Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 287: Crazy idea

"Fate, fate, fate!"

The exquisite wish of Linglong Xianzun's Hongmeng is too powerful. For a while, Fang Qingshan also lost his eyes, his heart was shaking, his hands were folded, and his heart began to pray prayerfully.

Just at this moment, the first thing that was moving was the small destiny among the Fang Qingshan primitive gods!

A few words murmured, a chant chanted, and there was a lot of inexplicable words, unknown words, but unavoidable, the force that couldn't escape pulled Fang Qingshan back instantly.

The reason for this is the self-resistance of the little fatalism.

After all, little fatalism comes from the great fate.

Great Destiny is not only the top three thousand avenues, it is also the most mysterious avenue.

If destiny does not come out, fate represents fate.

Although Hongmeng's big wish is great, it is only ranked third after all. How can Xiaofaming want his host to be saved by big wish?

"A great wish from Hongmeng and a great wish from Linglong Fairy, really exquisite."

After returning to God, Fang Qingshan could not help but start a cold sweat.

Although he was caught in the wish of Hongmeng and there would be no worry about his life, from then on, when he faced the exquisite fairy, he would be suppressed in heaven, and over time, this would evolve into a demon and a barrier. In the short term, I don't think that once it is advanced, I am afraid that the trouble will be serious.

At the same time, Fang Qingshan had a clear understanding of the exquisiteness of Linglong Xianzun.

He knew it. He was the one who shot himself outside the Daxuan Empire.

In the beginning, Fang Qingshan did everything possible to face the attack that covered the sky and blocked the sky.

At that time, at the time, the mixed-minded people used at most a part of the force, and even then, they almost made it impossible for them to escape.

However, now, the mixed-day Taoist shot with all his strength, under the attack of Linglong Xianzun, he was not so much better than when he faced him at first, so we can see that Linglong Xianzun is powerful.

Even if you don't talk about mixed people, look at these people who wish to live a long life, and you can see the whole leopard.

This is still Linglong Xianzun did not target them, just some aftermath, but it is the teaching of even Crystal Dongtian, Mr. Water Mirror. There are six leaders of the six alliances, six scattered people. In this way, those who are all masters in the longevity giants have to evade mana to resist the impact of the big wish and the great wish. Otherwise, worshipping Linglong Xianzun will be necessary.

"Maybe this time, I also have a chance to be ashamed!"

After being awakened by the small fatalism, Fang Qingshan looked around. Except for the exquisite fairy and the struggling mixed-hearted person who did not succumb to the great wish technique, others were not surrendered by Hongmeng's wish and silently prayed. Praying worship is to secretly operate the exercises to resist the attack of the aftermath.

Just then, Fang Qingshan's mind suddenly burst into a crazy idea.

He wants to take this opportunity to give people a good look.

If this is made known to others, in addition to admiring his boldness, I'm afraid I will only laugh at the big teeth.

Although the mixed Taoist people were arbitrarily manipulated in the hands of Linglong Xianzun, they are no longer a master of the realm of the king. Compared to the teaching of Crystal Dongtian, Mr. Shuijing. The head of Yuhuamen, Feng Baiyu is a powerful character.

And even if Fang Qingshan is comparable to the long-lived giant salamander, in these people's eyes, they are not ants.

He actually wanted to shake the tree, it was beyond his control.

However, for the other side Aoyama, it may not work.

Because he has an empty sword.

Although Qiongjian Jianjue is not as powerful as the Great Five Elements Extinction Needle, it is not even as good as a magical power like Yiqi Sanqing.

However, the meaning of one of the characters is not worse than any other top Taoist method.

Fifty Avenue, Tianyan forty-nine, go for one!

Although the 遁 character of 诀 kong Jianjue does not represent the one that is comparable to heaven, but it is said that it contains this artistic conception. After all, the person who created this sword is the real person of Chunyang.

Speaking of the real person of Chunyang, many people are probably thinking of the Eight Immortals of Shangdong for the first time. However, he still has an identity, which is comparable to the existence of Sanqing, son-in-law, second ancestor of Buddhism, and prince of East!

Yes, Chunyang is a real person. In the previous life, he also had the identity of the East Prince. He was as famous as the West Queen Mother. He was in charge of the male immortal under the orders of the ancestors.

But success is also Xiao He, and defeat is also Xiao He.

At that time, the Prince of the East was so angry, but he angered, and finally died in the Wanxian array on Penglai Island.

Nevertheless, he did not die completely, but reincarnated into a pure Yang real person.

There are so many high-ranking people in ancient times, the twelve ancestor witches, Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Hongyun, etc., all died.

The prince of the East changed another waistcoat and lived again.

From this we can see that he had a deep understanding of the death, otherwise, he could not find the vitality, and he had long been lost in history like Di Jun and others.

And Fang Qingshan?

He himself is a strange number, but he is a very fit one.

The treasure board in the hands is even more unique.

Therefore, as he cultivated higher and higher, Jikong Jianjue was not just a sword tactic to him, but a way of understanding Jiyi.

To him, the first line is a vitality, and to others, it is a flaw or a dead point.

In the past, Fang Qingshan couldn't find the flaws of the mixed heavens by relying on the empty sword.

But at this moment it is different, with the presence of Linglong Xianzun, his flaws will be magnified infinitely.

Of course, it is not enough to find a flaw, and a strong attack is still needed.

Otherwise, people will do nothing and stand there for you to attack. Not only will you not hurt others, but you will be injured by the force of the earthquake, and you will lose your wife and lose your soldiers.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan can not only find the flaws of the mixed heavenly Taoist, but also have the means to hurt or even severely damage the mixed heavenly Taoist.

Chess pieces.

Fang Qingshan believes that even the mixed-sky Taoist can't eat it.

Although this seems to be more than worth it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After all, his behavior hurts the idiot most, it will not kill him at all, and expose his own means.

But the most important thing in spiritual practice is to keep your heart open.

The mixed gods almost killed their own lives. If there is no way, they can revenge, but they do not take action. They will leave a shadow in their hearts and are not conducive to cultivation.

At the same time, it is not without benefits if it can really wreak havoc.

The first is to break the magic barrier and relax in the heart, which is more conducive to breaking through the secret of longevity.

Then there is the existence of the Taoist realm, but the king of Taiyi.

If Fang Qingshan really hit him hard, he can imagine that he will definitely get a lot of luck.

As for exposing the means, there is nothing. Because he will soon break through the secret of longevity, his hole cards will become a regular means, so he doesn't care so much.

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