Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 301: ready

"Well, it's a shame!"

For a long time, Fang Qingshan could not help but sighed quietly.

In the end, it is not enough to have its own foundation and realm, and it is not enough to evolve the world with the Five Elements, even with the help of various treasures. Not even the prototype of the small world has evolved.

However, it is not bad. Fang Qingshan has not yet broken through the secret of longevity, and has witnessed the mysteries of world evolution, the mysteries of heaven and earth, and the evolution from the past to the present. This is also a great accumulation. With this accumulation, Fang Qingshan broke through the longevity The mystery has arrived.

"In that case, let's break through!"

If you want to break through the mystery of longevity, you must open the gate of fairyland.

It stands to reason that Fang Qingshan is now in the Shushan world. It is impossible to open the immortal gate of the eternal world. After all, this is a barrier that separates the two worlds.

Fortunately, he has two treasures of chess board and world tree.

The chessboard of the heavens, communicating with the heavens and the world, he can sense the immortal gate of the eternal world through the space-time tunnel opened on the chessboard of the heavens.

And the world tree is also rooted in all realms.

Especially more advantageous than Aoyama, the opponent of the heavens, is that the World Tree has been stealing the immortality of the eternal world.

In other words, as long as you follow the roots of the world tree, you can easily feel the immortal gate of eternal life.

And if you want to steal immortality, you must at least stick in the roots.

Therefore, in fact, Fang Qingshan broke the barriers of the fairyland long ago.

It was just that the power of the World Tree was not enough, and it was a black account, so I didn't dare to be too arrogant, so I just opened a gap.

However, the Qianli Embankment was destroyed in the ant hole. Now that it has been opened, it is obviously easier to open a larger gap.

Fang Qingshan was sitting in the void, with five auras in the back of his head, his body was mysterious, his eyes closed slightly, he was doing the final breath adjustment.

After all, it is to break through the secret of longevity, and naturally to achieve the best state.

For an hour, half a day, a day, and a half months later, Fang Qingshan finally opened his eyes, two bright lights cut through the sky, and his expression was obviously ready.

"Let's get started!"

Fang Qingshan's heart is spreading along the roots of the world tree. It crosses endless time and space. In the heavens and the world, the power of his primordial spirit penetrates into the depths of the void, across many dimensions and dimensions. Before the barriers.

The most powerful person Fang Qingshan has seen so far is undoubtedly Linglong Xianzun, but the momentum of Linglong Xianzun and the impulse emanating from this barrier is undoubtedly the gap between Firefly and Haoyue.

Supreme, lingering in fairy charm, simple and vast, eternal.

There are countless runes of clouds on it. At first glance, it looks like you are watching the avenue. There are endless mysteries.

Fang Qingshan's breath just came along the roots of the world before he came to the barriers of the fairyland, and he was instantly sensed by the will of the fairyland.

At the same time, a closed door emerged above Fang Qingshan's head.

Fang Qingshan's Yuanshen came out, and various **** channel methods emerged one after another, the Great Five Elements Extinction Needle, the Five Elements Qiankun Thunder, the Great Cleavage, the Great Collapse, the Great Origin, the Exquisite Da Luotian, the Five Elements Avenue, Chunyang Jian Jue, Jian Kong Jian Jue, San Qing in One Gas, Heaven and Earth Oven

Although the portal above the head is just a projection of the gate of the fairyland, it seems to have the power to suppress the heavens and the earth, at least Fang Qingshan's Yuanshen feels like a blue sky.

Under the pressure of the gate of the fairy realm, Yuanshen and Shentong were concentrated and infinitely enriched. Fang Qingshan not only compressed with the help of the gate of the fairy realm, he was also trying to compress it. After a while, the vast world of heaven and earth was compressed into one Babies, though getting smaller, have also gained infinite strength.

"Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted."

Fang Qingshan turned his thoughts in his heart.

Seeing that Yuan Shen has been compressed to the extreme, even when taking out seven large gourds from Xu Mi space.

As soon as I opened it, I saw Qi Guanghua rising into the sky.

Elixir psychic, at the first opportunity, escape.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan had been prepared for a long time, and there were bans all around, and the elixir hit the ban and was bounced back.

But when I saw a piece of elixir, they were all the size of a fist, and there were various flames around it.

The medicine is so strong that it smells like fluttering.

Fang Qingshan reached out and grabbed seven elixirs, but when they saw the colorful sparkles, they condensed into a portal.

Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan!

This is a set of elixir with a total of seven.

Like Nirvana, it is a Baodan that breaks through the bottleneck. But the effect is quite different.

If we say that taking Nirvana, the chance of repairing the mystery of growing up is one percent, then the chance of the seven lives of Xuanmen Dan is half!

It is simply not comparable.

Of course, this half of the chance is for others, the blessing effect of the other side of the mountain is not good.

Taking Qiming Xuanmen Dan can completely stimulate one's heavenly gate, air valve, blood gate, fine gate, bone gate, trick, and life gate. Blessing is superb.

This object was a breakthrough treasure that Fan Qingying prepared for himself, but in the end it was Fang Qingshan that was cheap.

With one mouth, Fang Qingshan took the seven pills.

In an instant, Fang Qingshan felt that the seven gates such as the Tianmen were opened, and his vital energy and blood were soaring into the sky. The acupoints shone like Zhou Tianxing's stars, and his whole body was like a glass.

At this point, Fang Qingshan still hasn't hit the gate of fairyland.

But when he saw it, he took out a transparent crystal gourd and poured out a lot of elixir, blue blood and cyanide, as if the liquid was flowing, and there was a layer of clear air on it.

Taiqing Yuye is also Dan!

Taiyi immortal, eternal furnace, refined.

Heaven-grade top-quality elixir.

Taking one can increase your life for thousands of years.

Of course, this effect is nothing to the other side of Qingshan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As long as he breaks through the longevity, his life span can reach an unimaginable level, and he simply does not look down on this area for thousands of years.

However, in addition to increasing lifespan, Taiqing Yuye Dahuandan can also provide huge vitality, which is what Fang Qingshan values.

After all, to strike the gate of the immortal world, it is natural to use the greatest magical power, and the greater the magical power, the more mana naturally consumed.

Although this thing can not help people break through the bottleneck, but the price is higher than Nirvana, and there is no market price.

Of course, Fang Qingshan's Taiqing Yuye Dahuan Dandan was not bought, but was snatched by the smokers.

After the Taiqing Yuye was returned to Dan, it was taken out by Fang Qingshan.

This is a fruit, although it is a fruit, it is somewhat similar to Vajrayana Bodhi, except that Vajrayana Bodhisattva reveals the Vajrayana, the compassion, the degree, and the fruit manifested by an ancient god, It is the world that is proud of everything.

This thing is the long-lived fruit condensed after the World Tree devoured the Hate King of Heaven.

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