Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 299: Smelt

An unknown valley, in a cave.

After Fang Qingshan got the Buddha's merit mud, he left the Noble Treasury. After recovering the Five Cloud Peach Blossoms, he walked away from Laoshan and found a small hill with little aura and inconspicuous holes. He opened a cave and drilled into it.

When the five elements come together, Fang Qingshan obviously has to do is to integrate the two top-level gold, Bodhidharma and Buddha meditation mud, into the five elements of his Five Elements, so that the five elements are completely balanced, and then they can break through the longevity in one fell swoop. Mystery.

Once Fang Qingshan's realm has been broken, I dare not say that I will break through the immortal body immediately, but his heritage is at least the peak of the Wanshou realm, and because of the true **** seed of the protoss, he can be cultivated into a half-step immortal body.

As long as Fang Qingshan re-integrates a piece of top-quality Taoist device into the body, breaking through the immortal body is natural.

Of course, the higher the level of the magic weapon, the higher the level, the deeper the foundation, the thicker the foundation, and the brighter the future.

The best fit for Fang Qingshan is the Tiandi sword.

However, although this treasure has also reached the level of the best Taoist instrument, it has been damaged due to the First World War. In addition, the Castle Peak has been used several times in succession. The Tiandi Sword has now become similar to the dormant Huangquan map, although it is The foundation of the unparalleled Taoism, but not even the pure Yang Feijian.

And he wasn't going to use the Emperor Sword to blend into his body.

Although the higher the grade, the better, but there is also a premise that the more suitable it is, the better.

Fang Qingshan's idea is that after breaking through the mysterious environment of Changsheng, integrate five pieces of spiritual treasures representing the five elements. This is not only not inferior to the best Taoism, but also the most suitable way for him.

Now he has Cang Haizhu, a high-quality Taoist instrument, which represents water attributes. There are still four, the treasure of gold, wood, fire and earth properties.

Treasures of the highest grade, no matter where they are placed, they are top-notch existence.

Fortunately, this is Shushan, not to mention the superior Taoist device, it is the unique Taoist device, and the fairyware can also be seen.

Fang Qingshan was previously in the treasure house of Nobita. The reason why he did not wipe out all the other treasures was because he was afraid of out of season.

After all, although the merit mud is also top-level, it is only material, but the others have been condensed, especially the Buddhism lotus, because of its heavy consequences, Fang Qingshan is unwilling to give up the entire forest for that tree.

In the cave, Fang Qingshan sat cross-legged, with five haloes hanging behind his head. White, blue, black, red, and yellow, respectively, represent the five elements of gold, wood, wood, fire, and soil.

This is the manifestation of Fang Qingshan's Five Elements.

But in the halo, you can see a fleeting rainbow of light fading, you can see a thunder raging during it, there are five silver needles shuttle back and forth, a big hand to cover the sky, there are

The status of Fang Han's five demon supernatural powers is to consolidate a five emperor canopy, and it is impossible to adhere to it.

Fang Qingshan combined the five elements of the five elements of the world to consolidate the aura of the five elements, combining offense and defense.

It can't attack the inferior device, and the defense is not weak.

If he cultivates to the back, Fang Qingshan can even imitate the burning lamp and open up the heavenly world in the aura of five elements.

Of course, that point is a little far away from Fang Qingshan, at least until he breaks through to the realm of the king.

The rest of the five elements halo, Fang Qingshan, is divided into three levels. Among them, the two haloes of green and black are the most shiny, the red halo is weaker, and the white and yellow halo are the most dim.

The reason for this is because Fang Qingshan sits on the World Tree and a Huangquan River, and can smelt water and wood at any time, so they are the brightest. Nowadays, the earth is not smelting the top five elements, so they are the most dim.

The Five Elements of Heaven and Earth, Jiamu Wood in the East, Binghuo Fire in the South, Geng Xinjin in the West, and Renwei Water in the North. Only Wu Jitu lived in the center. Fang Qingshan has smelted the three elements of wood, water, and fire. According to the principle of the five elements, Fang Qingshan is preparing to first smelt the Buddhist merit.

Fang Qingshan's palm flipped, and a black hole in the palm of his hand spewed a golden mud ball, which is the mud of western virtues obtained from the treasure house of Nobita.

Fang Qingshan stretched out his hand, and the mud pill instantly turned into a streamer and fell into the aura of five elements behind his head.


In a short time, the five-element halo behind Fang Qingshan's brain trembled and turned into a grinding wheel, constantly squeezing merit mud pills.

With each turn of the five-line roulette, another piece of earthy properties is stripped out and merged into the yellow halo.

For a while, the dreary momentum emanated from Fang Qingshan, a heavy feeling of the earth came out. This is the potential of the earth, incorporating the power of the earth, and the pure atmosphere of the earth made Fang Qingshan extremely thick.

With the nourishment of the earth's attributes in the meditation mud pill, the aura of haze seems like a hungry person can finally have a full meal. The dim light on it seems to be shining a little, and Fang Qingshan seems to vaguely from above. Feeling a little joy.

Fang Qingshan has smelted water, wood, and fire, and then smelted soil to make it easier than before.

A mud ball of merit, but the kung fu of Zhancha was completely crushed into the vitality of the soil, and merged into the aura of the earth line.

Of course, Fang Qingshan's merit obtained from Nobita's treasure house is not just one, but one.

One was swallowed, the next appeared in the Five Elements halo, one after the other.

As more and more merit pills were swallowed up, the dullest aura of the earthen line became more and more shiny and solidified, and the gold aura also benefited and became brighter. , Solidified some.

This is because the five elements are interrelated, as long as a certain balance is reached, each promotion of a row is actually a comprehensive promotion of the five elements.

Fang Qingshan immersed himself in the soil property avenue while refining the Buddha's merit.

Tian Cai Di Bao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ born naturally, naturally with a trace of the law of heaven and earth, the more top-level treasures, the more you bring.

For a time, Fang Qingshan Huangzhong seemed to be integrated with the entire land, and the perception extended infinitely, as if everything on the entire land was perceived by him.

After the rain, the underground current, the heart of the earth, everything in all realms seems to be aware of everything.

Of course, this is just an illusion. When Fang Qingshan refined the spirit, he was swallowed by the laws of heaven and earth contained in it. As for whether he can remember, how much can be remembered, how much can be completely transformed into his own It depends on his own understanding.

While refining the Buddha's merits and mud, Fang Qingshan improved the Buddha's upright meaning.

This is reflected in his own use and understanding of Dapudushu, which seems more handy.

This is actually normal, after all, it is said that this merit mud originates from the Buddha ’s precious treasures and the Eight treasures ’merit pool. The Eight treasures’ merit pool is surrounded by numerous Buddhist monks and dads who hold the Dharma at all times. Already.

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