Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 298: In hand

Stepping over the entrance, I came to a stone house about 30 feet in size.

The middle of the stone room.

But there was a throne in the gloomy Jinguangxiangxiao, floating in it.

Take a closer look, but see that throne is divided into two parts.

Part of it is a blooming whole body Jin Chan, about a thousand-sized Chiba lotus.

The other part is a throne like a futon at the center.

The whole throne has light rays on the tips of the lotus petals, flying towards the outside, and there is a circle of Buddha light on the top. Xianghui is excited, the flowers and rain are colorful, and they fly down.

Suddenly, the sky is filled with Sanskrit chants, and countless figures of Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhats, and Picchus float up and down around the throne, and the air seems to be able to smell the faint Buddhist lotus.

Chia Tai, Haoran, Compassion, Purdue. Show Bodhi, majesty, bliss, and light.

Fang Qingshan knew that this treasure was the most important magic weapon in the entire treasure house of the Noble Hero, the Golden Lotus.

According to legend, this treasure is a magic weapon brought by the reincarnated Luo Han who was reborn from the paradise world.

Power is boundless. Not only can it be used to protect the body from robberies, but also the enemy's power can not be lower than many Tianfu Qizhen.

Fang Qingshan contrasted it, and it was better than the throne on the top of the dragon that day when he saw the exquisite fairy sitting down in the blissful land.

In my body, whether it is the pure Yang Feijian or the Heavenly Emperor Sword, compared to this treasure, it is weak.

"Good stuff!"

Looking at the baby in front of him, Fang Qingshan was also stunned.

Looking at all his net worth, it is already very expensive.

Such treasures as the chess board will not say.

The growing world tree, the unparalleled killing daotiantiandi sword, the upper grade daochunyang double sword, the sea god, the chaos thunder sword, the hate sky compass, the lower grade daojian snake sword, the five cloud peach blossoms, thoroughly Magic needle and so on.

It ’s just that his magic weapon is basically an attacking treasure. There are few defensive treasures. Although Wuyun Taohua is good, but as he enters the secret of longevity, this treasure is somewhat stretched.

If you can get this Golden Lotus Buddha seat, even if you practice to become immortal, I am probably enough.

Unfortunately, this thing can only be seen and cannot be moved.

If he didn't stay in the Shushan world, like last time, he ran as soon as he got the treasure.

It's just that the last time is almost up, and there is an enemy coming, so there is nothing to go back to.

If this is done for a magic weapon this time, it is undoubtedly lost watermelon picking sesame seeds.

The world of Shushan is different from the Three Kingdoms and Tianlong. This side of the world is very advanced. Although Fang Qingshan opened the way to this side of the world, it is not easy to come.

"Forget it, the top priority is to get the merits of the gods and mud first, balance the five elements, and break through the longevity."

Fang Qingshan shook his head in accordance with the desire in his heart.

Although the Golden Lotus Buddha seat is good, but the cause and effect are too large, and this thing is different from the merit mud, with a deep imprint of the Buddha's gate, once it is taken away by Fang Qingshan, there is a chance that someone will find it along the way. Fang Qingshan cannot do it for him. Leaving Shushan immediately.

Besides, this is the Buddha's treasure. Although Fang Qingshan has practiced a great mastery, he still focuses on Taoist magical powers. He can't do his best to display this magic weapon.

In addition, there are not a few magic weapons in Shushan that can be comparable to the Golden Lotus. After Fang Qingshan's ascension, it is no better than forcing him to leave now.

Converged, Fang Qingshan didn't manage the Golden Lotus Buddha seat, and now it is urgent to get the merits of mud.

Turned over the Golden Lotus Buddha seat, came to a shadow wall with a circle of Xu Huangyin painted on it.

This object is also a treasure in the Nobita's treasure house, named Fu Mo Jin Huan. As far as the grade is concerned, although it is not as good as the pure Yang Feijian, it is at least in the ranks of Zhongpin and even superior Taoism.

Fang Qingshan even gave up the Golden Lotus Buddha seat, and it was even more impossible to collect this golden demon ring.

This second level of prohibition is far worse than the six-character Buddhist scriptures at the gate of the house and the Taoist lunatics.

Fang Qingshan didn't need to use the blessing of small fatalism to directly run the sword of the emptiness, and found the flaw in it.

But when Fang Qingshan's body flickered suddenly in the void, he passed through the gap forbidden by Dao Dao Zhen, and then stepped towards the second floor.


It seemed that Fang Qingshan was forced to break into the ban. The yellow seal on the plane at the door immediately became a solid gold ring, small and large, with a cup thickness, toward Fang Qingshan.

Facing the golden ring of demon magic, Fang Qingshan didn't panic, neither did he attack nor sacrifice his defense magic weapon.

But when he saw his clothes screaming and no action, the space around him changed automatically, as if standing on a huge chessboard. The attack of the Fu Mo Golden Ring penetrated the gap of the space along the chess path.

Exquisite Luo Tian!

The supreme magical power created by Linglong Xianzun, Fang Qingshan merged into the body after he obtained the exquisite blessing, and instantly achieved success.

Although he has not combined it with the chess board of the heavens, but by virtue of this supernatural power alone, he can already avoid the attack of Fu Mo Golden Ring driven by no one.


Fu Mo's golden ring also seemed to sense that his attack on the opponent's Castle Peak was not working, and he was not willing to return without help, but when he saw a circle in the air, he suddenly turned into a circle of Jin Xia, issued infinite suction, Coming from Fang Qingshan.

"Da Luozhe, all time and space, eternal freedom, Jinxianzhe, golden immortality, immortal!"

Faced with the power of the devastating golden ring as if swallowed by a large engulfment, Fang Qingshan seemed to feel nothing, walked by, as if he was in another parallel space.


Fang Qingshan just displayed his exquisite Da Luotian, followed the flaws discovered by Jikong Jianjue, entered the second floor, and heard a roaring sound, as if the mountains were falling into the sea and the ground was falling apart.

The flower in front of me looks like Venus secretly, but this is not an illusion, but a series of Western merits and gods are radiated from the earth.

"Good job!"

This object is the main purpose of Fang Qingshan here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How did Fang Qingshan feel unhappy when I saw them?

But when I saw the chessboard at the foot of Fang Qingshan, every piece of chess was lit, and every path of chess spread out. Wherever he went, it was his world. His realm, space was frozen, time stopped, and the whole world was under his control. And the tactics, the words follow the law.

Of course, this is just an illusion, after all, Fang Qingshan's cultivation is not enough.

However, it is enough to set the eight treasures.

Fang Qingshan followed with five fingers, and a black hole appeared on the palm of his hand, exuding a swallowing force, and rolled a roll of eight treasures of merit mud fixed in the air, and was swallowed into it.

"You're done!"

Fang Qingshan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, turned around, and returned to the same way.

Three thousand weak water, I only take one scoop.

Although there are various treasures, exercises, and elixir, the top priority is to smelt the five elements.

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