Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 295: Back to Shushan

"Back again."

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Fang Qingshan could not help expressing his emotion.

After Linglong Xianzun's longevity was over, Fang Qingshan became the biggest winner this time. Not only did he get three exquisite magical powers such as Linglong Da Luotian, Catastrophe, and Purdura, but also a metallic treasure like Vajrayana.

Today, the only thing missing from Fang Qingshan is the earthly treasure that is comparable to the roots of the world's trees. Then we can proceed to break through the mystery of eternal life.

It ’s just that such treasures are top-notch in the heavens and the world, and they are rare. This time, if he did not ask Linglong Xianzun, it may not be so easy to get Vajrayana.

The immortal world is so big, there should be no shortage of such treasures.

But Fang Qingshan didn't know that there was such a treasure there. Fortunately, Fang Qingshan didn't know that there was, but he was leaning on more than just an eternal world.

In the Shushan world, Fang Qingshan knew that there was something comparable to Vajrayana.

That's the Buddha's merit mud. This thing comes from the Buddha's precious treasures and eight treasures.

So after the birthday party, Fang Qingshan parted ways with Fang Han and returned to the Shushan world.

There are many treasures in Shushan, including Fang Qingshan's first visit, the Snake King Temple, Hanxian Xianfu, and other places such as Jindaoxia, Ziyun Palace, and Magic Wave Pond.

Fang Qingshan is looking for the Buddha's merit mud in one of the Buddha's treasure houses.

This Buddhist treasure house is called Nobita Treasury and is located in Laoshan.

Laoshan, the Taoist doctrine of the Twelve Golden Immortals, the Emperor Shi Guangchengzi, and the human race Zhibao Seal are named after it. This mountain has always been a place for Taoists and Taoists to hide, as well as a treasure house in Xianfu.

Daxiong Treasury This treasure house is located in Zhulingpi, Xiqiao.

It was more than a thousand years ago that Master Daxiong took Xi Tianzhu as a spiritual stone and made it a place for Tibetan treasure.

In addition to Fang Qingshan's Buddhist meditation mud, Neizhong also contains two Zen sutras and several magical magic weapons.

However, wherever natural treasures or treasures are located, they are either guarded by spirits, or they are forbidden and isolated by various laws.

After the establishment of this heroic treasure house, it was also forbidden by the Zen master to arrange the lower levels.

In the past, he returned to Taoism from Taoism, and has the advantages of both Taoism.

Therefore, the ban in the treasure house also has both Buddha and Tao.

If you want to open the treasure house, one of them is to ban the two layers inside and outside, and Fang Qingshan obviously does not.

The second is to break the ban with force and direct the use of supreme supernatural powers, but this requires at least that the comer is not much worse than the Noble Zen master, otherwise it is just futile and Fang Qingshan is obviously not satisfied.

Fortunately, as long as it is the formation method and the prohibition, there are flaws, and even the three great battlefields of the fragile floods are afraid to say that everything is not broken.

However, Fang Qingshan just had the magical power of Qikongjianjue, and he realized the method of annihilation, coupled with the small fatalism, which can bless the power of destiny. It should not be difficult to find the flaw.

Of course, there is one more point. Fang Qingshan can be regarded as a man of pure Yang. He is not a demon, so he will not be targeted.

Otherwise, the king is gone. Why do n’t those who are masters of magic and evil in Shushan take the treasure? Don't they despise those rare treasures?

It is not unwilling, but it is impossible.

Except that they are under the surveillance of the right path, this is where these treasures are located, and they will be targeted at them.

To take the treasure in the right way, as long as the restrictions are broken, and as soon as they go, the gate of life will become a gate of death, and the way of life will become a dead end. It is really a powerful break through the ban of the formation law, and the treasures will fly away automatically. Rarely successful.

It's so hard to please, and even the things that will take you in are lessons of blood. Therefore, although the treasures of the right path are not secrets, few people in the magic path open them.

Originally, the Xiongxiong ’s treasure house had not yet opened. It was necessary to wait for the second daughter of the Xie family to obtain the seven treasures of the Great Master Zen in the snow mountain before a named female disciple named Shenyou Youhua spent no evil Together with Shen Tuhong, an abandoned disciple of Emei Myoyi, they collected the treasures from the treasure house with the cooperation of many orthodox clans.

Once opened in advance, just like when Fang Qingshan took the treasure of Hanxianfu, it was immediately known.

Fortunately, this time is different from before.

The first is the improvement of Fang Qingshan's cultivation. At first, it was just that the mysterious realm had not yet entered, but now the combat effectiveness is almost immortal.

In the mountains of Shu, although cause and effect are entangled, and the whole body is affected by one stroke, the cause and effect are not everything that can be counted. It can only be a whim, Golden Wind did not move the Prophet, and then calculated a causality along the cause and effect.

The higher the revision, the harder it is to calculate.

The stronger the luck, the more merit, the harder it is to calculate.

With the treasure protection, the more powerful the treasure, the harder it is to calculate.

And because the different numbers are not in the heavens, they are basically impossible to calculate.

If it is forcibly performed, unless he can carry back the power of fate, he will steal the chicken and not eclipse the rice.

Being causal and destiny's back bite is not fun, it hurts in the light, and even damages the foundation.

In addition to Fang Qingshan's cultivation, he is now in a period of great luck.

He didn't say anything when he opened the world of flood and wasteland. On the Sumijin Mountain, he became famous all over the world. I dare not despise Qimeng, but when Jun disappeared, he and Fang Han parted ways, but almost no one came to pay his attention. You must know that there is still a chase order!

As fame grows, fame will naturally gather. With fame, luck will increase.

In addition, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he shot too far to be a leader of the mixed world, and almost knocked him out of the realm of the king, this hand is not much worse than the luck he got by destroying the hated god.

In addition, he has the supreme treasure board of the heavens to help him suppress luck and cover up the secret. He is a different number, so Fang Qingshan does not worry that someone will count himself.

As long as they are not met on the spot, at least no one will find themselves.

And Fang Qingshan will not stay in Shushan all the time, so as long as you get the baby, the other is not a problem.

Among the Shu Mountains, except for the Emei family, the other schools of Xianshan were basically covered by their sharp edges.

But this is not to say that other Xianshan is not good, and there is no superior.

This Laoshan, as a human race that has been passed down to ancient times, is a Taoist sacred place. Naturally, there is no shortage of seniors living in seclusion here.

According to the original memory, Fang Qingshan knows that in the past three hundred years, Laoshan has been backed up by two powerful side door old monsters, and that these two old monsters still have a lot of disciples.遁 光.

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