Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 289: Retreat

Fang Qingshan's shot was too inconspicuous. Not only the shot was inconspicuous, he was also inconspicuous.

After all, at this moment, even the teaching of Crystal Dongtian, Mr. Water Mirror. There are six leaders of the six alliances, six scattered people. Such masters are silently operating their skills to resist the attack of the Great Desire, let alone Fang Qingshan.

Moreover, such an attack is too sharp, it is simply a full blow from a master in the sky.

In addition to the exquisite Fairy Exalted, the mixed gods did not believe that there were other people who could perform.

In fact, this is also a misunderstanding. Others are resisting Hongmeng's great wishes. There are only three sober people, exquisite fairy, mixed gods and Tai Huangtian.

It is impossible for Tai Huangtian to attack the mixed gods, except for Linglong Xianzun?

And because this is Linglong Xianzun's dojo, which is the Sum Jinshan Mountain, Tai Huangtian's eyes can not fully understand Qiuhao, so no one knows that except Linglong Xianzun, this shocking blow was actually performed by Fang Qingshan.

The mixed-world Taoist people were hit by Hongmen's great vow before, and the mixed-yuan world suffered a major damage. Then the whole world was blown by the overwhelming blow of the dominated world. If they could not be restored, the mixed-world Taoist realm would be destroyed. .

Therefore, the talents of mixed heavens will be anxious to attack, regardless of rushing towards Linglong Xianzun, want to eat its flesh, sleep its skin.

"Exquisite apprentice, you are too far away, and you are also your brother and sister, you are so unrelenting, it hurts."

Seeing that the mixed-sky Taoist would rush over to find himself desperately, but Linglong Xianzun did not move at all, because she knew that someone would prevent him from seeking his own way.

Sure enough, a slightly cold voice sounded, followed by the same big hand as the gold cocoon that Hong Meng had hoped to form before, and grabbed the mixed Taoist back.

"Master, Ling Long has ruined my mixed-yuan world. I will kill her, kill her!"

The mixed-minded Taoist is struggling madly in Tai Huangtian's hands, his eyes are glowing, a lunatic who lives aloof, there is still a little bit of style in the door.

"The technique is not as good as people, so go back and practice."

Tai Huangtian replied indifferently to the howling of the Taoist Taoist, followed, and did not know what method was used. He immediately suppressed the Taoist Taoist and dragged him back.

"Oh, passed? Brother?"

Linglong Xianzun did not prevent Tai Huangtian from saving the mixed Taoist, and also carried the pot for Fang Qingshan. He did not deny that he had severely damaged the mixed Tiandao, and laughed softly, saying lightly,

"If it hadn't been for my strength to let you cast a mouse, would you have thought about it? Will it sound that I was too a disciple?"

Linglong Xianzun's voice spread out, making the endless time and space silent.

"Huh, it's finally over."

The first person to wake up, naturally, is the teaching of Crystal Dongtian, Mr. Water Mirror. There are six leaders of the six alliances, six scattered people. Master of these longevity giants.

"It's over, it's not over."

"Yeah, I did not expect that Lingxian Xianzhuang was so overbearing, and she directly broke the world of mixed gods."

"If the mixed gods can't re-open the world in a short time, I am afraid they will fall.


The sober crowd immediately talked.

Not only was there such a simple and fierce surprise and shock to Linglong Xianzun's shot, but also there was regret and gloating over the world of the mixed gods.

"What an eventful autumn!"

The Protoss of the Protoss is about to come. At this time, Taiyi first issued a hunting order for the disciples on the first day of Yuhuamen. Following the exquisite blessing, Taiyi was seriously injured.

Fortunately, Tai Huangtian is quite sensible, and did not use the immortal to fight with Linglong Xianzun, otherwise, under the calamity, I am afraid that they have already lost.

In fact, the reason why Tai Huangtian did not take revenge for the mixed gods.

The most important thing is the reason of strength, that is, the use of fairy wares, he was not sure that he could win the exquisite fairy.

Then there is the coming of the calamity. If at this time he fights with Linglong Xianzun, there will be an immortal vessel at that time. I am afraid that he will not survive the calamity.

In addition, the clams competed for the fishermen's profit, and they fought, and the cheapest was the Feather Gate, the Star Gate, the Innate Demon Sect and other factions.

In the end, of course, it was because of the injuries of the mixed gods.

Tai Huangtian was anxious to go back to heal his injuries, otherwise, once he fell into the realm and wanted to break through, the difficulty would increase exponentially.

At this time, the most embarrassing thing on the field is the smoke.

It was just a gift for Linglong Xianzun as a birthday gift. The head of his own shot not only did not save himself, but he also broke the world with Linglong Xianzun, and the smoke suddenly felt a dark future.

"It's over!" Yanshui muttered to himself with a decadent look.

"Well, the troublemaker has gone, the birthday feast continues!"

Linglong Xian respected the new seat back on the crystal throne and said lightly, as if nothing had happened before.

"The birthday gift continues, everyone else, present it!"

As the elders exquisitely blessed, their voices were lengthened and they continued to shout.

Although others were deterred by Hongmeng's wish, they did not see the exquisite fairy deity destroy the mixed world of mixed gods, but they also felt a little bit excited, if these people were not the top geniuses of each sect Well, at this moment, it is almost worshipping Linglong Xianzun.

No one made trouble, and the next thing naturally proceeded in an orderly way.

It's just that there is Fang Qingshan's gift in front, and even those eternal giants who come up with various precious treasures will not surprise everyone.

"Well, this time I said, whose birthday gift is the most satisfying to me, I don't hesitate to reward."

After everyone's dedication is finished ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Linglong Xianzun speaks.

If you put it at the beginning, almost everyone is confident and feels that your birthday is the most favored.

But at this time, everyone knows that when Fang Qingshan took out the smoky water, the ending was already doomed, although he took Linglong Xianzun as a gun.

Sure enough, the words of Linglong Xianzun confirmed their ideas.

"Yuhuamen's true disciple, Fang Qingshan, presented Taiyi's first true biography of Yanshui as a birthday gift, and it was very close to me." Speaking here, Linglong Xianzun looked at Fang Qingshan Road with a deep meaning, "You say, what's your wish , I'll satisfy you. "

When I heard Linglong Xianzun say that, some eternal giants were envious.

You have to know that the exquisite fairy deity is promised.

This man, who has been ranked third in the Three Thousand Avenues, has created an exquisite blessing place for one of the top ten schools of immortality. He has just clicked and killed Taiyi Taoist. For thousands of years, he is the closest to immortal.

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