Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 307: Zhu Hong

This mixed Yuan Zhenjing is indeed a very good treasure, although it is not as good as He Shaqishu and Chunyang Jianjue. But in any place, it can exist as a treasure of the town gate.

If Fang Qingshan got it before the sacrifice of the heavenly swords, I am afraid that the power of the heavenly swords could be increased by a few points.

After all, the Demon Sword and Bailing Sword are indeed the top flying swords in Shu Mountain, although they rely on foreign objects to enhance the power of flying swords.

In addition to all kinds of natural treasures, the Heaven Demon Sword of Refining must also attract extra-terrestrial demons to control the demons with swords. The greater the power of the sealed demons, the greater the power of the sword.

The same is true for the Bailing Sword, except that the Heavenly Demon Sword calls the Demon, and the Bailing Sword smelt is the soul of the beast. The same is true for the ordinary Baisoul Sword, and the power of the Bailing Sword is the same. And even the words of the holy beast and the divine beast, the power is naturally not the same.

If Fang Qingshan had learned about these sword training methods before refining, he would be improved regardless of the refining technique and the prohibition of entering the sword.


Fang Qingshan sighed and shook his head.

This is called life, and sometimes it must be there.

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan did not immediately collect it.

Although Zhu Hong did not know that someone could actually enter the valley silently and enter his own cave house, so that treasures like the Yuanyuan Zhenjing were not carried with him, but this does not mean that this thing can be taken casually.

Zhu Hong also laid down a layer of prohibition on the Zhenyuan Sutra. Although not strong, Fang Qingshan was easily broken, but apparently Zhu Hong would be immediately shocked.

The main purpose of Fang Qingshan's coming to Simen Mountain is not the mixed scripture. Although this object is good, Fang Qingshan's foundation has been established and it is a more advanced book of Hesha. Naturally, he will not transfer this mixed elementary road. Law is, at best, only the stone of the mountain can attack jade.

His main purpose was Taiyiwuyanluo. He took the mixed scriptures of the Yuan Dynasty, frightened the snake, and shocked Zhu Hong. It was not easy to plan Taiyiwuyanluo. This is an upside-down, not for Fang Qingshan. .

Therefore, Fang Qingshan only glanced a little and then retreated from the bedroom.

Today, in the cave, there are dozens of secret rooms, large and small, and Fang Qingshan looks at it all.

Except for the three chambers, which are covered by forbidden ones, the other chambers have nothing.

And these three secret rooms, one is the closet of the refiner, one is the closet of cultivation, and the other is the closet that serves as a prison.

Obviously there was nothing to see in the secret room of the prison, Fang Qingshan skipped it automatically.

Then there is a secret room for retreat and a secret room for refining and refining. It must be Zhu Hong and his wife alone.

In this way, the Qingshan Mountain is in the middle of the Chinese side and can be broken one by one.

What Fang Qingshan has to do now is to think of the Zhu Hong couple who is practicing in retreat and who is practicing the treasure.

Although they were broken one by one, it was clear that it was more cost-effective for the other side to attack Zhu Hong than to attack his wife.

Although Zhu Hong was in the presence of soy sauce in Shushan, but since he was accepted as a disciple by the ancestor of the mixed Yuan, and very much loved, it is obviously not that simple.

If you can kill with one hit, or hit him badly with one blow, obviously you can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble for yourself.

However, Fang Qingshan's yin and yang eyes do not have the function of perspective. Once forced viewing, they will definitely cause their alertness.

"Forget it, no matter who they are in that secret room, choose to retreat this!"

After thinking about it, Fang Qingshan made up his mind.

The reason for this is that the retreat is the most taboo to be disturbed. Once something goes wrong, you do n’t need to do it yourself, you will go into trouble.

Although Lianbao Lianbao also taboos being disturbed, at most, it can be defeated, but it can be retired.

Since it is a sneak attack, it is obviously necessary to maximize the benefits.

Looking at the whole valley, Dongfu, and the single-round defense effect is undoubtedly the best in this closed room.

This is not to say that the matrix law in this secret room is more forbidden than the large array outside.

It is because of the small defensive position of the back room and the full-time defense, so the effect is the best.

Before Fang Qingshan came to the closet, he took a deep breath, and shot the Five Elements Extinction directly toward the prohibition at the door.

But after seeing Fang Qingshan's brain, five auras suddenly appeared, and a sudden flutter shot a thousand countless silver-colored needles, colorful and extremely dazzling. And fast as lightning.

It seemed like a teleportation, and just before it was issued, he came to the forbidden door.

There was no time to prevent the eruption of the embargo, but when Yin Guang touched the embargo, it was as if Yangchun encountered Baixue and the time disappeared.


The door to the closed chamber was opened.

Fang Qingshan glanced at him and saw a man meditating cross-legged in the middle of the back room. Obviously, it is Zhu Hong.

"It seems my luck is still pretty good!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan was pleased.

He doesn't look very young, and he is a talented man.

At this moment there was a blue and purple on his face, and the spirits swarmed towards him.

It is clear that the critical moment of the retreat has come.

"Who is he, dare to break into Grandpa Dongfu!"

Fang Qingshan broke the door of the cave and apparently alarmed Zhu Hong. He opened his eyes and saw Fang Qingshan walk in, and he burst into a sigh.

However, Fang Qingshan didn't talk nonsense to him at all, and directly sacrifice the swords of the heavens. He leapt forward, and the sword and man merged into one, which turned into a shocking sky and cut directly towards Zhu Hong.

Zhu Hong apparently did not expect Fang Qingshan to be so decisive.

The reason why he slammed the aura in his body and scolded him was that he wanted to seduce people first and deter Fang Qingshan, and also wanted to delay time for his own breakthrough or wait for his wife to help him.

But where did he know, Fang Qingshan didn't eat this set at all, and when he came up, he made a big move directly.

That's all. What surprised Zhu Hong was the power of Fang Qingshan's swords.

As the youngest disciple of the mixed ancestor Zhu Hong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he is also quite knowledgeable.

He has seen a lot of top-level flying swords in Shushan, but he has never seen or heard the flying sword in the hands of Fang Qingshan.

However, according to Zhu Hong's observation, the power of this sword is no worse than that of the Wutai School's Tianmoo Xianxian sword.

As soon as this sword came out, the mighty sharp spirits rose into the sky, and the sound of boundless killings sounded in the air.

There is no evil spirit, no murderous spirit, only slaughter the world and break the chaotic front.

But it was so pure that the power was shocking.

Zhu Hong couldn't move at this moment, and it was too late for such a short distance.

Fortunately, he carried Taiyiwuyanluo with him. At this moment, Zhu Hong could not help but secretly rejoice.

Fortunately, I took this self-defense treasure to my body, otherwise, in the face of this sword, I could not escape.

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