Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 269: Kunpeng

While arranging the harvest of the Tooth Islands this time, Fang Qingshan also sorted out his previous collection, but suddenly found something that he had forgotten.

That is the Peng Peng egg he got from the Seven Leaf Demon King!

At the beginning, Fang Qingshan was a little hesitant. He didn't know if he would use this Xunpeng egg to practice the big phagocytosis in the Three Thousand Avenues or use resources to give birth to this Xunpeng.

Later, I was busy with other things. For a long time, I forgot about this Peng Peng egg in the horns. If it wasn't for this time, he wouldn't remember it. If someone knew it, he wouldn't have to grit his teeth.

Xun Peng, the ancient beast, is no worse than Dragon and Phoenix.

In the water is a maggot, the flying sky is a peng, the Beiming whale swallows, the body has been in the world ever since.

The best three-way law of water, wind and space.

Once you really grow up, think about the Master of the Ten Thousand Monsters in the Great Flood, and you will know its potential and power.

However, if you want to train a Peng Peng, don't talk about the level of the demon master, it is the result of it. Fang Qingshan's family dare not boast about Haikou.

This ancient holy beast was extremely difficult to hatch. Even after hatching, there will be no tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, will not grow. You also need to eat a Xiandao school.

To know the essence of the Ethereum door, I got a dragon egg, which has not yet been bred, but I can imagine the difficulties in the process.

"It's just that your own cultivation is more important."

Holding Xun Peng's egg, Fang Qingshan thought about it for a while, but still felt that he should follow Fang Han's refining and turn it into a big phagocytosis without cultivating Xun Peng.

One is to want to train Kun Peng, and it consumes too many resources, but Fang Qingshan is unable to do anything.

Then there is the end. Whether it is magic weapon, pet, or martial arts, everything is foreign. Only the magical powers learned by oneself can realize the truth.

If you transform this Kunpeng into a great phagocytosis, you can not only get a three thousand avenue magical power, but also through the inheritance of Kunpeng, wind, water, and avenue of space.

Do it when you think.

Fang Qingshan first picked up Xun Peng's egg and examined it carefully.

But it was seen that all the dense and dense lines on the Kunpeng Dome were black magic lines. Through these magic lines, you can let Kun Peng eggs devour aura continuously.

Of course, he didn't want to use this method to speed up the breeding of Kun Peng's eggs.

Because these magic lines are not simple gatherings of spirits, but supernatural runes of great devour.

Great Devour!

Once this magic skill is practiced, it can swallow all mana, vitality, magic weapon, and swallow everything like Kun Peng.

As with the Great Surgery and the Great Surgery, this Great Swallowing is actually a space magic.

If Fang Qingshan learns, he will not only understand the way of devouring, but also know about space.

Although everything in the eternal world is respected by the great destiny, there is no big space or big time.

But time is respect and space is king.

And when it comes to the mystery of longevity, after the immortal body, you must understand the space.

If Fang Qingshan makes good use of this Xunpeng egg, he will definitely benefit a lot.

But before that, he still needs to breed this Peng Peng successfully.

Only in this way can the magic pattern on Kun Peng's egg transform the Kun Peng Dome into a large devouring magic array, draw strength, slowly evolve, and finally become a peerless supernatural power.

If you want to transform the large array of magic lines in a short time, others may be scratching your head, even the martial arts are also wary.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan obtained Tianchi in the ancient Tiangong, during which he gathered tens of thousands of years of spiritual power. It should be enough to eat it.

Thinking of this, Fang Qingshan directly put Xun Peng eggs into Tianchi.

Buzz, buzz!

Suddenly, the sound of thousands of bees flapping their wings sounded in Kunpeng Dome. After a while, not only did not calm down, but it gradually grew larger. At the end, it was like Kunpeng was born and turned into A black hole stirred the whole water of Tianchi.

At the speed that can be seen by the naked eye, we can see that the water of Tianchi slowly drops, which is even more frustrating than the world tree devours.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long. Even so, the entire Tianchi water was swallowed up to ten or two. You must know that this is the tens of thousands of years of ancient Tiangong's savings. From this, we know what it is to cultivate this Peng Peng. Difficult.

Fortunately, there is pay in return.

After so much aura has been swallowed, the magic pattern on Kun Peng's egg is more than ten times clearer than before, and the magic patterns on Tao Tao have flashed and evolved, and it seems that the truth of the engulfment can be understood.

Kaka Kaka, Kun Peng Dome kept disintegrating and breaking, there was a vague shadow of Kun Peng, like a fish but a fish, a bird but a bird, soaring for thousands of miles, but at this moment it was trapped by the magic array and gradually transformed For countless runes, these deep and mysterious runes show an eternal mystery in the universe, and they are constantly devouring ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ never satisfied.

"it is good!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan suddenly lighted up, but he did not dare to neglect, and took control to spit out a bit of blood and melted into Kun Peng's egg.


Both Xun Peng and the Great Devourer are guys who have to swallow up the world. Fang Qingshan's blood is naturally no exception and he is swallowed in.

It's just different from other magical vitality. Fang Qingshan's hard work went into Kunpeng. Instead of being transformed into vitality and nourishing the battlefield, Fang Qingshan turned into a brand of imprints, completely marking the entire battlefield.

For a moment, Fang Qingshan seemed to be integrated with the entire Kun Peng egg and the swallowing up array.

The mysteries of Xun Peng's inheritance, water, wind, space, and even devour, etc., have been applied to their hearts.

Just when Fang Qingshan was immersed in the avenue.

The entire magic array was completely formed, rising from the Tianchi.

Looking at it, this array is not large, it is one acre in size, but it's dark and deep inside, I don't know where it leads, like Guihui, like a black hole, like an ancient starry sky. It truly shows the three-character mood, no bottom hole. !!

Without knowing its depth, the runes inside are shining, star-studded, interpreting various mysteries of heaven and earth, as if even stars, stars, and heaven and earth can devour.

Because of Fang Qingshan's hard work, as soon as this great phagocytosis was conceived, it was connected to his hard work, as if he had worked hard for many years to master magical powers.

There is no need to sacrifice, and the magic array is shrunk into a slap-shaped map that fits into its own image.

"A good way to make the world better."

After a bit of understanding, Fang Qingshan could not help but admire the sincere admiration of this expert who uses Xun Peng to practice the Great Devour.

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