Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 302: Longevity

Longevity Fruit, Taiqing Yuye Da Dan Dan, Qi Ming Xuan Men Dan

These things, replaced by others, to get one is already fortunate.

Especially for Changsheng fruit, don't say that the general anti-day change of life peaks, it is the Huatian Capital on the supplementary list after longevity, Yanshuiyi, Jiao Fei, Wan Lianshan and others can also break through the Changsheng secret.

And Fang Qingshan, not only got one, but all of them.

In addition to the above, there are other things obtained from the hands of Fan Qingying, Yan Shuiyi, and Emperor Tianshen. As long as they help break through the secret of longevity, they are all under the command of Fang Qingshan.

His original accumulation has already broken through the limits of the mysterious realm, and it has reached the point where it becomes full, but the water overflows. Now he has taken so many elixir to help the breakthrough. Fang Qingshan's entire body instantly looks like an imminent explosion. Nuclear bomb.

All is ready except for the opportunity!


Fang Qingshan stood upright, with his shoulders shaking, two figures, one black and one white, coming out of his body.

Sanqing in one gas!

Followed, then saw three figures shot at the same time, banging at the gate of the fairyland above.

But seeing the five auras of light behind the deity rise into the sky, turning into a grinding disc, two levels above and below.

On the upper layer, the five elements live together and evolve everything, including mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon, the stars, the demon, the ghost, and all kinds of creatures.

In the lower layer, the five elements are attributable to chaos, there is no time, no space, no sky, no fate, no cause or effect exists, only chaos.

The upper layer rotates clockwise, and the lower layer rotates counterclockwise.

The endless light of destruction erupted from the vortex in the middle, conveying a terrible will to destroy the world.

As the disc rotates, it seems to be able to drive the whole world to twist along with it. Even the projection of the gate of the fairyland seemed to shake.

At the same time, the black and white avatars also shot at the same time.

Yiqi Sanqing is known as a peerless supernatural power.

It is because his avatar has not only the strength and means comparable to the deity, but also can grow with the deity.

"The anode is overcast, the sun and the moon alternate, the yin and yang are cut out!"

But when he saw the black avatar, his hands moved the tactics, and two pure Yang Fei swords were sacrificed and turned into two archaic dragons.

Originally, both swords were pure yang, and with Fang Qingshan's tactics, one of them slowly became cold.

Two flying swords rise in the air, go up and down, Xiangyun protects his body, head to head like a scissors, tail to tail like a strand. Turn it into a pair of scissors and head towards the gates of the fairyland.

Everywhere I passed, there was a rattling sound, the cracks spread like water ripples.

"The roots are strong, all are strong, kill!"

Unlike the black avatar sacrifice deities, the deity displays the five elements supernatural power, but the white kimono operates the physical power.

In the physical body, Fang Qingshan took the physical body refining method. Although he did not specialize in physical refining method, he converted to magic power, but his physical body was still being smelted all the time, especially It is from the three books of Zhangjiao that he inherited some of Huang Di ’s heritage, practiced the body of the true dragon, and later gained the power of Panwu Hercules. After practicing the Great Origin Technique, the physical body alone is not weaker than those who specialize in physical cultivation. .

With the shout of Bai Yi, the power of the landslide and tsunami in the body generally swayed, and his fists rushed out along the arm.

What's more, Bai Yi's avatar doesn't just hit a punch, but in a split second, he hits 129,600 punches in a row, which is one yuan.

Before Fang Qingshan was exquisitely blessed, his combat effectiveness was comparable to the peak of Wanshou Realm, and the means were exhausted, and even the Emperor of Wanshou Realm could suppress it.

After exquisite blessings, I got three great supernatural powers. Now I have refined the two elements of gold and soil, so that the five elements are completely balanced, and the fighting power can be called the invincible existence under the body.

In addition, he exerted one Qi Sanqing magical power, two avatars plus the deity, and three bodies shot at the same time. This is not one plus one equals two, but far beyond the carrying capacity of Wanshou realm, which is in an immortal body. In the realm, this power is not the bottom.

Although Fang Qingshan's foundation is strong and the bottleneck is unprecedented, he also took Changshenggu, Qimen Xuanmingdan and other auxiliary treasures to weaken the bottleneck.

In addition, there is a gap that the World Tree first broke through.

Therefore, the three attacks fell on the gate of the fairyland. Although there were bright lights splashing out and billions of runes flashing frantically, they could not stop Fang Qingshan's breakthrough.

However, the gates of the fairyland wailed in a flash.

First there was a crackling sound, followed by a domino effect.

With a crack as the center, like a vortex ripple, spread out.



Xianmen caves open, the endless avenue of mysterious laws, the vitality of the immortal realm, land down. All fell into the sea of ​​knowledge of Fang Qingshan.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan seemed to be in the sea of ​​the laws of heaven and earth, and the avenues of various avenues, such as the Milky Way, landed, and Fang Qingshan's Yuanshen suddenly expanded. His realm also went up and down.

Breaking through the sky to change your life, Wan Shou realm's early, middle, late, peak, and half-step immortality, then stopped.

At the same time as the realm of Yuanshen, Fang Qingshan's mana and physical body are also promoted.

From the naked eye, the dragons transformed by immortal spirits penetrated his body.

Even these immortals collided together, and they lit the fire of pure sun and calcined Fang Qingshan.

While transforming his physical body, transform his mana.

Fang Qingshan's previous physical body can be compared to longevity. At this moment, after the transformation of immortality, the refinement of pure fire of the sun ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ was instantly repaired into a half-dead body.

Of course, the reason why he is so easy to be a half-dead body is because he has refined the true God seed of the protoss.

As for mana, Fang Qingshan's successive five elements are really qi, because it has condensed the five elements of heaven and earth and treasures in it, which has been unusual for a long time, but at this moment with the integration of fairy qi, there is a qualitative change.

At this moment, his spirit, temperament, origin, body, soul, life, and even luck in the meditation are increasing, and the whole body has undergone tremendous changes.

Especially with regard to luck, Fang Qingshan found that the blessing of blessings he got from breaking through Changsheng was no less than his sneak attack on the mixed gods.

"The Wanshou Realm is just the first step of the Long March. The next step is to break through the immortal body."

After rejoicing, Fang Qingshan began to consider the next thing.

"In addition to breaking through the realm, Fang Qingshan has two important things to do. One is to upgrade the grade of Wuyun peach blossom, and the other is to melt the swords together."

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