Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 303: Refurbishment

Dao Qi is rare, but who does n’t have one or two Dao Qi?

Especially Fang Qingshan, in the mysterious realm, faced the emperor who hated the gods and mixed with the Taoists. The general Taoist instruments simply couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Although Wuyun Peach Blossom is a defensive weapon, it is only inferior and has insufficient information. As Fang Qingshan broke through the mystery of magical powers, it is not enough now.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan knows that among Shushan, there is a top defense treasure, Taiyi Wuyanluo.

This is the magic weapon of the ancestor of the mixed ancestors of Wutai Sword School in the past. When the sword was discussed for the second time, if this piece of treasure was not stolen by traitors, the outcome is unknown.

Fang Qingshan thought about it, and when he went to the side of the mountain, he took it and combined it with Wuyun Taohua, it will definitely be renewed, even if Chengxian is used, it is enough.

This is a problem with defensive devices. Attacking magic weapons is enough.

Whether it is a pure Yang Feijian or a Heavenly Emperor sword, the quality is enough to cultivate to immortality.

It ’s just that there are n’t many magic weapons, too much is not good, too much waste, and we ca n’t make the best use of weapons.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan was thinking of cutting the snake sword, the pure flying sword, the heavenly sword, and now combined with the Chaos Thunder Sword, they will be combined together to become a sword of protection that really bears its own brand.

In addition to defending the way and attacking the way, the most important thing is of course your own cultivation.

Fang Qingshan has grown into a half-dead body because he takes longevity fruit and contains the seeds of the true god. The next step is to prepare for breaking through the immortal body.

If you want to make a breakthrough, one way is to practice step by step, and realize it until it is done. This method cannot be said to be bad, but it is too time-consuming and energy-consuming.

The other is to melt a piece of organ into the body, so that you can take the shortcut to the south.

It's just this kind of Tao, just if it's top grade.

Ordinary people are fortunate to have a lower-quality Taoist instrument, let alone a top-quality product. Once in hand, you can't afford to be a baby, and you are willing to melt it there.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan sits in the heavens and the world, and there are various treasures to plan.

In his opinion, noble treasure is no better than his own practice. What is the improvement?

In order to break through the immortal body, he intends to smelt five pieces of top grade Taoism including Cang Haizhu.

The sea pearl belongs to water. Fang Qingshan remembers that the Nei Dan, a thousand-year-old bead in Shu Mountain, was calcined by the thunder and ground fire, and the laughing monk was refined into the second elementary god. If it was obtained, it could replace fire.

There is also the lord of the southern demons, the fierce green robe ancestor, with a jewel in his hand, named Xuan Zang, which he has refined by using Xuan Zang Dafa, which can be transformed into the second god.

The so-called Valley God does not die is Xuanzang. The gate of Xuanzang is the root of heaven and earth.

This Xuan Zang bead can replace the wooden line.

As for the treasure of the second line of Jintu, Fang Qingshan thought of the same. The name is Gengjia Yunhua Tianmang Shenpin, but it is a cyan silver needle made by the second line of Jintu. The power is quite extraordinary, but I want to come Compared with Cang Haizhu's three things, it is worse.

In addition, the Celestial Star Sand is made from extraterrestrial meteorites. When not in use, it is only two rings, and it has been counted countlessly, and then it is combined with the nineteen gods.

There are nine days and ten places to avoid the magic **** shuttle, milled from the bottom of the millennium fine iron with the Arctic thousands of years of ice, without the need for a little pure sun, shaped like a cloth shuttle, a total of ninety-one, heaven into the ground, no Unsatisfactory, and not evil.

They can replace the gold bank, but it's not easy to get it.

As for the soil, Fang Qingshan thought of Lingbao Wanyu Wenyu, which is the essence of Mang Cangshan Wannian Yanghe.

However, it is not as good as the previous treasures.

"Nothing, there must be a road to the front of the mountain, the waterway bridge is naturally straight, leave those alone for the time being."

After hooking all kinds of precious treasures that were available to him, Fang Qingshan didn't think about it. Now he still combines many swords in his hand into one.

Just want to refine, one of the first problems to be solved is the instrument spirit in the Chaos Thunder Sword.

Others, whether it is a snake sword, a pure flying sword, or even the Emperor's Sword, are only spiritual, not biological.

When Fang Qingshan smelted them, there was no problem, because they were completely in their control.

However, the Chaos Thunder Sword is different. Once he starts to refine, he has to rise up, because once the melting begins, it is also when he falls completely.

Fang Qingshan naturally will not let this loophole go, otherwise, it is likely to cause his own smelting.

"Now give you two choices."

Fang Qingshan took out the Chaos Thunder Sword and said indifferently,

"One of them is to leave the Chaos Thunder Sword, or give birth, or die immediately!"

The chaos of the Great Chaos Thunder Sword is actually very depressed. Anyway, he is also a high-grade Taoist device, and it is a killing Taoist device. He does not hate the high-grade Taoist device that has no potential. presence.

However, after the suppression, if I change to someone else, I'm afraid that I would have been intimidating and forcing refining. But Fang Qingshan never looked at himself, let alone for his own use. He sometimes wondered if he was a good apprentice.

That's all. Just when Fang Qingshan took himself out, the spirit of the Great Chaos Thunder Sword instantly lifted up, thinking of himself in the end.

Just when he was smug, fantasizing whether he would hold on a bit or just follow him directly.

But he did not expect that Fang Qingshan ignored him at all and gave two paths directly, and the great chaos Thunder sword suddenly became dumbfounded.

"Why? At this time, you still want to resist and resist? How do you think I can't take you?"

Fang Qingshan saw the great chaos Thunder sword for a long time without a response, and his eyes flashed coldly.

"Don't, don't, don't!"

The instrumental spirit of the Great Chaos Thunder Sword was a stunner, and he shouted quickly, he was crying, who was he, crying with a mournful face,

"I am the instrumental spirit of the Taoist Taoist Instrument ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has the foundation to become a unique Taoist instrument. Once the Chaos Thunder Sword has no instrumental spirit, the ten-layer power cannot exert seven layers."

"I don't need the instrumental spirit, it's the Chaos Thunder Sword, and I just need his materials."

Fang Qingshan said lightly.

Speaking of which, Fang Qingshan waved his hand, cutting the snake sword, the pure flying sword, and the Emperor Sword, lined up in a row.

"I want to smelt them all together into a great sword."

Seeing this scene, the Chaos Thunder Sword finally got dumbfounded.

Good guy, not only weaker than the pure Yang Feijian, but also the Heavenly Emperor Sword of the highest quality Taoist level, all have to be rebuilt.


The instrumental spirit of the Great Chaos Thunder Sword suddenly surprised, because he found that no other instrumental instrument had an instrumental spirit, and quickly said,

"I can become a new Taoist spirit."

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