Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 283: Give a gift

"Congratulations to the exquisite fairy deity, Chengxian de Tao, Shou and Tian Qi! My emperor sent stars"

"Congratulations to the exquisite fairy deity, to become immortal, to live in harmony with the heavens! I send it from Ziwei Star"

"Congratulations to the exquisite fairy deity, to become immortal, to live in harmony with the heavens! I send it to Fengyuexing"

As the dedication began, first the monks on the stars outside Xuanhuang Great World presented their precious treasures one by one. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

These treasures, in the past, can be put on the Tiandao Pavilion auction as a grand finale, but they appear in the exquisite gift of the exquisite fairy like the river crossing.

Followed by, some of the elder giants who also repaired, also presented magic weapons, elixir, Daoshu, all kinds of natural treasures.

With the exquisite blessing disciples singing the gift list, chanting loudly, for a time, it seems like the treasures of the heavens are in the pocket of the exquisite fairy.

"You go too!"

After a while, Fang Qingshan said to Fang Han aside.

"it is good!"

Fang Han nodded his head and took a step forward. Time fetched everyone's attention.

Because everyone knows that Fang Han wants to offer Jin Dan, a disciple.

"Fang Han of Yuhua Gate, congratulations to the exquisite fairy deity, Chengxian de Tao, Shou Qitian Qi, special gift of a disciple Jin Dan!"

Tong Fanghan whispered, and opened the crystal box in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Dan shone brightly, and the magical powers of the three calamities and nine disasters flew out one by one, rotating around, connecting them into a cloud of the size of a square circle, in which the lightning flashed and thundered, and the breath was magnificent.

"Hum! Congenital Demon Sect, congratulations to the exquisite fairy deity in the heavenly way, congratulate the exquisite deity, and live together with the heavens, offering a birthday gift. Taiyi elder, Tang Jingshan's arm!"

Do not wait for everyone's embarrassment to Fang Han's boldness, but he really dared to bring Tai disciple Jin Dan as a gift, Ying Tianqing followed closely behind him, and took out Tai Yi's arm.

During the conversation, Ying Tianqing also opened a water well coffin, exposing an arm. Although this arm was chopped off, it was still wriggling. Obviously, it still had vitality and no seal. I am afraid that even if it is going to break through, it will fly away. When they are taken back and connected, they will be as good as ever.

手臂 This arm is the arm of Tai Yimen, Tang Jingshan. This person and the elders of Yuhuamen are generally in charge of the sectarian criminal law, but the practice is more advanced and has reached the immortal body.

Unfortunately, I do n’t know if it ’s because he ’s too arrogant, or if he has a problem with his cultivation.

应 Because Ying Tianqing killed several Taiyi true disciples, he actually hit the gate of Innate Demon Sect and forced Ying Tian to surrender Ying Tianqing.

Then the results are obvious.

After the death of Emperor Huangquan, there are seven magical ways, and the innate demons have some signs of dominance.

Since Demon Road can go hand in hand with Demon Road and Fairy Road, naturally it is not so simple.

If it ’s a mixed man, or if the emperor has n’t had anything to do with it, an immortal elder, if it was n’t for the innate care of Taiyi ’s immortal, I ’m afraid that he would not have lost an arm, but his life would be gone.

"Interesting, interesting!"

"Yeah! The calamity is coming, and I can't help it."

"Firstly, the Feathered Gate, now it's the innate Demon Sect. I don't know what other schools have jumped out."

"It's too much. Now everyone wants to step on it, and they don't know how to feel."

"What else can I feel, I'm afraid everyone is so angry!"


"The Fang Handao friends of Yuhuamen and the demon handsome of the innate demons both came up with such precious things, and I would not dare to fall behind in Wangui Xiandao."

I was talking about Fang Han and Ying Tianqing, and Wan Lianshan, the first true story of Wangui Xiandao, also emerged.

人 This person is also a master on the make-up list after his lifetime, and ranks fourth, second only to Fan Qingying, Yanshuiyi and Huatiandu.

"In Xiawangui, the disciples of Wanxian Mountain, congratulations to the exquisite fairy Zun Luo, free of magical powers, specially presented a volume of nine days Xuannv picture."

But seeing Wan Lianshan's large sleeves fluttering, majestic, walking at will, there was a faint voice of Hai Tao, and after making a ceremony towards the exquisite fairy, he opened the scroll.

In time, in addition to the exquisite fairy goddess, some profound longevity giants couldn't help it.

The truth is that the characters in this picture are too beautiful to be seen.

It turned out that this scroll was a giant urn named Jiutian Xuannv, outlined by the ancient emperor with the pen of the fairy ancestor.

女 This woman is not only glorious, but also highly advanced. The ancient gods attacked, and as many as 981 emperors were killed by her.

The offering of this object by Wan Lianshan will not only allow Linglong Xianzun to comprehend the pen of the Emperor Emperor and explore the Taoism of the Three Emperors in ancient times, but also a metaphor. Linglong Xianzun is comparable to the nine-day goddess. If there is no Fang Qingshan, it cannot be said. Wan Lianshan can rely on this material to suppress Fang Han and Ying Tianqing to get the exquisite fairy respect.


Sure enough, Linglong Xianzun was very satisfied with the nine-day Xuannv picture, nodded, and was about to speak. Just then, Fang Qingshan spoke.

"Oh, so busy, I'll make up the numbers!"

Qi Fang Qingshan chuckled, stepped forward, came to Linglong Xianzun, and saluted,

"Yuhuamen Fang Qingshan congratulates the exquisite fairy immortal on the golden immortality, and Da Luo is at ease.

He said, as soon as Fang Qingshan waved his hand, the smoke fell into the center of the square.


With the words of Fang Qingshan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The whole square, all those who celebrate life,

From the head of Crystal Dongtian to the young Junjie, all of them were stunned, their eyes were faint, and their ears were listening, as if they were illusions.

Until Fang Qingshan threw out the smoke, all the people came back to see the smoke and water that had been high above the goddess of the past. At this moment, they were thrown to the ground like cattle, and their pupils tightened and they took a breath of air. , Silent for a moment, followed by a uproar.

This is Yanshui No.1, the second place in the supplementary list after longevity, the first true biography of Taiyimen, the goddess of the ancient water **** reincarnation.

No surprise, in the future, she may be in charge of too much, and in charge of the fairy, it is not impossible to become a fairy.

But now Fang Qingshan is thrown on the ground as a burlap bag. How dare he? How can he?

Previously, everyone thought that Fang Han took out his disciple Jin Dan and Ying Tianqing took out the arm of the immortal elder. But compared with Yanshui Shui, it was simply the difference between Firefly and Haoyue, which was completely different.

Although Jin Dan's disciple is good, there is no better than the future leader and future fairy.

The arms of the elders, let alone, when they are immortal, they can be regrown after being cut, but it only takes a little time and energy.

However, the smoke was different. She was the facade of Taiyimen. Fang Qingshan did so by throwing Taiyi on the ground and crushing with her feet. It was a way of tearing the skin.

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