Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 270: 5-line Qiankun Thunder

Compared with before, Fang Qingshan and Fang Han directly refined other people's Jindan, the magical power of the law, and the use of Kunpeng eggs to practice the big phagocytosis, although it is troublesome and costly, but the harvest is mostly. [Phoenix Novel Network Update Please search f / h / xiao / shuo / c / o / m]

It is not that you have worked hard to cultivate other people's golden dan-fa geniuses that cleverly seized other people, but they also contaminated the spirit of others, or Fang Qingshan swallowed it first with the world tree, and it cannot be completely eliminated unless it is experienced by the wind. The baptism of heaven and earth like fire, otherwise there are always hidden dangers.

There is no such concern in the use of Kunpeng eggs.

And using Kunpeng's eggs not only gets a big phagocytosis, but also inherits Kunpeng.

The only bad thing is that this method is not so easy to do.

Xun Peng is a holy beast, traveling the stars, but a creature standing at the top of the food chain. If he wants to get his eggs first, it is a great danger first.

Then there are the resources it takes to succeed.

Although really successful, it can be done in one fell swoop.

But before it succeeds, it can only be invested and no output.

Not to mention these, as soon as the Big Swallowing took shape, the power almost instantly became the first five of Fang Qingshan's nearly one hundred magical powers.

The practice of Great Swallowing has made great progress in both the Five Elements and the Great Cleavage and Collapse.

After practicing Great Swallowing, Fang Qingshan took out the Chaos Thunder Sword again.

The main reason why Fang Qingshan came to the Fangya Islands this time was this handle, more precisely the immense chaotic thunder method.

Other long-lasting fruits, hate sky compass and so on are all unexpected delights.

But when Fang Qingshan stood up, stepping on his feet, his breath spurted out, and he shot on the Chaos Thunder Sword.

Followed by, saw the instrumental spirit of the great chaos thunder sword emerged, the giant man condensed by the air of chaos, the human snake body, the beard long.

At the same time, Fang Qingshan rushed out of a virtual shadow, wearing a gold robe embroidered with a thousand round moons and stars, and a pattern of mountains and rivers. Stepping on a set of five-element gossip pictures, a circle of wisdom halo behind my head.

This is exactly the heaven and earth aspect of Fang Qingshan.

As soon as Fa Xiang appeared, he transformed and turned into a thunder god, Feng Yao Yin Ya, Zhu Lan, holding a thunder drill in his left hand, and a thunder hammer in his right hand.

This thunder **** is two feet tall, with two axillary wings, and the surroundings are dark after being unfolded. The two eyes set off the fire, illuminating Zhou Tian.

After Xu Xun, he saw that the instrumental spirit of the Great Chaos Thunder Sword turned into an electro-optical amulet and merged into Fang Qingshan's law.


Countless lightnings are roaring, Pentium. The turbulent current breaks through time and space, and the strands of chaotic air spread, as if it were ground-breaking, and turned into an illusionary world.

Qing Qi swayed up and turned into heaven.

The turbid air settled down and turned to ground.

The thunder flickered, and the electric light was like a snake, deafening.

Maybe a second, maybe a day, maybe ten years.

The most primitive beings have begun to emerge from the unreal world, and it seems that the breath of thunder can reorganize and give birth to life.

Broaden your views and make appointments, thick and thin hair!

Fang Qingshan inherited the tree from the world, inherited from the ancient emperor, and inherited from Kunpeng. In fact, he couldn't understand many things, after all, he had no realm. Can only be buried deep in the depths of the sea, only when the realm arrives in the future, will be integrated.

However, he did not expect the coincidence of chance, and by adding luck, he evolved the mystery of the world by understanding the way of Thunder.

Rui Guang Teng Teng, Xiangyun bursts.

Fang Qingshan's imaginary world evolved from the top, born and destroyed, reborn, endless and endless.

In the process, although the other avenues have increased, the biggest insight is the Thunder Road.

Thunderwater surged and made a noise.

However, in the imaginary world, five thunder gods emerged from the world to evolve the five elements and suppress the five parties.

The easternmost Thor, wearing a crown of crown, wearing a scarlet robe, Zhu Qing face, barefoot on the fire dragon, holding a fire halberd, like a ghost face, showing fangs.

The southernmost Thor, with the first raw meat horns, eagle beak and green body, waist apron, holding a thunder drum in his hand, screamed through the world.

The most western thunder god, wearing red robes, green boots, red eyes, ribbed wings, one hand holding a fire-breathing bell, one hand holding a lightning axe, once angry, wind and thunder, flames soar into the sky.

The northernmost Thor, with a pig's nose and a sharp purple eye, is all naked and naked, with thunder snakes wrapped around his ankles, and the snake letter spit out three feet, hissing, endlessly.

The most central thunder god, *, silver teeth like a sword, Cui Yunqiu, soap boots, left hand holding a book, right hand holding a thunder, there is fire.

"Return to one, the Five Elements Qiankun Thunder, come out!"

At a certain moment, Fang Qingshan suddenly gave a soft sigh.

But when the Wufang Thunder God in the illusory world suddenly flickered, he turned into one and turned into a gray seed.

"go with!"

Fang Qingshan moved a little farther towards the seed of Shenlei.


The surrounding space was turbulent.

God thunder is broken, there is a world derived.

Among them are Taiyi Shenlei, Wuxing Shenlei, Zixiao Shenlei, Mingxing Thunder, Gushan Thunder, Yuanci Shenlei and many other thunder.

This is the world of Thunder!

A thunder and a world born!

These five elements Qiankun Lei actually has the power to open up the world.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Fang Qingshan rose up, screamed for a while, and vomited three good words!

He wasn't just happy for the power of this supernatural power.

But because it is just like the Five Elements Avenue, combined with the two ways of Thunder, he has a deep understanding of the Thunder.

Understanding the Tao not only improves the magical powers, but also helps the realm.

Although he now has longevity and various breakthrough methods prepared by Fan Qingying, he still needs his constant understanding of the avenue. Only in this way can he be the top-level breakthrough method. And go into magic. Only in this way can we go further, because the road is endless. Tao is fundamental.

"Next ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Where should I go?"

Fang Qingshan practiced two supernatural powers one after another and did not want to retreat. The queen figured it out, it seems that it is almost time for Linglong Xianzun's longevity, and Fang Qingshan is going to make fun of it.

In fact, at the beginning, Fang Qingshan was ready to try his luck and see if he could take the imperial artifact of Renhuang into his pocket.

Although the Emperor is a Taoist instrument, Fang Qingshan valued more that he would be three thousand and three thousand avenues.

After thinking about it, I gave up.

He is not an illegitimate son of God, but he is very confident in himself, but even Fang Han was unable to conquer this treasure at once. He doesn't think he can make an exception.

Moreover, the Emperor was suppressing others, and he did not want to find trouble.

"If you break through the secret of longevity, you can try your luck!"

Fang Qingshan thought, but there was a movement at his feet, he performed the five elements, and flew towards the exquisite blessing.

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