Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 284: Hunting order

I didn't know how the smoke was. I had such a embarrassing day and was treated as a cargo by Fang Qingshan, and was given to Tailong ’s deadly enemy, Linglong Xianzun. The resentment in my heart was really exhausted. .

Qiong Qingshan's actions not only ruined her reputation, but also ruined her future.

I can imagine what Tai Yi's attitude towards a true disciple who has shamed the entire school.

"Fang Qingshan, I will not let you go as a ghost!"

At this moment, the smoke and water no longer looked like the former goddess, and her face was distorted, and howling at Fang Qingshan.

"Li Gui? No one is afraid, but Li Gui?"

Fang Qingshan smiled a little, did not care, turned to the exquisite fairy,

"I wonder if Xianzun is satisfied with my gift?"

As soon as Yanshui was captured by Fang Qingshan, Linglong Xianzun knew.

At the beginning, she was going to save Fang Han's life, but she didn't want to have a strange number like Fang Qingshan.

However, what made her unexpected was that Fang Qingshan actually dedicated the smoke to her as a birthday gift. If she changed her mind, she would be afraid to go back and forth.

I accept it, and the one with Tai is not in the same hatred, and we must guard against fierce revenge anytime, anywhere.

If you do n’t accept it, it will make you feel that you are too afraid of it, and it will open up the crime of Fang Qingshan and Yuhuamen.

"I thought that Fang Han had already been brave, but I didn't expect that Fang Qingshan could be better than that!"

"Well, is Taiyi so easy to provoke? Although Fang Qingshan has good talents, his mentality is hardly a big deal."

"You say, is this what Fang Qingshan himself meant, or was it the intention of Yuhuamen?"

"It shouldn't have been the intention of Yuhuamen. After all, the price is too high, and Yanshui is the fiancee of Huatiandu!"


Just as everyone was talking and Linglong Xianzun had not spoken, Linglongfu suddenly sounded a thunder.

Followed by, it is as if the end of the Sum Jinshan Mountain is coming, the sky is falling apart, the void is falling, the rules are disordered, the chaos is reproduced, and the geomantic fire is interpreted.

Then, a voice sounded, as if from the meditation, the supreme heavenly law: "Taiyi Fufu: From this moment on, all heavens and earth, all beings, but if you kill Fang Qingshan, I will be too Taiyi If the door can receive Tao Tao, Taiqing mixed Tianshen Dan, and all kinds of natural treasures, if they can take his life, the Tao Tao, Xian Dan, but the cultivation of the Xian Tao, I am too rewarding. "


Hearing Tai Yi ’s counterpart Qingshan issued a hunting order for heavenly road, and such a high reward, the crowd was uproaring again. Looking at Fang Qingshan's look could not help but bring a bit of compassion, not to mention other people, there were many long-lived giants, if not Seeing that Linglong Xianzun is still there, I can't help it.

The wages of avarice is death.

I don't say anything else, even if the rewards for Tai Yimeng are enough to make people risky.

As for opening the door of sin and feather, where can I take care of these at that time.

I ca n’t do it. I ’m far away from the territory and into the sky.

In history, anyone who has been issued a Taidao pursuit order by Taiyi has never been able to escape, except for Linglong Xianzun.

"Hehe, I did not expect that Fang Han's treatment was actually enjoyed by me."

Unlike the restlessness that others thought, Xun was not surprised by Fang Qingshan.

In the original trajectory, Fang Han just presented a golden dan and was hunted down, let alone throwing out the smoke.

Besides, Fang Han's combat effectiveness was far from his own strength, and he could calmly break through the dangers, and how could he be too afraid of himself?

Now, although he just changes his life against the sky, his fighting ability catches up with his immortal body, and his full force erupts, that is, people who understand the mystery of space can suppress it.

However, once you break through the mysterious world of magical power and enter the realm of longevity, the combat power will usher in a boom. At that time, as long as you are not a mixed-race Taoist, Tai Huangtian and other Taishang elders, you can do it yourself.

其他 For others, it is difficult to break through the secret of longevity.

But for the other side, Aoyama, he was already standing outside the door. With a slight push, this whole new realm would open the door to himself.

After all, he not only has longevity fruit, but also Fan Qingying, Yanshui, a variety of treasures prepared to break through the secret of longevity, with them, the chance of his own breakthrough can reach more than seven layers.

What Fang Qingshan has to do now is to find gold. The two lines of soil are comparable to Huang Quan's forgetfulness. The treasure of the world's tree roots condenses his five-element avenue to a complete balance. By that time, breakthroughs are absolutely secure.

"Three sons?"

When Fang Han looked at him and heard Tai Yi Fuyu, he stared at him, staring at the two of them like a hungry wolf, and looked at Fang Qingshan with some anxiety.

"Don't worry, at least in the exquisite blessing land, give these people a thousand courage, and dare not shoot."

Qi Fang Qingshan waved his hand and said indifferently.


But after leaving Linglong Blessed Land? Linglong Xianzun can protect you for a while, but can't protect you for a lifetime. Fang Han's words have not been finished, but the meaning has overflowed.

"There is nothing, but the soldiers come to cover the water and cover the soil. If these people really think that I am a soft persimmon, they can only blame their lives."

Fang Qingshan Ring

After watching for a week ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the corners of my mouth could not help but slightly twitch.

Kill and kill!

These people who looked at themselves with murderous intentions, in Fang Qingshan's eyes, were a fortune.

If they really do n’t know how to live or die, they dare to step in and say that they can't open up one or more worlds again.


At this moment, Linglong Xianzun finally spoke.

I slammed it and stood slowly.

In a short time, the situation changed, and a strong momentum spurted out. Although they were not targeted at the audience and even avoided it, the crowd still felt like they were crushed by a towering mountain.

In particular, the deeper and deeper Xiu Wei is, the greater the pressure and the greater the pressure.

"Mixed emperor, you are so brave, did you forget the lessons of that year? You dared to appear in front of me, worsening and disrupting my birthday party. You think your cultivation is progress. I ca n’t help you because of the fairy Yet?"

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

But I saw one of Linglong Xianzun's hands, and the crystal lights shot out like the ancient dragons. The flying dragons were in the sky, crisscrossing, chaotic time, annihilating space.

Accompanying is a derivative of the world, a chanting prayer.

I changed the sky and changed the ground. In an instant, everyone seemed to be no longer in the Sumijin Mountain, but came to a dragon kingdom. Seeing Wanlong Chaocang!

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