Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 325: Laughing Monk

Wanzai Kongqing is the most top-level building treasure, coupled with Fang Qingshan's help, Shang Fengzi himself is a gifted one.

For a time, but seeing Shang Fengzi seemed to breathe and change.

Originally burly, dark-skinned, and ugly, she was baptized at the moment.

However, the Shang Fengzi is still burly, but it is not the five big and three rough feelings. Although the appearance is still that appearance, it is not ugly, even more solemn. The whole person exudes a kind of jade temper from the inside out.

"Not bad!"

Fang Qingshan nodded with satisfaction.

In the original trajectory, although Shang Fengzi slept on this 10,000-year-old sky, I did not know how long, but finally made Wei Chi Huo cheaper. Now, I let him take it, laying a more solid foundation for him, and also passed on his Shasha book This door directly points to Jinxian's heavenly book. Even if it is not as good as Sanying Eryun, Tiandao is green. Compared with laughing monks and others, it should not be much worse than the backing.

Today, Shang Fengzi has been linked to his luck. The better his talents and the farther he goes, the more luck he can reap. This is a long and thin thing, a profitable business.

What Fang Qingshan paid was nothing more than Wanzai Qingqing that he could not use, and the inheritance of the Shushan world. It can be considered that Hesha Daochang found a successor.

"Remember the route you just run, and practice in the future."

Fang Qingshan ordered Shang Fengzi a word, and then ignored him and let him digest slowly, but he continued to peel the other end of the stone pillar, where there is a top-level treasure, Taiyiyuanjing.

The free spirit Xuan Jin Jianqi was in the hands of Fang Qingshan, and carefully peeled off the stone pillars wrapped with Taiyiyuanjing.

After a while, the silver became more visible, as if beating in a stone.

Suddenly, a little white gas erupted from the stone's eyes, and then disappeared instantly. Looking at the stone surface, seven small holes appeared.

Through the stone layer, it was empty, as if there was something in the middle.

However, it is seen that it is not stone or jade, the whole body is silvery, white with white teeth, four-hoofed vermilion, and the remaining horns are silver. The shape is raw, all born naturally, and there is no trace of making.

Although this object is not comparable to Wanzai Wenyu, a savage mountain, it is also a top-level treasure, even the broken jade hook of the ancient Gonggong relics.

Although Fang Qingshan has a sea of ​​pearls, he will not abandon the top five elements and treasures. Even if he does not use them, it is good to exchange them with other treasures.

Immediately hit a trick to seal it, and then collect it.

I turned around and saw that Shang Fengzi was still digesting, and ignored him. I came here to find Taiyi Yuanjing, and I left Shang Fengzi, a piece of chess. It ’s a good thing. It ’s time to leave, on the ground. Leave a book and tell Shang Fengzi not to know yourself, as for the chance, say from the master. Then he turned and left.

The reason for this is because Fang Qingshan will next **** the spider Nedan with the laughing monk.

Shang Fengzi will worship Emei in the future.

If you know yourself, the laughing monk can't help himself, and the house of hate and darkness will make Shang Fengzi difficult. After all, the monk behind the laughing monk is also entangled with forces. In this way, it is not conducive to collecting luck.

Leaving the cave where Shang Fengzi was, Fang Qingshan went straight back to the mountain where Wen spider was.

While quietly waiting for the wen spider to be born, while borrowing the hand of the wen spider to hone his mind, he also took out the five cloud peach blossoms, refining the poisonous mist near the wen spider to enhance the background.

But seeing a cloud of colorful smoke floating above Fang Qingshan's head, a peach tree, seemingly virtual and real, is full of glory.

The poisonous mist in the distant mountain stream was pulled away and pulled into the cloud of smoke and devoured.

In this way, after more than half a month, the poisonous mist of the mandrill where the spider was located was almost invisible.

Although Fang Qingshan's five-cloud peach blossoms have not been promoted, the background has been strengthened, especially the toxins. Rotten Taoshan's poisonous clams are already very powerful. In addition, the poisonous gas of this wenzhu, idle and immortal, not paying attention Will suffer.

Unconsciously, it's already the Dragon Boat Day. This is the time when the world ’s yang is at its peak, and it is also the day when the spider is about to be born.

On this day, Fang Qingshan still sat cross-kneeling beside the mountain stream, and suddenly felt that two streams of light came from not far away.

After the fall, two figures appeared. They were not very old. One was bald and had a smile on the face of Maitreya. The other was dark-skinned, although he was not tall, but he was quite smart, but Take that little monk first.

The two are naturally laughing monk and Wei Chihuo.

If there were no Fang Qingshan, they would not only be able to get the spider's inner Dan, but that Wan Zai Kong Qing and Tai Yi Yuan Jing would also be taken by them.

Unfortunately, Wan Zai Kongqing was given to Shang Fengzi by Fang Qingshan, and Taiyi Yuanjing was taken away by him, that is, the Qianyuan Fire Spirit Bead was also regarded as a thing in the bag.


Laughing monks just arrived near the mountain where the spider was located, and saw a sword light fall from the sky and split in front of the two.

Then I heard an indifferent word,

"There is no way forward, come there, go back there."

Laughing monk and Wei Chihuo were suddenly startled. Almost, they ran into the sword, looking at a bottomless gap in front of them, they couldn't help but start a cold sweat.

After returning to God, Yu Chihuo was just fine, but the monk who laughed was so angry that one Buddha was born and the other Buddha ascended to heaven.

The monk who wants to laugh is abundant, although he is not as good as Sanying Eryun, but he is also the best choice, and he is also the only disciple of the ascetic one of the two elders of Emei Sanxian. When have you had such a big loss?

Suddenly angrily, "He Fang thief, sneak up on Lord Buddha!"

As soon as the voice fell, he lifted his hand and followed, and then saw the space around Fang Qingshan squirming, an unpredictable ray of light jumping in front of him, and suddenly, he darted towards his heart.

This is the ascetic invisible flying sword of Ascetic Tudor.

It is the essence of ascetic todo condensing the hardware ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It takes 3,600 kinds of elixir, absorbs the sun and moon elites, and transforms it into the fire of pure yang and the pure yin.

After being formed, they are refined with their own two auras of Buddhism and Taoism. It can be described as a unique step, extremely wonderful.

Although the handle of the laughing monk is not as good as the handle of Ascetic Tudor, it is also a superior flying sword.

Although the laughing monk is young, it is also a life-long practice. Coupled with taking various treasures from childhood, the practice is not low.

In a short time, a murderous attack of Shen Su rushed forward, and a sword shadow pierced down, like a fantasy.

"Well, a wicked laughing monk, today I ’m going to teach you asceticism."

Fang Qingshan snorted coldly, reached out and grabbed a hand, and drew the Yuanyuan Qiqi five elements to grab, grabbed the invisible flying sword in his hand.

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