Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 306: 4 gate mountain

When the crowd came to Fang Qingshan's sword training, Fang Qingshan had already passed the magic needle of the ground, and from the bottom of the ground, he did not choose a direction, and darted out into the distance.

The effect of traversing the mountains and stones with the thoroughness of the needle and the power of the five elements to hold the law, there is no corresponding magic weapon, Taoism, do not want to chase the top of the mountain at all.

After about half a day's work, Fang Qingshan emerged from the ground.

I looked up, but I saw high peaks, dead trees, and poor mountains and rivers.

In particular, the four peaks not far away are like a portal. Each side stands in a circle.

There was faint gas, poisonous gas, and filthy gas gathering together.

"here is?"

Seeing such a clear sign in front of him, Fang Qingshan frowned and couldn't help guessing secretly.

"Did I come to Simen Mountain?"

Simen Mountain, near the western edge of Sichuan, is high on mountain roads and difficult to reach for mortals. In the meantime, the dark energy gathers, and the aura does not end. It is also hidden here, so except for the wild monsters, there are few people here. Not to mention that compared with the famous mountains and rivers of Emei and Zhuan, it is more unknown than Baimang Mountain and Redwood Cliff.

When the mountain is not high, the fairy is spirit, the water is not deep, and the dragon is spirit.

This is true. The reason why the poor mountains of the Simen Mountain are still remembered is naturally because of the celebrities here. Of course, this celebrity's reputation is not so good.

Zhu Hong, who was on a par with Emei at that time, even surpassed the young disciple of Wutai sent Taiyi mixed Yuan ancestor.

I don't know if this person has a cold nature, or was bewitched by Emei. During the second discussion of the sword, he would steal the defense of Baotai Yiwuluoyan and send the Taoist book "Huanyuan Zhenjing" together. As a result, the ancestor of Taiyi Mixed Yuan lost his guardian Zhibao in the third fighting sword and was killed by the siege of the decent people.

He didn't know if he knew the breadth of the grain, dug deep into the wall, and slowly called him the true meaning of the king.

After stealing the magic book, he and his wife fled to hide in the backcountry of Simen Mountain.

"It seems that this is God!"

Fang Qingshan said in his heart.

In Shushan, there are many defense treasures, such as the Golden Lotus Buddha seat that I saw in the Noble Treasury, the Buddha Guardian Baobao Yunbao cover, Liuyang Qingling cut off the magic armor, Jiu Su Ding, Yu Ding, Ruyi Shisha Luo, Hao Tianbao mirror and so on.

However, these treasures are not very easy to take, not to mention that they are in the secret places of various treasure troves, and there are all kinds of forbidden matrix guardians. Do n’t say to take, as soon as they break the ban, they will shock others, and then the right way The master will smell the wind unmoved.

Don't talk about taking treasures at that time, if you don't suppress them, you will burn high incense.

Of all the treasures, the cause and effect are the shallowest, and the best one is undoubtedly the Taiyiwuyanluo of this ancestor of the mixed Yuan.

Although this thing is also a thing of the owner, but this owner is notorious, everyone wins.

In particular, Zhu Hong also has a heinous sin. In order to make six or six yuan true gourds, he has as much karma as he does, and I am afraid that he is no less than those old and old demons.

Killing him can not only capture the treasure, but also have merit and luck.

"Bless God's gift, take his blame instead."

It happened that the Fang Qingshan attacker had already had the attacker, the defender, and the Wuyun peach blossoms could not keep up with the rhythm. If he got Taiyi Wuyanluo, he would not have to run for the protector before he became immortal.

Fang Qingshan performed a large latent operation, concealed his figure, and quietly went over the Simen Mountain to take a closer look, even if he found a problem.

The strange rocks here and the various ancient trees are very secretive, coupled with the various obscure rippling waves on it, it has the effect of deceiving consciousness. If you don't get closer, you won't find anything special.

That's it. At first glance, this valley is no different from an ordinary valley, at most it is more desolate.

However, Fang Qingshan exhibited yin and yang eyes, his eyes flashed in black and white, and there was a faint rise and fall, but it can be clearly seen. There are various prohibitions existing near the valley floor, but these prohibitions are guided by the master's advantage and ingenuity. Independence, hidden in the natural environment, is less conspicuous.

"It's no wonder that Zhu Hong hasn't been found for nearly a hundred years here. Apart from his tolerance, this method cannot be underestimated."

In fact, Zhu Hong is the youngest disciple of the mixed ancestor, who can access Taiyiwuyanluo. These precious treasures of the mixed genre are obviously well-loved. Such a character, even if he is not as good as Sanying Eryun, How bad.

"Good and evil come to an end, just come late and come early, let me end it for you."

Fang Qingshan put away the small magpie in his heart, and didn't break the restriction immediately, and broke in.

The prohibition is easy to break, but Zhu Hong is not so easy to deal with. In particular, he is not alone, and he still has the defensive treasure of Taiyiwuyanluo in his hand. Even if he has the swords of the heavens, he really fights, I am afraid he will not be able to hold him for a while.

Once the movement is big, and those high men in Shushan are alarmed, I'm afraid I will have a bamboo basket to fetch water.

Fang Qingshan landed from the air, and re-launched the Chedi needle. Drilled into the ground.

Simen Mountain is remote, and there are few people all year round. Zhu Hong obviously did not expect it, and someone actually came in from the ground.

Therefore, in response to the Yan Lan poisonous fire, the wind and thunder beasts banned the other side of Qingshan completely and had no effect.

After entering the valley and entering the valley, Fang Qingshan quickly found the cave where the Zhu Hongs and theirs were located. Still performing large latency, leaned carefully forward.

Fang Qingshan sneaked into Dongfu silently. He didn't start the treasure hunt immediately, but looked around first.

But it was seen that the Zhu Hongs and their families had emptied half of the mountain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ there is no cave in it.

In addition to the lobby of the visitors, there are all kinds of secret rooms such as alchemy, refining equipment, cultivation, planting, rest and so on.

And among these mountain rooms, in addition to the prohibition of the law, they are also furnished in a magnificent or unemotional manner. It can be seen that the master obviously took some effort.

Obviously, in the nearly 100 years of hiding in the Simen Mountain, Zhu Hong did not live a dark life. Except for not being able to show up brightly, his childhood was very nourishing.

He didn't feel the popularity from it. Obviously, the Zhu Hongs and his wife were either not in the cave or because the closed room was closed.

He first walked through many closed rooms that were not closed, except for some daily necessities. The only value was that Fang Qingshan saw the mixed scriptures in Zhu Hong's bedroom.

This object is the foundation of the Wutai School, and it is a heavenly book pointing directly at Tianxian Avenue. It not only records the various Taoist methods, but also the Heavenly Demon Sword, which is known to be comparable to the purple and blue swords. There are also ways to sacrifice things like fairy swords.

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