Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 296: Break the ban

The Lingzhu ridge is a stretch of ridges about ten feet wide and twenty to thirty feet wide. Because both sides face the cliff, there are many large and small fountains falling on the wall. Ruzhu got its name. Therefore, it is not difficult to find this place. The hard part is how to not alarm the two old monsters in Laoshan during the search.

After all, Fang Qingshan is an unfamiliar face. Once they or their disciples find him walking around in the mountains, they will naturally be stared at.

Although Fang Qingshan was not very afraid of the two old monsters, and he could run if he could not win, but if he had delayed taking his own treasure, playing grass and frightening the snakes, it would have been very bad.

Fortunately, he had already expected this, so when he left the exquisite blessing land, he found Wanlian Mountain and exchanged him with large latency.

It stands to reason that Fang Qingshan just defeated others, and even destroyed the Taoist tools with the fire of the red lotus industry.

If Wan Lianshan didn't know that he couldn't beat Fang Qingshan, it was just a humiliation to find him. He would have wanted revenge and hate, and he was ashamed before. What **** channel law would he exchange with him?

However, Fang Qingshan was on the condition of repairing the Tiansha God Shark, and forced Wanlianshan to agree.

The Tiansha shark boat was almost burned down by Fang Qingshan's fire. It was repaired by Wan Lianshan. It would take at least hundreds of years to repair it. This not only wastes resources, but also slows him down. Speed ​​to advance to the Eternal Life.

Fang Qingshan was holding on to this, making him have to hold his nose to agree.

Although the Tiansha God Shark is powerful in attack, some swords go off-center, just like the magic road training device.

Therefore, as soon as he encountered something that restrained him, it was as if a mouse encountered a cat, and he could not exert his full power.

In order to let Wan Lianshan agree to exchange the large latency technique to himself, Fang Qingshan also invested a lot of money.

He first used Huangquan to forget the love, re-trained the entire Tiansha Shensha boat, and cleaned up the grievances of the hundreds of millions of evil sharks contained in it.

Then, using the Great Devouring Technique, over a period of nine days, swallowed a group of Essence of Wind into it.

In this way, although the Tiansha God Shark still has not restored the power of the peak of the middle class Taoist device, the background is enhanced. As long as the continuous training continues, it is a breakthrough of the top class Taoist device and even the top class Taoist device.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan spent so much effort not without return.

Wan Lianshan not only passed the large latency to himself, but also separated a part of his essence from his magical powers.

Although it has not reached the kind of exquisite fairy statue, once it is integrated into the body, it is a great achievement, but it also allows Fang Qingshan to perform without practicing.

With the large latency, as long as it was not hit by the two old monsters, the other disciples' gatekeepers could not find the trace of Fang Qingshan at all.

It took a lot of effort for Fang Qingshan to find Lingzhuyu in Xiqiao. And his ultimate destination, Nobita's Treasury, is just above the cliff.

If a workman wants to be good, he must first sharpen his weapon.

When he came to the cliff, Fang Qingshan did not immediately break the prohibition, but shook his hands and released the five-cloud peach blossoms, so as not to disturb others when the ban broke.

"Boards of heaven, block the secrets!"

Following this, Fang Qingshan urged the chess board of the heavens to block the celestial machine near Nobita's Treasury, so as not to alarm You You, San Xian Er Lao and others.

"World tree, mess up the magic!"

Then, he urged the world tree to stir the heavens.

Although the World Tree has not yet recovered to its full state, as the top spiritual root, he is born to have the effect of shielding and disturbing the natural world.

"Well, with these two things, they don't notice Laoshan when they want to come for a while and a half."

Fang Qingshan calculated the number of purple micro buckets and felt that the machine was blurred, and he nodded with satisfaction.

This Ziwei Doushu is the deduction method he learned from Zhang Jiao's three volumes of Tianshu, and it is a top-level calculus supernatural power.

With such a supernatural power, coupled with his knowing that he was about to take a treasure, the calculated imagination showed nothing, which is how Fang Qingshan was dissatisfied.

After doing all this, Fang Qingshan had the opportunity to look up.

The prohibition of Nobita Treasury is divided into two layers, inside and outside.

On the outer layer, there are the six-character charms of the Buddhist family. These six-character charms are the same as those of Fang Han in the Five Elements Spirits, which are integrated into their own eight floating slaughters, but the powers are quite different.

According to the formal approach, to break this prohibition, first of all, the person must have a deep meditation of Buddhism, six times a day according to the time attached to the forbidden picture, in order to temporarily resolve it, and stop its magic.

Fang Qingshan practiced Taoist magical powers both in eternal life and in Shushan, in the Three Kingdoms, in the Great Master, and even in the earliest Tianlong world.

It was a bit tricky to break this level of forbiddenness. Fortunately, when he was exquisitely blessed, he got a master degree. This is the existence of a thousand-thousand-thousand-avenue in the immortal world. It is placed in other worlds. inherited.

If he cooperates with the small fatalism and empties the sword, it should not be a big problem to break the prohibition.

After the first level of the Buddhist gate was banned, there was a Taoist mixed Yuanzhen Qi seal on the cave door. Except for the Taiyi Shenlei, which is currently limited to a few people, and the thirty-sixth religion in the demon religion, only the Yinlei can open.

Fortunately, Lei Fa, Fang Qingshan is very good at it. He is also Shushan, immortal, and even the five elements of the three Lei Fa who are the masters of the world. live.

Without further ado, Fang Qingshan started to practice the exercises and set about breaking the ban.

Fang Qingshan first opened his mouth and chanted the Scriptures.

For a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But the Wenfan sounds, the chanting, and the six-character charms of the Buddha's door faintly fainted.

Seeing Fang Qingshan gazing at the bullfight, his eyes alternated in black and white, and the sun rises and sets moon, apparently it is the empty air sword tactics that are working.

This majestic treasure house is indeed one of the most important treasures of the Buddhist monk. The power of these six-character charms is so great that it is probably better than the charm of the amulets in the hands of the eternal world.

After all, Master Nobita is also at least a Celestial Immortal. Even though this amulet does not have the full power, it has not yet reached the weakest state when the treasure house was opened, and the power of the amulet that suppresses the deities has long been consumed and it is unknown how much remains.

Fang Qingshan looked at the ringing sword for half an hour, but found no flaw in the ban.

"It seems that you still need to use small fatalism!"

Fang Qingshan sighed.

Since getting this ancient secret method, it has really helped me a lot, but the cost is really too great. To this day, I am afraid that the life that I have consumed is changed by someone who has changed my life.

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