Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 288: opportunity

"Great destiny, the power of mastering the fate of the avenue, you are everywhere and nothing can be blessed."

"The eternal destiny affects the heavens and the world, all kinds of blessings, and blessings!

As soon as he thought about it, Fang Qingshan immediately ran the empty sword tactics. There was a black and white alternation in his eyes, the sun rose and the moon set, he looked at the bullfight, and carefully observed the flaws of the mixed heaven and earth man and mixed world.

However, his cultivation is still too low, even if he realizes a trace of fur that has gone away, he has no time to find a flaw in the realm of the king.

Even if you find it, if you do n’t respond, it will be fleeting and useless.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan also has a small fatalism.

As a unique and immortal branch of the Supreme Destiny, the power of the little fatalism is absolutely trivial.

However, when you get it, you have to pay, and the pay of the little fatalism is life.

The greater the power of the little fatalism, the more life will be paid.

With Fang Qingshan's chanting, the power of fate in the deep came, and blessing was over the sword of Wukong.

At the same time, Fang Qingshan's crystal-clear skin started to age a little, and Qingsi Baixue was just an instant.

This time, compared with the last time, Fang Qingshan's burning life is more, after all, the mixed gods are the king of the heyday.


When Fang Qingshan was performing his little fatalism, Linglong Xianzun, who had been casually using the big wish technique, suddenly turned around and looked at Fang Qingshan in surprise.

Because at this moment, her big wish practice has actually fluctuated.

It was only that Fang Qingshan blocked the whole body with the chessboard of the heavens, and Linglong Xianzun could not see the truth. Only through the induction of the big wish technique, Fang Qingshan should show the top ten roads of the three thousand roads.

"Good boy, I have two sons."

At the moment when Linglong Xianzun was relaxed, the mixed heaven Taoist seemed to see the opportunity. The mixed yuan world rose sharply, and the golden cocoon formed by Hongmeng's wish was propped up and cracked.

At the same time, in the distant void, suddenly a large hand was stretched out, and the golden cocoon that Hongmeng wished to form was torn apart.

After the support of the mixed Yuan world, the golden cocoon that Hongmeng wished to have already had a crack like a spider's web. After the tear of this palm like a Buddha, the golden cocoon that Hongmeng was willing to form suddenly turned into a Dotted golden light.

"Tai Huangtian, you finally shot!"

Seeing this scene, Linglong Xianzun was not surprised at all.

The so-called son Moruo father, the disciple Moruo teacher.

Tai Huangtian, as the master of both the mixed Taoist and the exquisite Xianxun, couldn't understand the strength of the two.

I had already expected this, so I was always in the dark, and when I saw that it was difficult for the mixed people, I helped.

Knowing oneself and knowing one hundred battles, knowing Tai Huangtian and Linglong Xianzun very well.

So when he saw his shot, tone, and complexion, he didn't feel the slightest surprise, but the spell that was shot from her mouth suddenly accelerated his speed, derived into the void, and turned into two long ropes. Wreath to the mixed world of mixed heaven Taoist and Taihuangtian's big hand.

"When I testify to Da Luo, Yongchang Avenue, all evil spirits retreat. Everything is always there, nothing can be touched ......"


The two ropes were wrapped around the world and the big hands with a thunderbolt, and they pulled together.

The whole void seemed to be cut, and dense cracks appeared in the mixed world and the horror master.

The terrorist persisted for a while and then collapsed.

However, the world of the mixed gods is the root of the mixed gods. Although they have not completely collapsed, such a large amount of damage has occurred. The central mixed gods, like the world master, are cringe, spit blood, and roar.

If he didn't know that he wasn't Linglong Xianzun's opponent, it wouldn't just be asking for trouble, but also worrying about his life. The gods of heaven could not wait to fight hard at this moment.

The realm of realm is not only to open up the world, but also to the world.

Don't look at the mixed world, there are only spider web-like cracks, and they are not broken.

However, the loss of the mixed **** is still very large. He wants to fully repair these cracks, and he does not know how much time, energy and resources it will take.

And, most importantly, it slowed his progress.

You must know that the calamity is coming. Slowly, slowly.

For every strength, there is an opportunity to survive, and an opportunity to **** an opportunity.

So, how can this be called a mixed **** do not hate it?

Unfortunately, the technique is not as good as others.

"Linglong you wait for me, and one day I will surpass you."

Skyscrapers say something ruthless, and then turn around and leave.

"good chance!"

At this moment, Fang Qingshan, who has burned thousands of years of life and has been running the Kukong Sword Technique silently, finally saw an opportunity, and his eyes shot a brilliant light.

"Want to go, it's so easy there!"

A faint smile appeared on Fang Qingshan's face.

"go with!"

With a move in his heart, Fang Qingshan flicked his fingers, but saw a **** turn into a streamer and sink into the void.


Fang Qingshan's actions naturally could not conceal Linglong Xianzun. When she was wondering, she suddenly opened her eyes.

After seeing how many layers of void, the mixed world of the mixed gods is heading away.

And at this moment, a **** appeared and fell from the sky. It originally seemed like a stone fell into the sea, but between the beards, the **** rose in the wind and turned into a big day. general.

"Dominate, dominate, dominate!"

A cry shouted through the void, there was an endless area of ​​fire, Yan Emperor was in charge, and the fire burned the sky. Within the martial arts, the prestige of Wuzu shook Qiankun. The palace of the west sky, the emperor of a hundred battles, the battle might be invincible. The northern hills, the land of thousands of tombs, the world of the undead Lord.

This is a world, not a small world, but a large world comparable to the big world of Xuanhuang.

Of course, this ca n’t be a real world. Otherwise, let ’s not say that a mediocre person, even an exquisite fairy, or even a person who is immortal, has no reason to be crushed by the crushing of a large world.

But even so ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this side of the world is definitely not under the mixed world of mixed heaven and earth.

Fang Qingshan had already counted it, and the chess piece falling was the only way for mixed people to avoid it.


A loud noise. It's like a planet exploding.


Hearing only a scream of scream belonged to the mixed gods.

Time and space are absent, the law is annihilated, and the aftermath is scattered, but wherever it is affected, it becomes a void.

Only one person was sobbing blood, and the wolf howled out abnormally.

This person is just a mixed god.

"Linglong, you **** it, you **** it!"

As soon as the mixed gods came out, they seemed mad and rushed towards Linglong Xianzun.

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