Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 326: Ascetic Tudor


Following this, Fang Qingshan opened his mouth and spit, a vitality turned into a magic array, and instantly suppressed the invisible flying sword of the laughing monk.

"My flying sword."

Laughing monk began to see Fang Qingshan grabbing his flying sword with his hand, and also laughed at him madly, but his master used the same materials to make a superior flying sword for himself, although it is not as good as the purple and blue swords, Nanming Lihuojian The top flying swords are not idle.

When Fang Qingshan looked at his age, he was not much older than himself. How powerful could he be?

Moreover, among the Shushan Mountains, Emei is the most dominant. How can disciples of other schools compare with them.

However, the fact is that the monk's expectations were greatly unexpected. Fang Qingshan grabbed the flying sword, and it was unscathed. More importantly, the flying sword had no response at all, and it didn't move, as if it was sinking. In general, it is impossible to recover at this time.

The laughing monk was shocked and had no time to respond, and when Fang Qingshan spit out his strength, he evolved a large array, wrapping the flying sword, and he could no longer feel the slightest sense.

On the side, Yu Chihuo laughed at the monk in difficulty, and quickly sacrificed Feijian, and wanted to surround Wei to rescue Zhao.

It's just that the monk's invisible flying sword can't help Fang Qingshan. With his ordinary flying sword, Fang Qingshan just flicks his fingers and collapses.


Fei Jian was damaged, Wei Chi Huo spit out a blood directly, and immediately slumped on the spot.

At this moment, the laughing monk didn't know he was kicked on the iron plate, but as the only disciple of the ascetic man, ascetic monk, laughing monk was very angry, and no one dared to hurt himself.

Still snapped sharply,

"What a thief, do you know what you are doing? Take my flying sword, are you going to be against my Emei? Do you know that my master is the ascetic one of the two elders of the Three Immortals?"

Among the Shushan mountains, the Emei family is the dominant one. The disciples of disciples and the disciples of the eternal life are as common and domineering.

On Su Ri, rampant, if you meet someone you can't handle, you should move out of the martial arts backing.

If other people don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, he may have let him go, but unfortunately the monk faced Fang Qingshan.

He is not a person in this world, and even in the world of eternal life, Fang Qingshan did not bow to Tai Yimen. Even the first true smoke was captured by him, let alone a laughing monk.

Therefore, there is no nonsense at all, Fang Qingshan sneered, waved a hand, the white light flashed in the air, and a sword light was chopped on the body of the laughing monk.

Instant Kill Dafa!

Although Fang Qingshan could not kill the laughing monk, it was still possible to give him an unforgettable lesson.

Laughing monk deserves to be a disciple carefully cultivated by Ascetic Master. Although he is a bit arrogant, Xiuwei is still real.

Although the instant killing of Dafa was sudden, he practiced the invisible flying sword all year round, but he was quite sensitive to this.

With the flash of the sword light, a Buddhist voice chanted through the air, the sound was voluptuous and magnificent, followed by another dragon chant, and dragons tangled around his body.

Buddhist secrets, Tianlong Zen singing!

Unfortunately, Fang Qingshan's cultivation is higher than that of laughing monk, and his supernatural power is even better than him.

Although Tianlong Zen singing is good, the laughing monk has not cultivated home.

After all, in Shushan, the Divine Path Method, the first flying sword, especially the younger generation, is even more so.

Laughing monks are also used to practicing invisible flying swords. When the flying swords are collected, their strength is greatly reduced. Originally not as good as Fang Qingshan, now how can they withstand Dafa's attack.

It's stabbing!

As soon as Tianlong rose, a crackling sound was heard, which was torn open by Jian Guang, who instantly killed Dafa, and chopped on the laughing monk.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan didn't want his life, laughing monk

He also practiced the Buddha's golden body method, so he was only cut off, and his injuries were a little more serious.

"Laughing brother, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Chihuo laughed at the monk, who was chopped and blood splattered and panicked.

"I'm fine!"

The monk laughed and pushed the captain late, and stared at Fang Qingshan fiercely.

"Okay, it seems that if you don't use real means today, you can't demons and demons."

Speaking, the monk laughed and took out a relic from his arms, saying respectfully,

"Also ask the teacher to show his spirits and kill the demon."

As soon as the voice fell, he saw the relics flying out, floating in mid-air, shaking and changing into a gray monk robe. The thin old monk sat down and sat down. Chill.

This person is the ascetic head of the Three Immortals and the Second Elders.

Laughing monk, as his only disciple, naturally took great care.

But now, he is working with the master and the three brothers to create a fiery fire golden lightsaber.

"Huh? What happened, didn't you go and get Wenzhu Nedan? Why was it hurt?"

As soon as the ascetic Tudor manifested, he saw that the laughing monk was hanging blood on his mouth and was seriously injured. His expressionless face added a third of coldness.

"Master, I was instructed to collect Wen Neidan, but this person not only intercepted me, but also took away my invisible flying sword, and he did not treat the Master or Emei in his eyes and directly wounded me. "

When the monk laughed and saw the ascetic head, even if he pointed at Fang Qingshan, some grievances came to light.


The ascetic head heard the words and swept at Fang Qingshan.

For a time, Fang Qingshan just felt like he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and his hair was turned upside down. An invisible coercion locked himself in, his heart seemed to be pinched, and he couldn't even breathe.

Ascetic as the three elders and two elders in Emei, ascetic emperor, although not as good as the bliss boy, respecting monks and others, it is also the top master of it, and it is pointed at the heavenly gods.

Although the manifestation is not the ascetic Tudor itself, but it is borrowed from a relic of his own, but it is still not something that Fang Qingshan can compete with.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Ascetic Tudor slowly said,

"Why hurt my disciple and take away the flying sword?"


Fang Qingshan originally thought that the ascetic head Tuo just wanted to give himself a power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but did not expect to always use his almost immortal momentum to hit himself, and then he snorted and raised Taiyiwuyanluo.

The colorful smoke clouds emptied from the sky, like smoke and mist, and instantly isolated the coercion of Ascetic Tudor.

"Huh? Taiyiwuyanluo!"

Seeing the baby above Fang Qingshan's head, the head of ascetic flashes a flash of light in front of his eyes,

"How could this thing be in your hands?"

"Huh? Why should I tell you."

Fang Qingshan sneered,

"It's true that Emei is a young man who hit a young man. Do you think it's all you Emei in this world?"

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