Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 294: King Kong Bodhi

Linglong Xianzun's strength in the other side's Castle Peak is naturally very clear, and the smoke was captured under her eyelids.

So no matter for the sake of others or for a good cause, Linglong Xianzun is going to propose Fang Qingshan alone and give him three supernatural powers.

It was just as a kind of donkey liver and lungs, other disciples did not appreciate it at all, did not want to believe her words, and insisted on fighting Fang Qingshan.

Although Linglong Xianzun could not be angry with these younger disciples, they finally lost her face.

Therefore, Linglong Xianzun will not give Fang Qingshan another reward, and directly announce that he is the leader of this competition.

Therefore, Ying Tianqing, Jiao Fei, Wan Lianshan and other talents showed a bitter look, and regret was late.

In particular, Wan Lianshan was so regretful that his intestines were green. If he knew it early, he shouldn't believe in Linglong Xianzun. If he knew it early, he shouldn't provoke Fang Qingshan.

Now it is stealing chickens without eclipsing the rice.

"Thank you Xianzun!"

Fang Qingshan naturally has no objection to Ling Long's words.


Linglong Xianzun nodded,

"You send the most satisfying congratulatory gift, you can make a request. Earlier I promised that you can choose any of the three magical powers, let's talk about it!"


Fang Qingshan is naturally not polite at this time,

The main purpose of his visit to the exquisite blessed land this time was for Da Pudu.

Dapudu, also known as Dapudu Changuang, can be used by monks, one hundred in front of three thousand roads.

The reason why Fang Qingshan wanted this magical power was not to say how powerful this magical power was.

Mainly he wanted to use this supernatural power to devour the Devourer.

When the overwhelming exorcist demon emperor was at his heyday, I am afraid that he was no weaker than the Taoist.

Such a person, not to mention others, is simply an unimaginable wealth of luck and willingness, not to mention that such a great master can also become his own guardian when he is weak, Help yourself with things you can't or can't do.

In addition to Dapudushu, Fang Qingshan wants the most exquisite Luotian.

Although he has obtained this method of cultivation from Fang Han, if he is allowed to practice by himself, he does not know how much time it will take, and if he is combining with the chessboard of the heavens, he will not even know the year of the monkey.

However, if you have the guidance of the exquisite fairy, directly condense the magical power of this magical array, and give it to yourself, you don't know how much time, energy and resources to save.

In addition to these two goals are their own goals, of course, the other magical powers, of course, are based on the Three Thousand Avenues, the higher the better.

Fang Qingshan dedicates Yanshui as a birthday gift to one of Linglong Xianzun, and wants to make Linglong Xianzun deprive himself of the disaster.

Dapudushu, exquisite Luotian, catastrophe, these are already three magical powers.

In addition, Fang Qingshan's most wanted nature is the exquisite wish of exquisite fairy.

However, the third place of this Three Thousand Avenues is Linglong Xianzun's famous housekeeper supernatural power, Fang Qingshan can only think about it.

After setting his heart, Fang Qingshan directly stated his requirements and magical powers. "In terms of magical powers, the exquisite Da Luo Tian admiring Xianzun has been admired for a long time. I wonder if Xianzun can give this magical power to the next, and if he Can the Supreme Mastery deprive me of the cataclysmic disaster? The third magical power will require a great mastery. "

After a pause, Fang Qingshan said, "As for the requirements, in order to cultivate the Five Elements, you need to smelt all five elements of heaven and earth, and now three types have been smelted. Baby? "

"Although Linglong Da Luotian is the unique magical power I created and the skill of Linglong Blessing Land, but since Fang Han has cultivated, you have asked again, and I have nothing to give you."

"As for the catastrophe that deprives you of smoke and water, I don't need it, and I will also catastrophe it, and I will give you another one."

"The five elements are gold, and the earth and earth are treasures."

After listening to Fang Qingshan's request, Linglong Xianzun came slowly and slowly,

"Since you have raised it in front of me, it is obviously not an ordinary level. In the relationship between you and Fang Han, it is forgotten water that you want to refine the nature of water. This gold, earth and earth treasures will be comparable. This is forgotten. "

"Xian Zunying Ming!" Fang Qingshan smiled slightly.

Hearing Fang Qingshan's words, the others couldn't help being speechless.

Good guys, exquisite Luotian, Cataclysm, and Purdura are all three thousand avenues that are comparable to magical powers, especially the catastrophe, which is also a skill of the town gate, which ranks in the top ten. presence.

As for the requirements, it is even too much, which should be comparable to the treasure of ecstasy.

It was a lion's mouth wide open.

Fortunately, these things are precious and rare to others, but they are only a little troublesome for Linglong Xianzun.

After thinking about it, "Forgetting love water is known as the first water in the world. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is also very precious. It can be compared with his treasures. There are not many under the sky, but I do have one thing in your hand. Claim."

Talking, but when Linglong Xianzun flipped her hand, a thing appeared in her hands.

But seeing this thing looks like a fruit and a Buddha. It is full of light, but it also reveals a trace of gold.

As soon as the object came out, the five elements of Fang Qingshan's body moved together, and he immediately knew that the object was indeed comparable to the existence of the world's tree roots and water.

"What is this thing?" Fang Qingshan asked.

"This is the treasure I have traveled to the heavens and got from a Buddhist monk ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Named Vajrayana Bodhi, it is a metallic treasure that should meet your requirements."

"Satisfied, satisfied!" Fang Qingshan nodded again and again.

When Linglong Xianzun saw this, she threw it to Fang Qingshan, and then she waved, first a party of chessboards gathered, followed by boundless disasters, and then all beings prayed and sang. After being stunned, everything returned to peace, but it appeared in the void. Three runes.

Others want to cultivate this magical power of success, fearing that they do n’t know how much work it will take. When Linglong Xianzun changes time and space, she will condense Linglong Da Luotian, Cataclysm, and Purdue.

"Thank you Xianzun." Fang Qingshan took the three magical charms, and his face was filled with an inseparable smile. Just looking for time to refine these three magical powers, he is equivalent to training.

After Fang Qingshan got what he wanted, he returned to his seat.

Next, the birthday party lasted for another three days and three nights before it really ended.

Fang Qingshan also completely relaxed, watched the show with others, ate exotic fruits, drank Qiongjiangyuyu, fine wines and delicacies, and the guests and hosts were happy for a while.

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