Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 285: Fairy

Although Fang Qingshan dedicates the smoke to himself as a birthday gift, some use himself as a gun.

But Linglong Xianzun didn't care.

Although she is now the first person in the world of Xuanhuang, she can't help herself, but she can make her ugly, especially in front of her, and she is very happy.

After all, although she is an admired exquisite fairy, she is first and foremost a person. As long as she is human, she has all her passions, not to mention that she has not become immortal, she is sanctified, and she cannot be too forgotten. She is still a woman.

So, she didn't mind, Fang Qingshan thought carefully.

But compared with Fang Qingshan's careful thinking, the behavior of the mixed gods is quite different.

If you change to a different place, that ’s all. It ’s understandable that the avengers issued a hunting order.

After all, the first true biography of the martial arts hard work, the future successor was so insulted by others, replaced by exquisite themselves, and has long come to the door.

But it happened, people from mixed heavens actually announced on their birthday party, making them suffocated.

This is obviously because the drunkard is not drinking.

The other side's intention of killing Qingshan is not false, but also directed at himself.

At first, he threatened not to accept the gift, and at the same time, he also told the world that Xuanhuang World still respected the etheric gate.

This is simply intolerable.

As a result, as soon as Linglong Zun shot it, she made a big move.

Wanlong refining world great magic!

Generally speaking, the magical power is divided into the small magical power. After Fang Han breaks through the magical powers, the magical power given by Yuhuamen.

Great magical powers, such as the eight free magical gates of Yuhuan Gate, such as Daxuan Xuanjin Sword Qi, and the green seven Qixiu Shenmang.

On top of that, there are supreme supernatural powers, such as Panwu Hercules, Vacuum Yinyang Road, Haotian Fire and so on.

Of course, there are also strong and weak among them. The strong nature is the magical powers evolved from the Three Thousand Avenues.

On the supreme supernatural power, is the Three Thousand Avenue.

These are the origins of the avenue, which came out from the gate of eternal life when heaven and earth first opened.

Such as Fang Qingshan's big five elements, big devour, big cut and so on.

The difference between the Three Thousand Avenues and Supreme Masterpiece is not too obvious.

Because there are some supernatural powers, as long as you fully understand it, you can push back the three thousand avenues.

For example, the vacuum yin and yang way is applied to the big yin and yang technique, the panwu powerful magical power and the big source technique.

Some people need to realize multiple supernatural powers to return to their original ways, just like Taiyi's catastrophe, and they need to practice three disasters and nine difficulties to twelve supernatural powers in order to reproduce the catastrophe.

Immediately above the Three Thousand Yuanyuan Avenue, there is Xianshu.

Every time you cultivate thirty-three Supreme Masters, you can condense into an avenue and an immortal art.

The exquisite masterpiece of Wanlong Alchemy, which is exquisitely performed by Xun Lingxian, is formed by the supreme supernatural power of thirty-three dragons.

As soon as this magical power came out, it swept across the wasteland and heard a dragon groan, which not only brought the tide of waves that swept the world, but also contained the majestic will of the Dragon clan.

Void is like a mirror, fragmented, like thousands of mouths that smash the vacuum blade, and at the fingertips, they come to the doomsday disaster of the heavens and drown it instantly.

All of a sudden, whether it was a magical mystery or a long-lived giant, the presence of a mighty power destroying the earth suddenly felt.

"What a great catastrophe, what a great dragon art!"

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan could not help expressing his heartfelt emotion.

Even if he is applying the Sanqi magical power with one gas, the three avatars simultaneously applying the Great Five Elements Extinction Needle can not be compared with the magical power displayed by the mixed gods and exquisite fairy.

This is not to say that Fang Qingshan's one-gasification Sanqing and the Big Five Elements extinction needles are too bad.

The two supernatural powers have infinite possibilities, but Fang Qingshan's state is too low.

"Realm, realm!"

Fang Qingshan suddenly sighed.

Sure enough, no matter what time or world, the realm is first.

The realm is based, the divine path method, and even the magic potion are all side effects.

He did not mean that these were not important, but that he could not put the cart before the horse and pursue the fighting force blindly.

Seeing the battle between the two men, Ling Longxian further strengthened Fang Qingshan's idea to break through as soon as possible.

In fact, Fang Qingshan also has such an immortal art, but he has not had time to incorporate it into his body.

Jain is a large array of refining immortals in the hatred of the Heavenly Emperor. This is the prodigious and exquisite protoss of the protoss. Those protoss have the ancient and high power. With this array, they can evolve chaos and even refine the immortals.

However, in order to get this formation, he must first refine the longevity fruit.

Regardless of what Fang Qingshan thought, it was the exquisite exorcism of the great dragon enemies and the immortal magic of the realm of the dragon, which immediately broke the catastrophic art of the Taoist people and revealed his true body.

But after seeing the layers of void, there is a small world, small, with a radius of only 108,000 miles, but it is a real small world, which can be separated from the large world, instead of being attached to the space of the large world. .

In the middle of the world, there is a person who can't see the true face, but looks like the **** of the world. He stands in the air and inhales slightly, the situation changes, and his eyes move slightly, which is the thunder and lightning.

This is the Taoist Taoist leader.

Although not as exquisite as the exquisite fairy tale, but also the world, Xiu Wei has broken through

Longevity is seventh, and the kingdom of kings has opened up its own small world.

"Oh, I said why you are so bold, you have opened up your own mixed world."

I saw the mixed gods ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Linglong Xianzun was a stunner first, and then sneered,

"It's a pity, it's still too far away, don't you know that my great dragon art in the dragon industry is specializing in the world?"

Wanlong Alchemy Great Immortal is an immortal evolved by the Dragon family from a formation.

阵 This formation requires 10,000 heads of dragons, and a large array can be used to refine a world.

But when I saw Linglong Xianzhuang sneer, with long sleeves waving, the space around the mixed Taoist was twisted, and then, the dragons surrounded by the world evolved from space to space. , Formed into a formation, and then opened his mouth and spit out, exhaling the breath of the dragon, but to refining the mixed world.

The mixed Taoist and Linglong Xianzun are of the same generation.

He was lucky and unfortunate.

Unfortunately, although he is the proud of the sky, he encountered the demon evil of Linglong Xianzun, and was crushed everywhere.

Fortunately, Linglong Xianzun returned from Taiyi, so he became Taiyi.

Nevertheless, Linglong Xianzun has always been a mountain he couldn't cross.

This time, he wanted to break through the realm of the king and wanted to give it a try to see how far it was from Linglong.

Yet reality is always so cruel.

In the face of the exquisite fairy of the dragon dragon refining world, only one thought is left for the mixed gods.

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