The killer set fire to the golden belt, and the bridge was paved without a corpse.

Sure enough it is not allowed!

Especially hating the Emperor of Heaven, as the eternal master of the Protoss, it really is extraordinary.

The treasure in the space of his body is more than ten times more precious than the original Mr. Spirit.

Even Fan Qingying's collection is very precious, especially the various elixir recipes she prepared for herself to break through the secret of longevity, which made Fang Qingshan overjoyed.

As for the treasures on the Fang Ya Islands, there is Zhu Yu, who hates the Emperor of Heaven and Fan Qingying, but it is Fang Qingshan's disappointment. Although the amount is large, the quality is not as good as his law.

However, in general, this time's harvest is also second only to the time when Fang Qingshan's sky was three feet high and was scraped to the ancient temple.

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